Maybe it always was.
I hope you're armed, Frenchmen.
Maybe it always was.
I hope you're armed, Frenchmen.
The French election was literally decided by immigrants and women. The west is doomed.
With such a large immigrant population, you actively have to lobby for their votes. There's no way in HELL they'll ever get a white nationalist in. Same goes for Germany, Schulz or Merkel will win in their election.
I sincerely believe that 90% of worthy males died in WW2. Just take a look at Germany, you lost MILLIONS of Alpha + males, same with Poland, England, France, USA
We're living in end-times, twisted post-war reality where Jew tells us what to do...
>same with Poland, England, France, USA
Not so much England, France and the USA.. they didn't really lose THAT many (around 500 thousand each)
There is no political solution in Europe. There never was.
Cambridge Analytica. Each and every one of you are nothing more than a day set of useful idiots.
The first war is a financial war.
Being a NEET is a damned virtue today because you dont pay taxes for your own destruction.
White People that dont have a job should go on welfare and have plenty of kids to get financial support from the government for each kid, collapse the system which is destroying you.
Work only just enough to support yourself. Make yourself capable of becoming self-sufficient on your own property in the countryside.
Also, in the media it will be portrayed as "all" Europeans actually wants this immigration now.
Haha, it's actually almost funny. Their plan is literally flawless (as long as the economy is ok). Unless the economy crashes, Everyone in Europe WILL be brown as fuck in the future - Brazil 2. Glad I don't have children.
Kill the jews first. Kill their children. Skin alive their security and any government agent who dares defend them.
I'd fucking LOVE to live like that, in that house you just posted. I could give away internet just to have freedom.
I feel like we're slaves, theyve just let us choose what job we want to do
implying the french virgins of pol who are afraid to go outside will risk their life to defend france :rire:
>look for it only in books, for it is no more...
Yeah, wow, that sure sounds smart and will totally help the situation.
More and more young people in the west feel like this.
Ultimately we will be destroyed by ourselves because people stop caring.
Dont be a mouse in the city.
Move away from the collapse, move out to the countryside. Build your own house.
There is nothing worth fighting for anymore anyway. One can only hope that the economy crashes bigtime. Literally the only hope.
Of course it will. France doesn't need a different kind of president; France needs hygiene.
I would if I could. But they trained us that way, so we cannot do anything besides our "field" jobs. I dont even know how to build a house, and I'm a fucking engineer.
This, we must shill this. We should work on those CIA subversion manuals and adapt them for current time to show how to legally destroy state.
If we start behaving like shitskins, their plan will crumble by itself.
No need, they're literally fleeing to Israel due to the muslim immigration.
We lost all our worthy males during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars and WW1(25% of the males killed for WW1 btw)
The French never needed hygiene. That's why they invented perfume.
>25% males
holy fucking shit man, is that real?
our blood, to Jews, is worth less than rain water
The government is the enemy of all white people. Thus their agents are as well. Target the children of government agents. Skin alive their fucking families. Make them suffer for betraying the west.
nah i doubt it. US only lost 90k and we're still cucked. Russia lost millions and is less cucked than us.
>fascist crybabies advocating for war when they lose democratic election
makes u think huh
New French anthem
the irony is so thick only a torch can cut through it
LOOOOOOOOL kek died when pepe died, fucking accept it, kill youselves autists, FREE WORLD
I mean if you were in America this might seem ridiculous
Your leaders are literally paying your invaders to come in and fuck things up though, what peaceful solution is there to that?
Does that picture sum up most of france now? niggers and literal faggots and jews?
oh shit someone having common sense for once
War it is then. I think we knew that was the answer anyway. We just convinced ourselves that there was a political solution when there clearly wasn't.
Sorry France but your people have decided that you will be the example the rest of the world sees when they think about immigration from muslim countries, I guess not enough blood has been spilled yet for your people to wake up ;)
War and death, that is the only thing that awaits us. Better go out with a blaze of glory then to see everything fade away as we grow old.
That or it culled all the bloodthirsty aggressive dipshits and paved the way to a golden age.
Bring on ww3 I say!
Meltdown on Sup Forums today...
>paying invaders to come fuck shit up
this is what people unironically think when they've been spoonfed too much propaganda
watch out kids
>open immigration from third world shitholes
>welfare state
haha oh wow the denial is real
I'm working on it!
Not literally of course.
It's the left that's been fed propaganda - to such a degree that they will never realize it.
stop with this faggotry bulshit; it's a fucking excuse
do musculation, know fighting, raise good sons
(look what democracy did for Germany before ww2... FUCK ALL)
Open immigration and large welfare benefits to people that have never worked a day in your country.
99% of those guys in your suburbs that are in violent gangs and have control of those ghettoes are on welfare.
You are paying taxes to support this system.
>all those white cucks and coalburner whores parading their demise amongst the invaders
European civilization is doomed
Then keep sucking nigger dick cuck. Accept the fact that politics is their game. You will always lose no matter what. Democracy is an illusion, a lie. Revolution is the only fucking answer if you want real change.
>left propaganda - the "right" is evil, let in unlimited amounts of people, give up your money, more immigrants from backwoods countries makes everything better, great workers! (as the people pushing for this stuff use the ones that work for slave wages)
>right propaganda - unchecked immigration is bad, when done quickly the cultures will clash, crime goes up, will drive down wages
Hmmm I wonder what kind of propaganda is more useful to large businesses who benefit from slave wage labor and at the same time is useful to jews and other enemies subverting the west?
would marry pic related. Please don't say it's a dude
Also get fucked paco. The french sacrificed themselves so we would see the truth. The spring is nearly coiled
At least this guarantees civil war. (((Civic nationalism))) is nonsense no matter how much you fantasize.
>Redneck, wannabe hitler, russian bitch trend is doomed.
A word of advice to French people is to quit your jobs. All of your taxes will be going to muslims. The less money the state has the less immigrants it can afford.
poland is fine
10% Unemployment in France already son, mostly among the young. They need to fix that shit.
>The west is doomed.
Good. The frankenwest must die.
We the globalist losed again in this war against niggers and Mudlims.
We must kill all french people, it's the only way to fix this problem.
All the information can be found on the internett. Hell, you can probably find instructional videos on youtube step by step.
Survival tips index.
The globalists always win