What should be required teaching in schools?

I honestly feel like things like history are mostly pointless since most children won't retain it anyway and will only learn something like it if they're interested and do their own research anyway. What about:
> Literacy, spelling, reading, writing
> Math, basic logic, logic puzzles, algebra
> Practical skills, taxes, cooking, something like plumbing or another skill
> Civics
The rest can be taught as electives.

with all the transkids I think it should be mandatory to teach about safe anal sex

Basic home finance should be taught from a young age. Pathway to tradesmanships and apprenticeship should be expanded and encouraged.

Music. It's literally the only creative subject not infested with fags

The safety dance

Nothing should be required teaching.
Remove public schooling and let the free market control education.

Youre no friend of mine

>the implication of a public school


The difference between the actual history of the late bronze age and the fantasy re-telling of them in the Bible that changes Israelites from genocidal opportunistic destroyer of civilization into heroes.

Maybe teach them more shit like the first and second Punic wars in history, and frame it like your recounting an epic tale of two mighty empires at war (Because that is exactly what you are doing), who the fuck needs fantasy literature when you can read about shit that happened in the past and see it's continuing effects.
>Hurr durr teachers won't care to teach it that way
You want to know what would be an unpopular reform amongst the teachers, but would be a fucking dream come true once it got off the ground?
High-school teachers locked into a specific thing to teach like professors, not needing a masters degree or something in that field, a course or two in the subject and how to properly teach it But at least it makes it so you can't have worthless fucking football coaches teaching american history half-asleep.

Even private and home schools, at least in America, have state requirements they have to meet, even if it's bullshit.
Most economists even recognize the externalities related to widespread education and advocate at least some modicum of public involvement/funding for it, even if it were mostly private or privately funded.

In that case maths, music, arts, 2 foregein languages and i think thats its. thats what I would want my children to master to depending on their born skills degree.

this is only because schools have no authority anymore. let teachers give kids a light smack when they dont pay attention and suddenly they will start learning

Education is very important so that people don't end up voting for communism that promises them an easy life of everything being free.
If they're educated to understand the realities of the economy and to have a critical view of what they're told, they might be able to not be manipulated by populist organizations.

>the implication of a democracy

thats already soft communism.

A class on your rights as a citizen and what your options are when pulled over/talking with police etc would have been based.

It doesn't matter if they can vote or not, if enough people are against a government then the government just cannot properly govern.

What, music is degenerate as fuck. Drugs, groupies, promotion of loose morals.

Band's at high-schools are usually (In america) just there to provide music for the football team.
And they are inevitably made up of weirdos, 75% of which are massive fucking whores.

we should combine sex ed and physical education to save money

Municipalities would never want that.

That falls under civics, which I mentioned in the OP.

In the netherlands thats part of civics. They teach about how propaganda works, how the government works, what rights police have, what rights you have, and that you had stuff like secrecy of corrospondence but that doesnt matter anymore because email and its fine because the government are people you voted for and care about you