Why You Get Called Racist

>Quick rundown on why so many people automatically think you're racist.

A lot of white people have developed this relationship with the word "racist" like it's just another casually dropped buzzword for "person I disagree with." I hear this view expressed a lot. I hear white people in interviews say that they get called racist and are just immediately confused and angered. After all, how can you claim that someone you don't even know is racist? If you have thought this in the past, and I am positive many of you have, I'm here to let you know that is because you do not know the definition of the word "racism."

I want to make sure we all got that. If you think me calling you racist is necessarily a comment that requires I know anything about your opinions or attitude towards another race, you are simply mistaken about the definition of racism. In your defense, it's a confusing concept but I'll help break it down.

The word "racism" as it is used in America today is a conflation mostly of two concepts: personal prejudice and institutionalized racism. The first is a question of your attitude. Do you harbor what psychologists call racial resentment towards other groups of people? The second is a question of power. Do you support a system that oppresses other races? Personal prejudice is something that is learned and done willingly though sometimes not knowingly. Institutionalized racism is a larger problem that you may just not be aware of, or may simply deny exists. If you deny it exists I hope and assume you stopped reading already.

So if we are talking about institutionalized racism and your contribution to that, it can take a lot of forms. Someone can accuse you of contributing to institutionalized racism because of your position on one seemingly unrelated issue, one vote, or one red hat. You can disagree with that on a case-by-case basis but it's at least a defensible position to take.

There's at least a conversation to be had there where before there wasn't.

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This is by the way, how people can say "there's no such thing as racism against white people." Because of that same conflation of the term. There can be personal prejudice against white people, but the power structures in America and most of the world mean that the institutionalized racism is pretty clearly one directional.

So what do I mean when I say personal prejudice is something that is learned and done willingly?

>But wait, I thought it was human nature to form in-groups and out-groups and see people in terms of "one of us" and "one of them."

You're right, it is. But to see yourself as superior to other groups does not follow from that and is not anyone's default position unless taught, explicitly or through cultural imagery, that it should be.

By the way, I understand that many of you might be saying to yourselves

>But user, I'm not confused when people call me racist. I really do hate black people.

Yeah, I know. That's not going to stop me from reposting this here tomorrow because I've heard plenty of people here express the sentiment that "racist" is just a term thrown around by "liberals" with nothing else to say.

>A lot of white people have developed this relationship with the word "racist" like it's just another casually dropped buzzword for "person I disagree with."
Thanks for educating the white man OP. We are all o ignorant and it is all outr problem.

Or could it be that our observations are correct and people do throw around the word racist around for alterior motives?

What is it you guys like to say:

Listen and believe.

Prove institutional racism exists.

Show me an institution.

and I don't actually care if libfags call me racist or not. I don't care about your stupid race, you're on your own.

>What is it you guys like to say:
>Listen and believe.
I don't know, I've honestly never heard that term before. I'd really like you to read past the first sentence of what I wrote, though.

You're on a board with people who believe there is institutionalized racism against whites, did you not realize that?

>you're racist because you unknowingly support institutional racism
>the definition of racism is prejudice against a race, which requires conscious racism
>Shitskins are mad that white people have advantages by living in a historically white country where their parents built wealth for them
>Shitskins are mad they are a minority

Sucks to be a minority, cry about it. Either assimilate to our culture 100% or stfu. Asians make more money than white people do, so these accusations are baseless and retarded.

Even if white privilege did exist to the extent that libshits say it does, why would we care? You want us to feel sorry for non-whites, or re-distribute our wealth or some shit?

We built this country.

I'm glad you only asked for one because we could be here all night with just the ones I know off the top of my head.

In the 1980's in the Bronx, New York there was a spate of landlords burning down their apartments for insurance money after the property value was too low. Because some of these landlords paid local gangs to do the actual burning for them it was the position of the police and then mayor Ed Koch that this was primarily a gang crime issue. Because of that the plan to crack down on gangs was hatched that took the form of arresting people for activities that were seen as "gang related." This meant that drug possession and graffiti were suddenly punishable by long jail sentences for crimes that almost exclusively came down to the word of a black male vs the word of a very politically motivated police.

