Today, France has officially decided to cuck itself. Western Europe is finished. They're going the way of the Western Roman Empire, but we won't! Let the Day of the Rope begin!

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The last uncucked Frenchfags can come here to boost our numbers

no. you would be inviting them to the slaughter. this country will be 30% white kids in just the next few decades.
the only reason we can even say 60% is because we have millions of old people.

Our people don't want to have children and go around making songs about but sex. We're gone in a hundred years dude. Fuck this country and fuck Jews.

It's going to be fun watching France burn with the rest of Europe.

Europeans sowed the wind, soon we will watch as they reap the whirlwind.

The alt right has lost. You have outlived your usefulness. But the real thing is about to start in the next 3 years.

If the nogs want a race war, they can have it. American whities are armed.

this counts for any white country, especially germany, us, nl, sweden, belgium, france

Nothing is going to happen. We have no people and without a people there is no future. Besides, Jews always play both sides. They would have cucked Marine like they did Trump.

as bad as mexicans are France is being infested with Africans and Muslims. In two generations they will be worse than us.

I'm standing right here.

America is the reason Europe is fucked today.

no its not. unlike with your countries ours isnt a meme. you have significant non native/non white people in your countries but its still a fraction of what goes on here.
the difference is that americans are used to it.
>more fucking delusion

Yeah, I'm sure it was 100% our fault. Get fucked.

hey look i spotted a retard

Ethnic nationalist revolution will arrive via military coups within Europe and pan-European nationalism.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you literally can't

France has been cucked for over 100 years, got their ass kicked in every World War, and had to have us save them every time.

We tried to inspire you, even after numerous terror attacks, you had the chance to run with the ball but instead you fucking blew it again.

Fuck you France, you deserve your fate.

Your forefathers chose the path of degeneracy over civilization.

what's delusional about that you would rather have muslims?

fuck off back to r/donald.
>USA did everything in the world wars
we didnt do shit in WW1. we showed up in the last few months to fight germans literally starving and exhausted. WW2 was won by the soviet union.
>We tried to inspire you
with what interracial porn, shitty pop music and (((hollywood))) movies? thats what we export more than anything.

>you would rather have muslims?
christians, muslims. both shitty desert religions. it sounds like you're preaching for civic nationalism.

lmao, well said

>WW2 was won by the soviet union
nice meme anti-fag

You're quite the cynic, what do you suggest be done? not being sarcastic either, genuinely curious.

where did I preach for civic nationalism you retard

>russia was completely bankrolled by the american government and taxpayer
>lend lease is the only reason germany didnt completely buttfuck the entire continent
>america staged the largest naval invasion of all time and dropped soldiers out of airplanes all over france for the first time and beat back the german army that ran roughshod all over europe and never lost
>russia had their shit pushed in and had to purge its jews and invoke ultranationalism, christ, family, and fighting for the motherland just to not get their shit pushed in permanently, completely abandoning their ideological precepts in the process as soon as things got hard
>russia treated its people like niggers and everyone died just to squeak out a win after america btfo germany
russian victory is a meme, america did almost everything while also fighting a world war in the pacific, stupid faggot

europe derserves everything that is going to happen to them rapes murders bombing and shootings with no one to blame but them selves and muslims

No need to prove anything, just wait to see how nothing happens.

now if we could just get rid of all those damn niggers, spics, kikes and fags

Just try to bring it Germany.

I wouldnt be so cynical if fellow burger anons would realize the situation instead of denying it for the sake of national pride.
i think we keep driving for a culture change. once you shift it or atleast create a larger counter culture the politcs of the average person changes with it.
you didnt. bad assumption on my part.

Ob-wan has a message for you

Fuck off, you island shitskin.

56% (((white)))

Fuck off, Jamal Rodriguez.

>showing old timey images of Germans next to images of modern Americans
>Your forefathers chose the path of degeneracy
You retarded buddy? I mean, I'm sure I could find plenty of photos of cucked Germans next to photos of American men from the 1930s.


America didnt send significant aid until AFTER operation barborssa failed (dec. 1941) and germany had been halted. and what aid was sent did not arrive in large quantity until the end of 42 when it was needed but germany was already stretched thin and lost all momentum.
did it help them push germany back faster? sure, but sending russia boots and some trucks doesnt let you take credit for the fucking wars victory. we lost 500k while they lost 20 million.
Germany never applied less than 80% of its forces to the eastern front from the start of its invasion to their fall. EVEN during the battle of the bulge.
>russia treating people like niggers blah blah blah
yes they were brutal. i dont think it was good that they won. i would have liked for germany to win. that doesnt mean im going to spew revisionist bullshit.

