Why do millennials encourage irrational decision making?

Why do millennials encourage irrational decision making?

I don't know. Why do (((millennials))) do that?

Millennials can't even afford to do any of this, they just say it because they want to live in a fantasy world.

Because they are young and since they have nothing to lose they are willing to take risks, once they grow old and have a family or a good paying job they become more reasonable as they will instead choose to protect what they have accomplished.

What's irrational about that? Is it more rational to sit in front of your computer for hours on end posting on a forum asking why millennials take chances and experience life more than you ever will?

Being an introvert sucks.

>get a job
> ask someone out on a date
>Go on vacations
>Don't be afraid to move away from home
>Concur your fears.

What is irrational about it. It's better then the conservative follow your dreams or live, laugh, love.

Confronting your fears makes you a stronger person, Jordan Peterson talks about this.

>Apply for that job.
Not objectively bad advice, but millennial pick dead end degrees.
>Date that person.
Again, not objectively bad. Just most of them think date means to have sex do drugs while just hanging out.
>Buy that plane ticket.
Most can't afford to travel, but it's pretty much always a disaster.
>Move to that city.
Isolate yourself and do degenerate activities.
>Do all the things that scare you, they're worth it.
Typically Millennial thing to say. I moved countries to get married after I finished school, but that's the extent of my risktaking. Millennial are digging their own graves with degeneracy and consumerism and as a GenZ, it's really sad to watch.

Millennials grew up with Boomer parents. Most of us saw that a life of "success" and having a mortgage and getting fat and arguing with your spouse every night until you die is a complete waste of a life.

We're the drop out generation, in so many ways

>Watched my Mom be useless her whole life
>I am only 23 and already better off than her
>She calls me useless

We encourage it because it fosters independence. I thought that is what you moronic boomers liked is people being independent? Do you not like that now that you are all old and dying and we don't want to put help you out? We just want to watch you fall down some stairs and die. Isn't that sad :( It really sucks being independent doesn't it?



>millennials have boomer parents
You skipped a generation there, buddy

because millennials grew up in an irrational world filled with chaos and deprivation.

insecurity and general faggotry


When you're a generation z and your parents are boomers

> ask someone out on a date

Don't if you have no money like most millennials

>Go on vacations

Don't if you have no money like most millennials

>Don't be afraid to move away from home

Be afraid if you have no money like most millennials

>Concur your fears.

Fears are there to prevent you from dying while attempting to do stupid stuff.

> What is irrational about it. It's better then the conservative follow your dreams or live, laugh, love.

The thing stupid about it is that they dont seem to have any patience to build up anything. They just want instant gratification.

Conservatives are also stupid fucks believing in sky-men and all. But 'follow your dreams or live, laugh, love' is liberal ideology not conservative ideology.


If you haven't noticed, liberalism is a death march.

>>What do you mean you don't want to sodomize other men? It's safe!
>>Drugs never create bad decisions
>>Abortion? Who wants to live in this world, better to never experience this world at all
>>You should miscegenate with subhumans, what we need is low IQ people who's father didn't want them
>>We need more Muslims, the Koran is peaceful

>get rejected
>get rejected
>can't afford
>can't afford
>get bitten by snake

That's good advice though

I disagree with you on abortion. I'm with the liberals there.

If you don't want your genes to propagate and want to abort your baby all power to you. Idiot conservatives don't realise that making abortion as easily available (and legal to late term or even more) will lead to liberals dying out!!

What'd he skip? My mom was 32 when she had me and she was raised by WW2 parents.



"Irrational decision making" is what creativity springs from. Plenty of great thinkers and inventors made some irrational decisions as far as career is concerned because they were guided by a higher goal. It is not rational to quite your day job and dedicate yourself to an untested concept, but sometimes that is what is required for innovation to happen. Nothing worth doing is ever safe, the only truly worthwhile pursuits involve some level of risk.

because consequences are for old people



Irrational belief in ancestors rational decision making?

> Idiot conservatives don't realise that making abortion as easily available (and legal to late term or even more) will lead to liberals dying out!!


cut your face off. eat a dogshit taco. hit your dick with a hammer. fuck another dude. yolo.


Needs a minority version
>smash that window
>steal that bike
>hit that ho
>apply for stamps
>inject that shit

you sound like a pussy

driving scares me

girls scare me