Explain this.
Explain this
you made something in mspaint, what else is there to explain?
>be opposing armies
>hold hands instead of battling for supremacy
Wow, that was easy.
I only roleplay as a neonazi
I just want good old fashioned conservatism minus moral laws
ISIS apologized to israel because they fired a couple of rounds by error. Saudis are israel greatest allies and are funding islam all over europe.
Real Pol loves Israel. Only lefties and donkey fuckers larping as neo nazis hate Israel.
most of Sup Forums appears to support secular governments (saddam did nothing wrong) particularly in the ME so I don't know where that comes from
if there was a line for racialism or whatever you want to call it, there would be a contrast between Sup Forums and the other two rows. Extreme goatfuckers and liberals both agree that race doesn't matter so long as you agree with their ideologies
You're forgetting one simple fact; the Muslims want the Westerners either converted or dead. We don't want any of that shit, so we have to kill them.
Liberals want us dead to, but they aren't doing anything on the scale of Muslims yet.
.................Sup Forums Islam
Pedophilia N Y
how do we read this chart?
Is it what each of those considers an issue?
Islam has no fundamental respect for national sovereignty, borders or non-muslims.
They also believe it is their destiny to rule the world, a very jewish sentiment.
You forgot a check mark for pedophilia, sex with goats, and murdering of own children under Islam.
Also Sup Forums loves homosexuality and abortion
Wtf I love Israel now?
You left out things pol and Islam doesnt agree with, just because you agree on some points with someone, that doesnt make you it, like supporting equality doesnt make you feminist.
Just because pol dislike gays doesnt mean we want to murder throw them of 10 story building.
This. Anti semites and ethno nationalists need to go back to stormfront.
thats more like it.
good point
Explain this.
Islam is a shitskin religion.
Fuck out of my country you subversive chink