So poor black people were getting their homes burnt down by white men and then arrested by other white men in the name of stopping it. This went on for almost a decade because the program, as you probably guessed, did absolutely nothing to combat the cause of the fires.

I know you just asked for one but I've got one you're gonna love coming up next. Gimme a few minutes to type.

That we are pussies and don't eradicate them is our problem.

You didn't read any of what I wrote. I fully understand that is what YOU mean when you use the word racism. That is 100% of the issue I am talking about.

While you are typing, can you also please prove that the apartments were burnt because of the inhabitants blackness instead of the insurance money? Otherwise it's not a racism thing but a money thing. Thanks

Nah. Telling a white he is racist used to cause them to drop their spaghetti and fumble around in denial while being shamed and intimidated. And it worked for a long time. But it's been overused and is about played out. Most of the whites i work with now say shit like, "Fuck it, if they're gonna call me racist, I might as well be racist." Ya'll can justify and rationalize all you want, but white people are getting pissed off. And there's more of them than there is of us, and they have guns. Ya'll are stupid for pushing this shit.

Criminals burning down their apartments And blaming it on black people is not "institutional racism".

Cities are filled with corrupt people. It's been this way forever. Niggers are sometimes an easy target because they are poor and lazy. They currently make up 13% of the population and comit 50% of the crime. As a Chicago resident, that is not a made up number. They are domestic terrorists at this point.

Institutional racism would be an actual law or policy that enforces racism. Criminals breaking the law to hurt black people is not institutional racism, it's just committing a crime against black people.

praise jesus

> 30+ years ago
Why not name something today? Because you can't think of anything? If you're going to stretch so far as to pick something that happened decades ago, you may as well just pick slavery or segregation. Each is just as useless to the discussion.

So instead of name actual racist legislation (you can't because it only exists directed against whites) you give a fucking conspiracy theory kek

The huckster vibe really hampers your trolling potential btw

>pick slavery
Since there were white slaves and black slave owners, this cannot be brought to the table as "institutional racism" either. Segregation perhaps, but as the crime figures nowadays show, I could argue that segregation isn't oppression but perhaps the best for both parties.

In 1990s East Los Angeles there was a program instituted by well meaning voters to require police officers spend one month serving as a prison guard at the beginning of their duty. Apparently it was meant to give the officers more empathy and a better understanding of what they were doing when they arrested someone. Hoo boy did it ever not work.

TURNS OUT the prison guard union at the nearby prison was home to a white nationalist fraternal order who called themselves "The Vikings" and would later go on to become "The White Order" one of the deadliest west coast white nationalist hate groups in history. So the cops in East LA were actually spending a month being taught about white supremacy and white nationalism while in a position of power over the criminals that were the target of their hate. These are the cops that would later be seen on the Rodney King tapes. In fact more than one of those cops were at some point known White Order members.

>Otherwise it's not a racism thing but a money thing.

Wow, we agree completely. It's almost as though you're saying, "Racism is not a question of attitude, it's a question of power." We're actually getting closer to an understanding here even if you don't see it.

I'm not fucking with you when I say I can do this all night. Contemporary examples incoming. Gimme another few minutes.

Holy shit a nigger staying up all night to argue with pol because he has no life and no job.


Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?

Blacks are 55x more likely of having the "warrior Gene"that makes you violent and crazy
>5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele
50% of Whites have the empathy gene compared to 10% of blacks


Intelligence is mostly inherited, blacks score on average 1 standard deviation or below whites on IQ tests meaning far more are near retard level while only a microscopic number can be called "geniuses"


"Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race.

Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals.
Oral bacteria can be used to determine race.

Race can be determined via brain scans.

