White culture doesn't exist

Prove me wrong

>you can't

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It doesn't..
kkk maybe, but that's it..

Everything's identified with nationalists.

Huh? Ever heard of Russia?

White culture is the reason culture as a concept exists in the first place.

>Culture exists
Seriously though, there is no such thing as culture.

There is shared values and similar values which your Anglo-Saxon countries have and even other Northern European ones have too.

Then there are traditions too unique to some countries or even areas withing countries, but that's a tradition, not a culture.

Culture is really some stupid word that tries to encapsulate a whole variety of ideas, traditions and values but once you really try and unpack the word when its applied to specific countries or societies it falls apart.

White culture doesn't exist, which means non-whites can't be oppressed by it.

Russia isn't a culture

On the culture spectrum, Russia identifies as white.

see how stupid that sounds?

It used to...


Are you saying white people killed white culture?

We had help, but yes that's a fair assessment.

Would you not call the Bill of Rights a manifestation of white culture?

BUMP answer me user!

check my repeating intergers nigger

Posting in a slide thread

Perhaps, in my opinion it's a mixed bag.
It had noble intentions, and for the first 100-150 years it was a resounding success. The early United States was truly a monument to the spirit and unquenchable determination of the white race.

That is all long gone now. America as our founders knew it has been dead for a very long time. Only the rotten corpse lingers, and no bit of parchment, no matter how perfect its contents, can resurrect the promise of America.


I mean, you've never shaken a persons hand before? Do you shit in a toilet? Do you use forks instead of chopsticks? Do wear pants and t-shirt?

Pic related.

Kill yourself nigger kike.

Basic Judeo-Christian morals

Watch any movie made by Les Blank in the 70s/80s for a glimpse at true rural white American culture


He even documented southern black American culture before the democrats had completely destroyed it entirely with multiculturalism

>no bit of parchment, no matter how perfect its contents, can resurrect the promise of America.

You're pathetic. I used to live with the same twisted worldview you do.

>"Woe is we, all is lost; our Fathers have cursed us and left us to rot."

Either fight until your last breath for liberty or be conquered by the third world horde. We are the standard bearers of Americanism. All it takes is a change of mindset from negative, to positive. Stop being such a pussy, or kill yourself. We have no need for the weak and meek.

What language did you use to post this?
What sort of technology?
Are you wearing pants? How about a shirt?
What did you eat today? Sandwich? Hot dog? Pizza?
Did you drive a car on asphalt? Or walk on the concrete sidewalk?
What sort of house are you in while posting this?

You are LIVING IN white culture, nigger. White culture is so superior it has become world culture. Bow at my feet you shitskin.

>white culture
literally no such thing

White culture is Civilization. Look at Africa, the only civilization that was created there was done so by whites. So fuck off back to your daddy's bedroom. Oops, that's right. You don't have one.

Idk what to tell you m8, it's hard to hold onto hope in times such as these. It gets even harder when you realize that the spirit we are fighting for is growing dimmer within our own people every day.

I'm glad you've managed to retain your optimism, but every time I see another white ANTIFA member, or have to interact with people who cheer for literal white extinction as if we were a termite infestation...I die a little more inside.

I just wasn't ready for these goddamn feels....to know how close we came to our destiny, only to be defeated by ourselves.


>taking such shitty bait
>the current year

I was just making sure we still actually have FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE on this board willing to proudly defend white culture instead of just being shekel shills.

everyone seems to forget that only about a few hundred years ago we already had ships, guns, and fine machines , mills, and all sorts of advanced things compared to the unencountered people we came across. Africans were literally savages with loin cloths . Same with the noble native indians. So before these people complain so much about how evil the white man is maybe they should spend a few weeks living like the cavemen they were before we encountered them, then open their yaps

i agree. WIll fight to the death. The way things are going our societies will either collapse or face threat of collape IN OUR LIFETIMES. Let that sink in folks

American "cultur"al imperialism is what destroyed white cultures, your country is shit and you should kill yourselves

Oh look another faggot trying to deconstruct whiteness, when was the last time you did this for any other race?? Do you tell redskins their culture doesnt exist

The kikes had us beat before we even knew that we were racing. (((American culture))) hasn't been American since pre-WW2, the only people spreading that trash are kikes and lemmings.

you clearly are just posting in your mind, my man.

>white culture
>Sup Forums

White culture exists, literally everyone has a culture but it isn't a bad thing. It is just the stuff we grow up with. They way we expect to live as a certain person of specific identities.
It isn't a bad thing though. White privilege on the other hand doesn't

try again sweetie. white americans have a very rich culture

Whites aren't just one culture, OP. They're lots of cultures. And whites need to identify with those individual cultures, not become one cream-colored multiethnic megahonky oppressor target for outraged libs to revile.
