That's over

That's over.
Thanks for your support.

>Selon les informations recueillies par la RTBF et basées sur des sondages sorties des urnes et diverses études
nice sources

It's not over until France is saved.

It's going to be rigged anyways (((they))) aren't going to risk another trump/brexit situation


Or destroyed.
It's a shame, but hey, at least they'll set an example. I had hoped that would've been Germany or Sweden, but alas.

sources sûres

Macron Président


we did it leftypol, we saved the world!


>voting a literal banker as the guy who is supposed to limit and control banks


Sorry France. You had a proud history and provided many glorious contributions to Western culture. We will remember you. I will no longer expend memetic energy to help you. You're on your own. Die well.

The vote is lost.

Civil war is now inevitable.

You'll quickly see how wrong you are.

The Austrian president or whatever has no real power. Wilders and Le Pen have both doubled in popularity regardless of whether they win. The right wing is winning either way.

So revolution then.


>liberte egalite fraternite
>a fucking banker
nice job france, get fucked.

Please clap.

kek, still going to vote soon though

fuck Mācrōn and fuck French people


Fuck off. I'm not believing your bullshit until final result is out.



Exit polls said exact same thing about Hillary. Holy shit lads, we won!