She will win tomorrow.
She will win tomorrow
Lol no she fucking wont she's gonna lose by 30-40 points
Who /shorting the Euro/ here?
Kek wills it
What does this mean?
The 3/4 of people in France have a hate boner toward the FN in general because of the Vichy France. Mathematically, not matter of the context, the FN will never ever win any election because too much persons don't want the come back of Vichy in France.
No way. Europe is sooo much more corrupt than the US. Frenchie is gonna have to learn to like the taste of nigger cock because his girlfriend is retarded.
gl fr
Thy Will be Done.
JMLP's economic policy was way to the right of MLP's, though.
It doesn't matter, French people don't Vichy coming back in France, they don't want to see the FN in power or else it will be the civil war.
I support marine le pen
But the fact that the opinion polls have been so good to her surely shows that she really has transformed the party from what it was previously.
It's nothing compared to what Mélenchon is doing with the France Insoumise movement!
>btw I'm cajun french
It's over. The digits have betrayed us.
Holy fuck she looks like sara jay. I can't get it why muricans say she's qt3.14
same boat, user.
>Get on twitter
>meme-magic until tomorrow
>secure win
KEK wills it with our help
Like it was about economic policy at all
So Macron gets the voters from Fillon and Melenchon on top of his majority.
How Marine Le Pen supposed to compete with that?
They are but mere doubles. Le Pen will win.
When do the betting sites end bets for election?
M...My bet sorta...feels...slightly on the light side in comparison, holy shit.
My trigger finger is close to dropping one more thousand on would definitely be the last though.
Trump paid off but I'm not sure if I can trust kek for this one.
Someone please explain, I'm a brainlet.
I like Le Pen
She won't
I just hope for over 40% since 2 weeks ago
Kek wills her victory.
Didn't polls say Trump had like a 10% chance of winning? Don't trust libtard stats.
I kinda hope she doesn't, just so the shit that keeps happening there can't be pinned on her.
Because even if she wins it won't stop. At least until france becomes a mudslime free country.
She blew it up when she acted like a retard during the debate. That was pretty much her only chance.
So anons are just relying on meme magic for this one?
Do they at least have dirt on Macron, like Wikileaks?
>inb4 you're a political suicide
God damn boi, that's quite the gamble.
Well the leak actually is already kinda magic to pop up just before the election.
Even Trumps win was in the margin of error, this is not the case now.
I think the legal drug purchase of 3-MMT
seen in alain 3618 is the most tangible we got till now.
Connections to Rothschild are not surprising
Others claim proof of offshore accounts used for bribes, but this is complex and best case would be criminal investigation, but this can only happen after vote.
I think the use for the leak will be to say: "Hey you voted for Macron even though you could have known what a piece of shit he is"
Haven't really been paying attention to the French Election, so I appreciate the spoonfeeding, thanks.
Polls indicate that 2/3 of Mélenchon voters won't vote for him, and Fillon was booed when he called to vote for him.
You underestimate how hated he is. Shame Le Pen is hated even more.
But your frog brothers always said your polls are accurate.
How can she overcome a 13 points?
something has changed
power shifts
the hand of Kek is moving
if we will it
she will win
kek seems to will it
Say it with me...
>It's okay to say "Madam the president" when French does it
Although I love Le Pen, I almost hope she loses.
Just think: If she loses, the problems that France faces will only become worse. You can only push a people so much until they push over and decide to go full-out genocide on the sandniggers
Patience is key. Just let time decide.
Go to bed Gert
I'd be laughing if Sup Forums has a mental break down tomorrow if she loses
naw, time is against us
If political establishment gets their censorbots and fakenews laws passed before we change the political landscape we are fucked
>Sup Forums
>mental breakdown
this would be a change to status quo how?
Le Pen, by the power of kek, will win
By killing are selves that's how it'll work
At least you are not like that one fag from 8ch who bet 80k.
here's hoping macron wins and france gets worse
if they set up a webcam when they do it it's fine with me
2002... before france got fucked by the muslims...
LePen will not win
The fire will rise
French blood in the street
I hope to fucking god she does. I got burned by being pessimistic on Trump and lost out on $8000 I could have won in a bet. I put everything on MLP and if she loses I won't be able to pay my utilities or get groceries.
Yes She is going to win by a small % but win she will.
better get off and save on electricity then
If she loses you made a very wrongful mistake and you'll end up in the streets while begging for money like a cuck
Naw, it's gonna be hilariously embarrassing.
pretty sad actually
least it will accelerate the collapse
It's not gonna happen
Sorry to hear about your reckless gambling addiction, user. There are people out there who can help you with this
Oh my god you should have never done that, she will not win.... too much cucked and sandniggers...
>Male name
Only in France. And you wonder why we think you're all faggots? As if that language wasn't enough...
ta gueule jean-mahmoud
Not likely she's way way down in the polls
when will the results be announced?
Hopefully lose. Then I'll feel better that we're the only country full of retards.
France has been doomed since Pompidou.
Yeah seriously.
I support Marine LePen
Underage detected
A low voter turnout or the power of Kek
Because France 15 years ago was totally the same right?
Is there something wrong with this meme, french language-wise?
Le Pen will win, start a Muslim genocide. Trump will follow suit.
I would vote for anyone who looked like this as a teen. just stunning.
Kek does, too.
>start a Muslim genocide.
No way man, there's gonna be a fuckload of voters for this with the shit that's flying around right now. May Kek be with Le Pen
wow, much grace.
Her base has to show at 90% while his only has to show at 71% for her to win.
It's not happening.