I think you missed the point of my comment. I wasn't saying that either of those points are necessarily valid examples of institutional racism (though I would argue segregation absolutely was as the two groups were very far from equal), but that they are just as irrelevant as the example (which also isn't really valid) the guy listed.

>and no job
It's saturday my dude and I see this as my civic duty. Also I'm not doing this all night, I only said I could.

There was "minimal gene flow" between archaic Europeans and Asians.

Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning.
Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Privately, intelligence experts hold more hereditarian views than they express in public.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

Environment accounts for little or none of the USA racial IQ gap:


In academic standardized testing (which has a tight correlation to IQ), the wealthiest Black children (>200,000$ annual income) underperform all but the poorest White children (

Seems pretty smart to me, honestly.
But I think that most people's gripe is the view that there isn't institutionalised racism against whites. For instance, race quotas in public institutions, racial preferences for academic positions, etc.
Generally, the hottest debate is about the possibility of institutional racism against whites and the denial thereof, not about the conflation of personal prejudice/ institutional discrimination.

Still, I liked your post.

Even when IQ is controlled for, Blacks display higher measurements of psychopathic personality than Whites:


Violent crime correlates more tightly with race than with wealth or population density:





The poorest Whites are less criminal than all but the wealthiest 10% of Blacks:


The white-black gap in SAT scores, a proxy for IQ, is increasing.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

>Wow, we agree completely. It's almost as though you're saying, "Racism is not a question of attitude, it's a question of power." We're actually getting closer to an understanding here even if you don't see it.
You have to go slow with me because I still don't fully understand. You said that
>"racism" .. is a conflation mostly of two concepts: personal prejudice and institutionalized racism. The first is a question of your attitude. .. The second is a question of power.
You leave the conflation as it is so both factors still have to be accounted for in your own definition. The landlords have 'power' but you haven't shown their racism. Where is it?

Race is also more tightly correlated to homicide rate than single-parent households are, and population density has no correlation to homicide:



IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race. If you have White parents of 95 IQ and Black parents of 100 IQ, bet on the White child to be smarter.



So when these East LA cops were in KKK class at this prison what sort of coursework were they given? Did the minority cops also have to drown a nigger for the initiation ceremony or were they exempted?

This guy seems like a fucking hick but he has a point. Calling everyone racist has de-fanged the word. If everyone is racist, no-one is racist.

You keep listing random events of criminal activity. Like I said here
This has nothing to do with established institutional racism. These are not institutional policies or laws, just random criminal or unfortunate acts.

I could give you 1000 examples of white people being driven out of their towns and homes because politicians relocated ghettos to 100% white towns, thus increasing the crime by 1200%. That would be the same thing, except mine is closer to actual racism because legislation is forcing known criminals to co-exist with non-criminals who actually own their property.

Certain genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.


The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.
Arguments Regarding the Existence of Races

Biological Differences Between the Races

There's plenty of examples. My granddad grew up under Jim Crow. I'm in my 40's. Ya'll youngsters say shit is bad now. You have no idea. The 90's were a bad time. What blows my mind is seeing some young sister or brother at a lace like Harvard talking about how they're oppressed. How the fuck are you oppressed when you're at motherfucking Harvard? How you gonna lecture ANYBODY about being privileged when you ARE the one percent? I just don't get it.

>"racism" personal prejudice and institutionalized racism
only agenda pushing leftist retards use it that way
everyone else knows what it means
that's why they tell you to fuck off and stop crying RAYYCIST at everything

Not gonna lie, your examples are shit. For starters, they exclusively deal with explicitly illegal activity. Also they're like 30-40 years old, and read like exceptions to the normative functioning of the institutions they describe.

I'm losing a bit of hope in you, OP. Are you baiting?

>Lets redefine a word then accuse everyone of being our new definition!

You're the racist. Kill yourself for being so hypocritical.

