Stop being white

Stop being white.

I think you actually improved this retarded looking bitch's face


You'd rather people look like this ugly mug? Blech.


Brasil, va morrer em um incendio

Has anyone actually watched this show?


old meme...

is that brittany

I am so sorry. Take all my whitnes Umembo goddes.

I only watch reruns of Seinfeld & Frasier.
Along with 70% of Sup Forums


stop beieb pots

That's a very symmetrical face. Mixed people truly are the master race


Get rid of the black facial features and add a nicer blue eye color, and I'm fine with the skin tone.

I'd kill to become fully white.

I'm either going to check my privilege and call bullshit, or I'm going to check my privilege, acknowledge that SJWs were right, and then go about embracing it because who the fuck in their right mind would give that up?


This show was actually pretty funny and not nearly as cringeworthy as expected. There are a few times when they show the other side of the table in a half decent light.

Stop being retarded.

This nigger has fucked up eyes.
Usually they are just like ugly soulless brown.
And they stink! Have you ever smelt a nigger? Terrible.

>a fucking leaf

your opinions on this matter hold no sort of merit whatsoever.

>an inbred hick

Your opinion is irrelevant.

Wow, that was easy. I can see why you use it.


Why do Americans hate whites so much?

No, you fucking nigger.

Watching it right now. Its Made-for-TV shit. (((They))) gave it a 90% rating, but it's maybe mid 60.

Race baiting college comedy.


top kek end of argument drops mic exit stage left!




This is a really mediocre movie, guys. It did not deserve the hype it got. This is without the theme and just looking at the movie like any typical college movie.

The theme is cringeworthy. Everything is in terms of race and class. EVERYTHING.

The women in it are hot, though.