Why can't drumfkins acknowledge brown people can be conservative too?

Why can't drumfkins acknowledge brown people can be conservative too?

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Even when brown people are conservative they still feel the need to race bait, fucking figures.

You're implying so many things that we don't know.


wtf does voting for trump have to do with having an obnoxious riced out car? He probably doesnt even know what boost is.

We have absolutely no idea what the white guy said, Sammy could easily be the racist asshole here champ, and have an obnoxious car on top of it.

How is he race-baiting? All he said was some dude didn't like the fact that he was Mexican with money.

>Blasting shitty sombrero music in a quiet neighborhood on A Sunday morning after church, and mean mugging the white church ladies
>gets yelled at by an annoyed member of the community


People call me a jew all the time because I don't dress like a hobo or because I didn't have a lighter

I just don't complain because I'm not a woman

>implying a turbod beamer means the beaner has money
He didnt say some guy, he said some white guy. and i'd bet money that he just assumed that he didn't like him because he's mexican.


if your car is loud don't drive it on a sunday morning please

He probably thought the government purchased the car for him. Sounds like the typical trailer trash scum with no relevant work skills or experience. I get the same treatment when I drive my car. These faggots and their shitty pickup trucks who give me nasty looks. Maybe they should try working in different fields instead of doing manual labor for shit pay.

Yes, how could just that be race baiting am i right

>brown people

you need to go back

eh they might just be looking. I drive a 17 camaro and a 99 ford pickup during the week

>voted Trump
pick one

Wew you guys sound just like the guys who'd get upset about a young consevative Mexican with a BMW

So he just felt the urge to go on twatter and tell the world? lol, yeah ok

As opposed to a naturally aspirated BMW?
When was the last time they made on of those?

What the fuck?
I love Muslims now.

>a 2008 BMW is 10 years old


>clinging to frivolous status symbols in order to prove your own worth to others

why do nonwhites do this?


Gonna post this on t_d lmao

Young girl comes to west, learns liberal values and shames family, sad! Many such cases.

Back when BMW made cars , not boats

What are you talking about? It's the Left who assume all brown people must be left voters by virtue of being useless victims who need gibs and a big nanny state to wipe their arses.

maybe it was a diesel

>clinging to frivolous token minorities in order to prove your own worth to others

why do whites do this?

Decent parents I guess

Cuz you're a fag in a BMW that does not start w E39 and end w M5

only the leftists do that. I don't worship minorities and hold them up like fucking trophies when they do something good

She's lucky her parents are "moderates". If she really had the true Islamist parents she's always wanted, she would have had acid dumped in her face for being unclean after being attacked. Then when it was discovered she lied, death by stoning.

Depending on the 'mileage' that is crazy cheap. I could sell that for like 22k here.

150k miles on it
My point being that it doesnt take money to own a turbo beamer

Does anyone know the backstory to this image? that young girl is so beautiful. I want to shower her cause with my swiss-bux

Ohh yea, I fully agree. BMWs are cheap cars now-days, they just have the rich meme behind them. But still, that's a really good price for that BMW, I would snatch it up.

>turbocharged convertible BMW

BMWs are turk tier

>all diesels have turbos...

she's like 12

t. Audi driver

Because blumpfkins are borderline retarded inbred hicks who can't possibly conceive of any kind of conservatism that's not white.

That's not very nice to say about Sammy, he's apparently doing well for himself.

What's your point you paki. the picture is like 5 years old

>turbocharged convertible BMW

it had nothing to do with him bein mexican