They've redefined racism to make it the white mans version of original sin. Only non whites can absolve it and only they can judge what the sin is.

You can almost smell the stench of marxism coming of Intersectionality

Well that's fair, I guess I wasn't clear. I kept hitting the 2000 character limit. My point about the conflation was mostly that both sides tend to focus more on one definition than the other. In reality it doesn't mean both but either one and the problem is the sides working with different definitions and so being unable to really talk about racism of any kind.

Even with the "power dynamic" definition of racism, white people are not as a collective racist. Know why? Niggers in America kill 3x as many whites as the opposite every year. The free market gave niggers the power to shoot everyone else, and the government chooses to let that happen.

You're a fag and a retard

Racism is personal prejudice based on skin color. Period.

Blacks have lower IQs and are genetically predisposed to commit more crimes. Their problems stem from that, not evil white people.

Racism is a word made up by a communist murderer to cause division.

>getting their homes burnt down by white men
you mean by black men
you just said it was gang related and cops wouldn't arrest black people for no reason, that's the opposite of profiling. nice horse shit excuse though.

also >in the 80s

Yes I know that's what you mean when you use that word. That's half of my point. Your statement and my position are not only not mutually exclusive but are exactly in line.

I think this guy is right, to be honest. The examples OP gives are all of criminal activity.

If we're to be convinced of institutional racism against blacks etc. existing de jure, we need something better. If all the discrimination is literally illegal activity unsanctioned by law, society, or state, then I fail to see what the issue is - it's like being mad about pickpockets and turning it into an issue that affects every single American.

Show me something from the 21st century like pic related and we can talk.

There is no point. I ntaht you have set the tone for the rest of it. It is just an arrogant assertion.

Hence the "listen and believe" jibe.

Make up and/or subvert all the terms you want m8. They mean nothing.

He's saying that your new definition is pointless and only exists to demonize white people famalam

A typical black person can get ANY white person fired with one call to HR, no questions asked. They also have organizations dedicated to using the specter of racism as a bludgeon to further their political goals. That seems an awful lot like institutional power to me.


institutionalized racism no longer exists retard.
having racist people that exist within institutions is not "institutionalized racism"
institutionalized racism requires that there are laws or rules within the government or legally operating private organizations that discriminate against certain races of people
and since there ARE no such laws and there in fact laws AGAINST any company or private organization acting out racial discrimination
I can state with certainty that institutionalized racism does not exist.

Stokely Carnigger, the other "Freedom Riders" and their Jewish handlers got put in their place by guys just like these. George Wallace was right. Segregation now, tomorrow, and forever.

your thread is fucking gay, let this mexican intellectual tell you why spics and niggers assume honkies are always racist:
they resent whites for being successful

No the police were labeling graffiti and drug dealing as gang related to justify arresting them for the big nigger fire conspiracy

Stop graffitinf and dealing drugs niggers. The stupid and deviant will be taken advantage of by the corrupt. If your an easily exploited demographic, then don't make yourself an easier target by breaking the law

Powerful people are corrupt and niggers are stupid. Same as usual. Still has not proven that institutional racism exists

>Your statement and my position are not only not mutually exclusive but are exactly in line.

wtf does this mean?

Your cognitive dissonance is showing. Suicide may be the best option at this point.

this 100x
also 90% of the media and the entertainment industry and half the government agree with your dumbfuck pro-black identity politics. That's social capital. Go back to Tumblr OP.

This is nigger shit.

exactly what laws in the USA are white supremacist? Can you also explain to me why asians have it better than whites? Indians seem to be the wealthiest racial group, why is that? that's quite weird for a country with institutionalized racism.

>the problem is the sides working with different definitions
Yes and that is seen all too often, here and in real life. People stop caring when they cannot even understand each other and get angry when they are accused of something they have a different definition of.

Your landlord example could be improved. You need to find a case where for example rich, well behaved African Americans were thrown out of their housing by the 'powers' of the landlords, at the loss of money. So you can prove it's purely about power and prejudice, and not about money.

