Time to come back to Earth, brainlets, France isn't a country of retards who's gonna elect a xenophobe, conservative head of a racist party fueled by ignorance and bigotry.
Today's FN score will remain the highest in history, savor it.
Time to come back to Earth, brainlets, France isn't a country of retards who's gonna elect a xenophobe, conservative head of a racist party fueled by ignorance and bigotry.
Today's FN score will remain the highest in history, savor it.
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Congratulations Muhammad.
On a scale from 1 to dix how mad you are?
pay back debts
nigger we already know shes not going to win thats why were laughing at you
If France votes to spread its asshole open for the European Union, then I look forward to watching the slow death of France.
Enjoy living under constant terrorist presence you cuck
high IQ people voted Le Pen, low IQ niggers voted Macaroni
t. >150 masterrace, more intelligent than the whole sandnigger-infested city of paris combined
i am so smugface right now
Still not Melenchon though,
allahu akbar!
Why the fuck do we think we can beat you guys? It's impossible.
>t. Argelian
This so much
I envy France
You prefer to be an extinct nation and cucked than being calleed racists for having a spine - congrats
Yeah, praise Jesus ZOG Trump and Kushner finally got rid of the mess that the US started in the Middle East.
france needs a good hard bombing
franks are pathetic non-nation who are going to be fucked hard
Sup Forums still not blocked in your country? Can't be long, Boleg
>b-but I said Le Pen would win and the post ended with double digits!!!
Unfortunately I have many, many good French friends (amazing how many French liberals loved France so much they MOVED TO LONDON).
For all their beautiful culture and history, and despite being great thinkers and decent people, the majority of French people (particularly the intellectuals) are thick as pig shit.
They will completely destroy their country and be happily complicit in it. France is a globalist's wet dream.
I already knew she was going to lose you dumb fuck. Anyone who thought otherwise is fucking idiot. France is shit and so is the rest of europe. You all have been brainwashed into believing that garbage by your extremely leftist news media. Fucking batshit insane.
Woman has fine flanks, Im sure Abdul would love to meat her
Mort aux fascistes ! Vive Le Pen !
>Ahmed still doesn't realize that we won no matter what happened
>niggerman talking about countries blocking things on the internet
>pepe dies right before French election
>Le Pen loses
>France isn't a country of retards
This is nice for us , now we have another meme to laugh at like sweeden.
I'm also glad based Macron will defeat literally Hitler!
*rubs hands*
>they didn't vote for her because of misogyny
Will we see this media narrative? Doubt it.
Except France IS a country of fucking retards.
French people - gone forever. French culture - gone forever. Just give it 50 years or so.
I will be cheering for every truck of peace and tolerance to tear through frogs in the coming years
Why can't Europe have a descent candidate that has a strong agenda against immigration?? Why always had to be some corrupt racist retard with links to fucking Russia?? Like is it so hard?? Why always go to the extremes?? It worked for USA, of course, but that's because their education is lacking and they're a bunch of dumb asees. But that won't work in Europe, is it really necessary to leave NATO and the EU to crack down on uncontrolled immigration?? Serious question.
Just a reminder that 10% of France's population is Muslim.
Next time comrade
Congrats on your win, your prize is millions of african/middle eastern ""refugees"" and constant terrorist attacks
May France fall swiftly to serve as an example of what their policies yield. They had their chance. No sympathy now.
Congratulations France. Another term of no resistance to unconstrained mass migration, permanently erasing your identity.
Even more worrisome, 2% of France's population is Jewish.
I am happy because this means the EU will survive, therefore we can finally isolate the UK. It's like a dream.
The details of the Bataclan were suppressed.
>According to this testimony, Wahhabist killers reportedly gouged out eyes, castrated victims, and shoved their testicles in their mouths. They may also have disemboweled some poor souls. Women were reportedly stabbed in the genitals – and the torture was, victims told police, filmed for Daesh or Islamic State propaganda.
I hope your entire fucking family gets peacetrucked you fucking kraut. Do this pathetic world a favor and kill yourself
XDDDDDDD pay back denbts, fucking remove yourself from the gene pool you insufferable autist
>Why always had to be some corrupt racist retard with links to fucking Russia
t. retarded good goy
>intellectuals are stupid
all of Sup Forums's embarrassing cringe in 3 words
reminds me when ukip were saying 'we've had enough of experts' during brexit.
why are right wing people so stupid?
>Implying France still exists after this election.
Less than American Jewish population. Which is like, all non blacks or hispanics.
Western Europe is done. We will fall one by one into minorities.
impressive roastie