And we shall rise from the ashes to start anew


but you won't that's the thing. We're already here and have all of the same rights and protections under the law, including arms.

>what is california
>what is antifa and alt right larpers
>what is canada being eaten up by chinks
>what is heroin/fentanyl addictions
>what is mexico
>what is jared kushner, ivanka, and the swamp that wasnt drained
>what is obese problem

Shoo back to r/thedonald and PTG generals OP

Once Trump is out of office, then America will be Great again

Trump and his shit eating believers are the cancer destroying America

I hereby propose all whites in the UK move to America, they are the only Western Euros that deserve it.

All those in favor say AYE

And what would you replace him with?

howdy, shariablue. don't forget to mention that you are a "former trump voter here" and that "we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes!" Then follow it up with a "hurr durr every post that disagrees with drumpf is a shill"

Did i miss anything?

I agree, after eight years Trump's policies will take full effect, and when President Pence takes over in 2020, America will truly be Great Again




Release the bear.

>if i say shariablue surely they wont realize im spewing shit!
he's 100% right and you need to fuck off back to plebbit

That includes white hispanics and asians though.
In other words its not as bad as it looks

Ok. Maybe you'll answer my question. What will you replace Trump with?

America already voted in Drumpf, at least France voted for accelerationism. No time for false hope.

what part of "IT WAS HER TURN" dont you understand, shitlord?

i didnt say replace him. any guy with my views wouldnt get elected without a massive culture shift in this country. but that doesnt mean im going to suck his dick when he does something wrong. (i did vote for him because you have to start somewhere)
"white hispanics" really arent common to the ones that look like hobbits. i know of a few but they're like 1 in 20 if that makes sense.
yeah i dont mind east asians but they're like 1% in the mainland US.

basically it IS as bad as that looks. even swedens situation is a better position despite the memes. your migrants are recent, population is still far less mixed. etc.


boomers. The word you're looking for is boomers.

No it's not.
Hope was lost when the motherfucker meme president you launched tomahawks on Syria showing that he's owned by someone - as well as many presidents before him.

The election is there just to keep you entertained. It doesn't matter who win. You'll vote, and you'll forget about who's king until the next reality show.

That's who you are.

but what is your opinion on the nuclear codes, drumpf's hands, and the proximity of said hands to said codes?

If they're small enough he may not be able to reach the button

He'll do as he's told. If nukes go a-flyin, it won't be because he made the call. Only that he parroted back what he was told to say and do.
Same as every president before him dating back to at least Reagan.

I see you breh...

The Krauts are at it again...

>dont criticize trump wahhhhh
an hero you r/donald crossover.

>Greater Israel
>our only hope!

Ohhh, sorry. The correct response was "We can't let Drumpf get his hands on the nuclear codes."

.02 shekels have been deducted from each of your accounts. Good luck next time!

filled with jews and niggers

>he thinks "the free market" and getting to play with an AK is traditional Western high culture

Jokes apart, this made me think.
Isn't it the kind of irony you find at many decisive turning points in history, that a man with such small hands should use them to destroy the world? Isn't it a sort of sign? Like how much power did we create and put in the hand of weaklings, vile men? Isn't it the ultimate triumph of the weak over the strong, that he who has small hands should delete humanity - humanity, whose superiority was MADE by their hands, the tool which could create infinite tools.
Isn't it SUPREMELY IRONIC to die because of small hands, of malformed little vile hands, we who subdued a Planet thanks to ours? Isn't it funny that the weakest among us shall push the button unleashing absolute hell and death and terror, and punish us all for having misused the miraculous power of creating infinite tools to kill each other?

you sound like a fag

No reason to give up. France is a small loss, but we shouldn't worry about it.

Generation Z is the most conservative generation in a long time. Nobody can stop them and they're the future of this world, soon going to college.

We should redpill more and more people.



Wait until you will be out-breed by Latinos and Blacks





This is pretty bad, but at least the minority isnt Muslims.
The minority is mostly Catholic mexicans and latinos who dont like kebab either. In WWII latinos signed on to the military more than any other minority, so i think we can count on tacos.
Our minority is christian, we have a chance against the islamic invasion.

white people are never going to fight back

fuck off. its a problem regardless of religion.

Want to help, but I think France is on Her own...