No, it was SEEN as "gang related" because a lot of the graffiti used gang symbols and referred to different "crews" and "turf." Concepts like those could easily be indistinguishable from gangs to outside unfamiliar observers. Also you're missing the point about how that and drug possession are both crimes of your word against the cops and the cops had every reason to be politically motivated in who they arrested.

I don't know what to tell you then man
>a lot of the graffiti used gang symbols and referred to different "crews" and "turf." Concepts like those could easily be indistinguishable from gangs
That's not just "indistinguishable", it's literally gang shit. If you want to act hard, you can do hard time.

but again,
>In the 80s

This, these are all examples of illegal activity not an institutional system. This is like saying that the olympics is pro drugs because so many athletes use PEDS.

Blacks keep shooting themselves in the foot and white people don't give them enough gibs to get them to stop. That means institutional racism exists.

Southern black man, friend. Worked my whole life and I have a decent life for my efforts. If I get hated on, well, that's just some white people. I will say one thing. Things here in Bama are a little more complex than peoplke realize, race wise. I've had a white boy in a jacked up four wheel drive flying the confederate battle flag stop and help me when I had car trouble. There was no fear in that man's eyes as he got out and offered to help or give me a ride. I've also seen liberals who claim to be tolerant lock their doors or look nervous as Hell when me and my sons walk past them. I guess I can't blame them, We're big men. But I get more respect from people that are supposed to be my enemy than those who are supposed to be my ally. And I hate that outsiders are working to tear down the fabric of our culture. Take the Ole Miss Mascot, Colonel Rebel. The mascot was officially removed several years ago for being racist. Except the Mascot was created to honor Blind Jim Ivy, a die hard fan of Ole Miss. Yeah, they made the Col white, but that was the times. Blind Jim still inspired his creation, and the PC crowd got rid of a tribute to a black man at a Southern college.

fuck off nigger.

your entire definition is based on false premises

Ocean of piss my friend.

What are you doing on Sup Forums?

It is illegal to falsely imprison somebody

So once again, all you can say is that illegal things happen and blacks are sometimes the victims. That is not institutional racism.

Corrupt people make many people their victims. You think anybody disagrees that there are corrupt cops and politicians? No. Those are just bad people attracted to those positions for certain reasons. That is not intitutional racism

So then affirmative action is racism against white men

One involved the mayor of New York himself. In what way is that not part of a system? The mayor didn't do anything illegal, the cops honestly may or may not have done anything illegal. It was all motivated by the perception that of course the issue had to be caused by the black people involved and not the white people despite there being zero reason to assume that in the first place and ultimately that being completely wrong.

Ed Koch didn't come up with this plan to crack down on "gang related" minor crimes after he was elected, this wasn't the move of just one guy. People voted for him BECAUSE of that plan and the majority of those voters were white.

no, lynching is a question of power, racism is a question of how you treat people

i direct your attention to the dictionary lol

ding ding ding
>caveat: racism against white *people


Its mind boggling how many different people lurk here.

That's tricky. Yes? I'm honestly a little conflicted on that. Part of me knows that in the present that's technically unfair, part of me knows that someone in the United States government still owes black people $14 Trillion in back due paychecks for slavery.

>plan to crack down on "gang related" minor crimes
That's a good thing.

>People voted for him BECAUSE of that plan and the majority of those voters were white.
The white people were right to elect him because of that plan.

That was pretty educational, cheers to you

I'm miffed that OP still hasn't answered my point about racial favouritism in university admissions, etc.

It's easy to cite examples of institutional racism that favors blacks, whereas all the examples of the opposite OP provides are ones of illegal activity.

I feel like I'm being baited.

Blacks make up 13% of the population and comit over 50% of the crime. Niggers are the first suspects. Stop committing crime and you won't be the victims of another criminal's insurance scam. We still don't know if these black people were caught committing crimes or not either.

