Is our infrastructure really as bad as they say?


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What sorcery is this?

cali is, definitely

Lol where is this? That's fucking hilarious.

>t. Civil engineer

It's a diverging diamond interchange

Depends on where you live, America is an enormous country.

Obviously I'm an American and I've never once seen or heard of one of those, and I'm bewildered as to how the fuck they work, and if they do why the fuck choose them over something simpler

Also, it's one of the best interchanges you can have technically. There's no weaving and the cost to build is quite cheap as it is at most 2-levels and all ramps are the same-level so there's no need to cross a ramp over one side.

>european infrastructure

not even once

There's only like half a dozen of them in the whole of America.

How do you think it works? It should be pretty obvious I would think.
The side you're driving on switches to facilitate having both the exit and on ramps on the same level. That's all there is to it, there's no other purpose to it.

i want to build one of these in cities skylines now


>How do you think it works?

I was thinking the same thing.

Do these things use red lights or is it literally just go whenever?

> American intellectuals

A crackhead broke a bridge in Georgia. I'd say yes.

Yeah its because your country is huge. How about you give some i it to the mexicans? How about all of you rural dumbfucks move to cities?

>clover interchange is best interchange

They're for low to moderate traffic flows and the bottleneck occurs due to requiring lights at the direction switchovers.
It's not an amazing interchange but in terms of cost to traffic flow it's quite good.
There's already tons of diverging diamonds in the workshop.

If you're looking for a high-flow, unlighted, no lane change, no weaving, no ramp crossover interchange than a cyclone/turbine interchange is what you'd want.

City ((planners))) should be shot

This is pretty true now were adding roundabouts though so we'll see how that goes.

Yeah man, but it's all the government's fault. See, America has too much government. If you want bridges and infrastructure and cheap healthcare, you gotta get rid of the government and let the free market step in and there'll be roads everywhere, bridges across everything, and everyone will live to 100.

Your government controls too much man, gotta get rid of it, gotta pay less taxes. Especially the rich. If you keep making rich people pay taxes you're never going to have infrastructure.

Also, Jews, stop taxing the rich Jews at all. Like Zuckerberg, they're even more productive at creating jobs than white billionaires and every time you try and make them pay for bridges, somebody is going to go without a job. Actually you're lucky to have Facebook at all, look at my country -- we let the government build all our bridges and pay taxes for them to do so and now all the rich Jews have gone somewhere else (your country) and are busy creating jobs for you and running your government

that pic
>construction costs intensify

clovers have the worst efficiency actually. They can at best handle moderate traffic loads and cost more than nearly every other interchange in existence. If land cost is high clover interchanges are absurdly expensive.

You can pick basically any single other interchange imaginable and it will outperform clovers.

Coming from rural PA, its a fucking mess. Older highways/freeways were last worked on in 2003. Needs to be changed for the good!

it's because they drive on the right side instead of the left

Europe has diverging diamonds as well, the directions are just reversed. They gain the same advantages as having the driving sides flip in the middle (cuts out ramp crossover)


Here's an easy way to put it. Concrete structures can last thousands of years. See, surviving Roman architecture.

Our infrastructure (highways, buildings and bridges, etc.) is made up of steel reinforced concrete architecture. It's smaller, cheaper, taller and more flexible in possible designs. The problem is, the steel turns into powder in only 50 years therefore we have to replace it every 50 years or the structures will collapse.

Yes there is alternative tech that will last much much longer than 50 years like composite-reinforced concrete architecture, but old habits die hard and we build all of this shit 50-100 years ago when steel was hot shit to build with.

tl;dr we need to replace it before it crumbles because steel.

I wonder how many deaths this has caused.

there is one in Atlanta and they'er just as shitty in heavy traffic as the the common intersections

Have a real interchange.

no, this is

That's not that bad

How do you get back on the freeway to continue the direction you were going? Dont these fuckers know about cloverleaf exchanges?

Basically city planners wont get their name known unles they are smart enough to invent a new interchange locally. So now that all good ideas are used they make ones to get attention and depend on foreveracarvigrins to defend their astetic bonuses online

Was it really that hard?

And despite all of that you still managed to put 4 traffic lights in there.

>you are but like a baby

yes, it's retarded

nothing is standardized because of (((muh private sector))), even though most of america is just monotonous strip mall wasteland and tract housing developments

I don't know which Texas city has the worst highway system. Austin or Dallas-Fort Worth. Meanwhile Houston only has 2 rings that run around the city and makes it work.

What is the fucking point of an interchange if there are traffic lights on both sides? Is the continuous flow of traffic not the whole point of an interchange?

A third is being built actually, the Grand Parkway.
Those traffic lights are for the feeder roads, not the highway.

