Get ready for more terror!

France is fucked!

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Sup Forums BTFO

It was obvious

Those cuckholds deserve this. Be happy with terrorist attacks idiots.

Sup Forums BTFO

>m-muh make france great again pepe.jpeg

why are you still here? mods ban this terrorist nation cant have actual isis mongrels post on this fine white board

Polls closed for 1 minute..
>no single vote counted
>Macron won!


Sup Forums really thought she would win?

I'm ready for more Sup Forums happening threads

>this post
>this flag
good bait but a little too obvious my friend.

hear that? the trucks of peace are starting up.



The best part of this particular election is no matter what the result was, we won.

That's heartbreaking. Macron will be horrible for France.

Le bâtard a gagné

Never trust a french. White flag flying frogs.



More terror, more hate.

The divisions are only going to increase.

If Marine had won then that hatred would have been doused. Now the divisions are going to continue ever onwards towards riots and conflict.

This is the best thing that could have happened for the rest of Europe. France will continue its decline and thus remain a symbol of the failure of multiculturalism for all the rest to see.

This is bad for France, but good for the west in general.

But it was her turn!

I didn't think she would win, but I hoped.

Try 1 hour, dumbass.


Can't wait for the coming terrorist attacks. Hope Islamsterdam gets BTFO too.

Well atlest well see alot more terror attacks now. Stay safe frog bros

You reap what you sew.

It's the dawn of the summer of terror.

This must be your first election, considering you don't understand how voting works in most of the world.

I think I'm gonna mobe to eastern europe, it's still fucking white in there

We fucking elected the most corrupted fucker you could ever imagine

It's the fucking Hilary of France

>people getting slaughtered by muslims
>vote to let in more muslims

i cannot fathom how cucked one must truly be to do something like this

Yurop is fucking done.

Prepare for the worst.

jesus christ frogs what the fuck is wrong with you

Its time to stop tolerating Frenchies on this board.

All their talk of revolution, pathetic. Pull up the drawbridge and let them burn.

Fuck off we're full

Unless you are rich


We vote better here.
Exit polls make no sense.


Sup Forums is right - LePen or France will fail.


Cant wait for June. Thats always when we have terror attacks in EU.

Imagine Terror attack on the celebration activities.. that would be crazy

You cannot fathom it because it's not actually real. Elections in countries where it matters are rigged.

Sorry Sup Forums, we did our best
Sadly too much faggots voted against us

Ethnic cleansing when?

Good. Le pen didn't really had possibilities, more French must die and chaos must get worse in order for them to realize their mistakes.

It only takes 10% to swing an election.

There are tards on each side, so if you can get one 10% block always voting for you then it is almost always a shame dunk.

Guess what percent of France is Muslim?

The French are TRULY a pathetic nation. I can't wait for the next Bataclan or Nice attack. I hope they get dozens such attacks - they fully deserve it.

Fuck France.

Trumph please nuke France instead of Best Korea.

>not realizing muslims can vote

American liberals were against banning Muslim immigration despite San Bernadino and Orlando. Because of their ideology of tolerance and diversity, they do mental gymnastics to evade the problems or blame whitey.

Fuck off, we are full.


Dad(United Kingdom), How did Europe die and you were the only survivor?

Let them reap what they sow. Move out of cities and let dont let them move into your neighbourhoods. Tell them to go back to their city with all their shitskins.



>Terror attacks every week in EU
>people still vote for more refugees
Cannot wait to laugh about even more dead people


He is way worse than Hillary.

>he has over 65 percent of the vote

>Sup Forums BTFO

More like European civilization BTFO.

Well frenchies, now you've done it.
I feel sorry for your lots.

So, Ramadan? Yeah. That's Islam's national chimp-out holiday.

sad replies only

if we can elect Trump at 65% white why cant yuro countries elect anti immigrant candidates at 90% white? do they really need to become 65% white for them to realize immigration was a mistake

you're not better. How is your African Influx going? I bet you miss Romanian Immigrants.


Quite the opposite, you fat spic.

Starts this night.
Ethnic French will be made into fertilizer.

At this point its like hearing about terror attacks in some middle eastern shithole, who gives a fuck, wall them off and hold them as an example to all.

There is no democracy in EU.

Every french on this board voted LE PEN,

You just talking nonsense here!

>implying america will learn the lesson and wont be in the literal exact same situation in less than 50 years

Yep, pretty much this. But I don't know what else you'd expect from a country that's full of cowardly cucks.

I'm not laughing 2bh

The native-french and migrant-non-white demograph will grow even more and make it even harder for then native french to have any influnece in politics the future

Isn't it just a projected votes (((poll))) that said she lost though?

because of how the political landscape is formed.

Unlike the US you have a broad spectrum of parties.
In this election (like any other when some right candidate makes into the final round) its everyone vs the right winged death squads.

Even commies vote for a capitalist in such chases.

Also the nazi club still works

Shill Thread

This, another tragedy

All french who voted for LePen will be punished.


france has the best terror attacks


thats the point of globalism, to destabalize and control the ruling party in a region. its the same as changing the boundries in a voting district but on a grander and jewishly sneaky scale

Macaroni wins, EU crashes and burn
Le Pen wins, EU crashes and burn faster

I can't wait for more terrorist attacks in France. Except this time, I will be laughing and cheering.

Just hope there is some great footage of French cucks being murdered, like the Nice truck attack.

Nice pics from Bataclan too. Can't think of a people more deserving of such attacks.

Well perhaps these fuckwit native French should have thought of that before electing one globalist after another? What the fuck were they expecting?

France is lost, forever and ever. Africa and the Mid East took a big collective shit on France, and the French sat there on their knees with their mouths wide open for it.



>country that had the biggest communist influence outside of Eastern Europe during the COld War voted for a cuck
Color me surprised

It was nice knowing you France

Do Millennials even like Macron?

I know many of them went with Melenchon so maybe they'll be more riots in Paris

Many people love him because he spouts truckloads of buzzwords during his speeches

You have freedom of speech and right to be armed - it means you are not cucked and terrorized into submission like french (others too) are.

Democracy can not work without of those.

It's times like this that make me so happy we have an electoral college system here and aren't cucked by the popular vote of shitholes like California.

Alt-right fuckers supports ISIS now wow

France was screwed all along, their people are fools and this election further confirms their idiocy. May god have mercy on those who voted for Le Pen when the angry hordes of shitskins rampage through the country.

these are only jewish projections
i thought you knew better OP...

I wouldn't say he supports ISIS, it's more like watching someone burn their hand on a stove, and then watching them continue to burn their hand on that stove
At some point you stop feeling sorry


funny how it's already lower just 10 minutes later, fucking shills