>white people voted to crack down on black crime

So? Sounds good

Still no institutions here. Your argument is horrible OP

>It was all motivated by the perception that of course the issue had to be caused by the black people involved
>of course
We cannot look into their heads so I am not sure why you are so sure. Was the perception caused by their 'blackness' or by their 'poorness' or participation in a gang? If they caught black gang members in the act of arson then there is a whole lot more than "zero reasons" to assume they were involved in the first place.

Fighting the good fight. I served my country in the Army. I have my own place in the country. I have three sons and I'm trying my best to raise them right and keep them away from the degeneracy that is modern thug culture. I voted for Trump because while I may not entirely trust the man, Clinton is a snake and the Democratic party views us the way the Democrats always have, as slaves. In Alabam, the democratic party slogan was "White Supremacy" until the 1970's. I believe America is an ideal worth saving, and I believe the post modern left is in the process of tearing it down. My ancestors were dragged here in chains and suffered under Jim Crow so I could know what it means to be a Free man. I will not sully their sacrifice for me and mine by allowing America to fail. I will give my life to save it if I must. I would expect no less of any True Patriot.

>the United States government still owes black people $14 Trillion in back due paychecks for slavery.

>14$ trillion owed to blacks for slavery

Shit this is a troll thread. Pack it up boys, we took the bait. Good shit OP, 8/10. You had me going for a minute there. I thought an SJW actually had come on here to talk about racism



Only thing we owe you mudslimes is a ticket back to your mudpit

Fuck off, nigger. You aren't even human. You don't have right, and you don't get to have an opinion.

kek $14 trillion is one fifth of all money currently in existence.

Fuck you, nigger!

Why yes. I hate and fear subhuman savages and religious cultists who want white Christians wiped off the face of the earth, more of whom arrive in Leafland every day.

I also hate the elites who simply refuse to do anything to stop it, and routinely murder or imprison anybody who tries.

You are now the new leader of this thread. Tell us more because it's clear that OP is out of his league.

I don't get it. Why should I care if someone calls me racist? So?

Also your communist word salad is amusing. You think it will work on someone who already knows your shit? You make up own your definitions and then come to the predetermined conclusion, exactly as commies did all the time throughout the history.
But let's say there is that instipated racism of yours. To achieve equality, we should start shooting much, much more blacks during police actions, because whites are shot much more per capita/per crime than niggers. There need to be action to address this.

>$14 Trillion
lmfao so who is entitled to this? Remember, 90% of "black people" in America are at least 20% white, and do "mixed race" kids get half as much because of their lightskin privilege?

Also holy shit that estimate. As if. Growing cash crops for rich WASPs and Jews is not an investment worth 75% of the USAs current national debt.

I am a Southerner, born and raised. But I would also point out the 600,000 Union dead who bought the freedom of my great, great grandparents. How much do those lives count towards the bill? How much better do you have it than your parents and grand parents? What price do you put on freedom?

> United States government still owes black people $14 Trillion
I would rather see the US collapse that give you ungrateful shit another dime.

Living with black people was a mistake.

you aren't ever going to make racism be a question of power.

africa will burn without 10 years and the nigger genocide will begin. africa will be owned by china. niggers and shitskins have no place in the future

The people flying the confederate flag aren't afraid of you because they know you aren't an animal that needs to be domesticated and taken care of. That's how leftists see brown people.

You already got your reparations through welfare and affirmative action.

If you getting called by this kike buzzword that means you age doing something right.

Fellow black

Dont drink the kool aid the left gives you.
The only thing (((they))) do is divide and subjugate. White people nowadays irl dgaf that you call them racist and will carry on with their lives.

As should you, fucking nog


>because you do not know the definition of the word "racism."
Thanks Trotsky, I needed a laugh

Whenever I've said nigger, nobody has called me Racist.

But when I've disagreed with somebody about something, I have been called Racist.

Really frys my pan.