Feeder roads are standard in Texas.

cloverleafs can't handle much traffic

yeilding from the offramp but having stoplights going under.
Is there a sitch where this goes down well?
If the guy who has the benefit of yielding goes left they still have a chance to hit the light. Going right could be designed to yield with a light at the off-ramp. My best guess is a heavy traffic load comes off the ramp here, so they increased the capacity through this design.

Nope. It isn't the best, but it's near the top and better than most first world countries.

You in research for uni or private?

Where's my Hawaii flag

Congrats, you made it worse.

It removes 2 crossing points. I use these daily and they're fine.

Something that could have been solved by roundabouts.

im near a panic attack just looking at these monstrosities. how do thousands of people per year not die? American tourists that come here are shit drivers and this is insane.

That smoggy LA sprawl

If you know how to read a sign (or operate a smartphone to guild you step by step) and drive at a decent speed, it really isn't that difficult.

He plays a video game so he talks like a civil engineer.

It's just a stack interchange, brah.

Yeah I don't actually research traffic engineering, it's just a hobby cause of video games lol
I did my degree in mech eng but I've never done infrastructure stuff.

Compared to Europe? It's shite, (((OP))). Even the eastern EU slavic cucks have better motorways than you guys

oklahoma is planning one to be built by 2021

>Should have never let those island niggers become a state

parts of the midwest all the way to the west coast have shit infrastructure failed dams bridges roads are fucking littered with pot holes why are we paying for this shit if no one is going to fix it

they all work, they look ugly.

but as long as both ways on the motorway have entrance and exit points that head down either directions on the cross road it all works.

ah. carry on. skylines is some of the degeneracy I can get behind.

it will work. but i cant see drivers getting mighty confused when they end up on the opposite side of normal flowing traffic. why could they just keep the lines going straight. instead of twisting them? doesnt make much sense.

Cities Skylines fag

>why could they just keep the lines going straight. instead of twisting them? doesnt make much sense
So you can exit to the left without an overpass.

I...just...what the fuck?

But why?

The confusion does occur the first time you use one, a mild "wtf?" You need to be a complete retard to fuck up using one though.

I understand why it was build this way, but it would work only with relatively slow and low traffic, otherwise it would jam like there's no tomorrow.

What if one of the main ground lines was a little dug in and the other slightly elevated?
Wouldn't it keep the original design while getting rid of the traffic lights altogether?
>inb4 traffic lights are cheaper

>simcity tier design


Slow yes, usually 25 to 35 mph. They fucking work though, exiting the freeway and passing under/over the freeway on all green is great.

Seriously why don't Americans use roundabouts? You would only need two on either junction for the interchange for this to be 10x simpler. What a fucking nightmare.

So what the fuck is wrong with Cloverleaf interchanges? Why does everybody need to over complicate shit?

Semi Trucks.

>a fucking cloverleaf

1 - roundabouts would not work in this case
2 - they are being built everywhere that isn't a backwards coastal city shithole

...but we do

>roundabouts would not work in this case
y not?

It's not about how fast you cross them, it's about how fast and how much cars can get to that intersection. Add to that picture at least 50-100 more cars on each side and you already will have a light jam. Anything more and it will be hell.


it's not about speed at all
the double crossover diamond completely eliminates two entire timing phases, allowing far more green time per cycle for every movement

8 individual approaches plus likely very high volumes compared to your pic

Come drive in California if you want to see horrible roads

part2 now with more hidden roads.

google com/maps/place/13617+Keystone+Pkwy,+Carmel,+IN+46032/@39.9861458,-86.1151096,217m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x8814adc283892341:0x3f3803829f0fd7db!8m2!3d39.9859704!4d-86.1144082

They go too slow and if you're behind a semi truck they have to go at like 1/3rd the speed otherwise they'll tip over.
Cloverleafs are just shitty

we should just drive everybody into a hyperbolic funnel and have them drive on the walls in circles until they reach an acceptable exit point

I'm a genius. This one is free.

This one is pretty cool.

I guess that's just a roundabout, except with multiple levels.

Americans will defend this

Ever been to LA OP? It's nothing but potholes and shitskin assholes

Is that florida? Looks like a hellscape I'm familiar with.

>simcity 2000 - the movie

The non-main roads in some areas could do with a facelift, there's this one particular four way intersection where, if you're coming from the South you can't see the pedestrians crossing the sidewalk on the right side because there's a rampart blocking the view. Been like that for ten years and there's been at least 13 people that got hit because of that, yet the city hasn't seen fit to put up some kind of "Watch For Pedestrians" sign up.

My God.

Suburbia was a mistake.

shit like this is why I'm extremely uncomfortable with driving on routes I'm not somewhat familiar with I'd totally fuck this up at 2am if the road were all to myself and I'd end up colliding with and killing a family of five

No really, but its centred around motor vehicles and because of your "commie" obsession public transport its shit. You waste a lot of space and money.

>what are earthquakes
If you ever wondered why so little original roman architecture actually remains standing, now you know why.