People of France!

People of France!
Poland remembers what you did in 19th century after our failed uprisings and how you helped Polish migrants (see

It is payback time and we will gladly accept French refugees that want to live a normal life. Feel free to ask anything regarding this (living in Poland) matter.

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Don't let the cucks in though.

cucks will move to Canada

We also remember 1939 though.

This. Don't do it friends, don't let those secular degenerates pollute your Christian blood.

polish salaries..

/if you don't need a new iPhone every year and new car every 3 years then there is nothing to complain about if you are skilled and educated. For $2k/month you can live extremely comfy here. And infrastructure (roads, etc) is really well (at least if you compare it to what used to be here 15 years ago).

We must stay and resist

see you in Normandy

PolFag in travel mode reporting in. We could strike a deal but certain rules:

a) no cucks
b) no socialists
c) accept Jezus Chrystus as your personal savior

What do you say?

Poland already declared Jesus as their literal King, only them had.

They're fucking retards

>Poles getting salty that the pro-EU, anti-Russian candidate lost

Leave it to a Pollack not to realize that "your guy" won.


I'd like to remind you Poles that Churchill wanted to invade the Soviet Union and her puppets to liberate Poland, but the eternal American stopped us from doing so. It was the Americans who doomed you to your fate.

Polish and French posters are the greatest this board has to offer. Japanese are also up there. I have long maintained this opinion.

You mean Dieppe right?

>Le Pen

>hurr durr they ain't secular faggots ashamed of their culture

We have enough cucks here....No thank you

Can I come to??

Thank you burger for a good laugh

and saved

>Polish salaries
>Sharia law
Choose wisely :^)

Is this true? Poland is truly the savior of europe. Every pole I've met have been based.

We'll get them in the army to die first with nothing to serve as a white flag and weapons attached to their hands somehow

Time for plan B

ty kurwa matole głupi

Poland is just like France in terms of culture and you're a sentimental and blind moron who embarasses normal people like me

Poland will burn down just like France and Germany, the counter-culture won here long ago

Legit info.




So did Patton you fag, but he died in an (((accident)))

No, you people must stay and fight for your own clay. Expel kebab

Thanks user. In times like these, it's good to have /pol.

> Poland is just like France in terms of culture
lay off the sauce you KOD degenerate

To be fair, the Allies were in no condition to challenge the Soviets on land in Europe. Plus starting a war with your ally is a tough pill to swallow for the public

It is. Porn everywhere, fewer people going to church, increasing divorces, not even mentioning hook ups and casual sex

Is it hard to integrate if you only speak english ? Speaking as an CS engineer in France currently

We mostly integrate when we drink, so kinda yea, it will be hard for you to feel as a part of community. But to meet people and spend a good time - not really.

I've fucking lived there for first 26 years of my life and now I'm (thankfully temporarily) staying in France. You wouldn't survive 5 minutes of the cucked nonsese I have to hear every day here. It's just beyond comparison.

Which doesn't change the fact that I've met some based Frenchmen, but they are in hiding.

>Poles getting salty that the pro-EU, anti-Russian candidate lost
This is what he said, read it a couple times til you get it.

Patton and Britain along with all of the resistance in Poland and the rest of the allies could have easily BTFO the Soviet Union. But FDR had to let his reptile Jew overlords direct him and keep us out. His entire presidency leaves a bitter taste in the mouth of any true American patriot.

Is that a joke ? you're still the nigger of europe your country is a joke i'd rather live in Guinea than your dirty little shit hole

> pro-EU, anti-Russian
and anti-Poland

They most certainly weren't a part of the Allies. I'm sure most people in the Allies wouldn't have been against nipping communism in the bud. Their partnership to stop the Axis was out of necessity more than anything else

Communism saved Poland from all the shitskins without it it would just be like France.

Are we welcome in Poland? Is there much demand for electricians over there?

Maurras would have called Poland a paradise, if it's good enough for's good enough for me.
I will still stay in France for now though, even if I know my country is pretty much done for (I know it since years) History sometimes takes curious path.

Go away Muhammad, your job is done, come back in 5 years.

>Jewish communism
>preventing shitskins
Haha okay

France partitioned Hungary between the gypsy states. I have no sympathy for them.

Right, I'll gladly trade places. Enjoy your non cucked sharia free zone. I'll take the money.

they weren't even that conservative in the 1920s, socialist perspective played a major role in their politics
this what we see is a new post-communist role-playing

Also, while Germany, Poland, Hungary, etc. were busy trying to drive kebab out of Europe, France was allying them and trying to coax them into attacking further into Europe while they stabbed at the defenders of Christianity in the west.

Also, France was responsible for the whole batshit insane liberal movement that sought to remove God and the aristocracy from politics.

France is the eternal destroyer of Europe and Islam's greatest ally, just let them rot.

> Are we welcome in Poland?
Of course you beautiful leprechaun.
> Is there much demand for electricians over there?
No, we fix our shit by ourselves.

Do you poles have a volunteer foreigner squad?

They'll just flee to Germany...

we love Irishbros
and yes, our electricians moved to the UK and we are building a shitload of new houses and shit

But he is right, though. During commie times nobody could move in or move out of the country. There was a fence on border (even Polish-USSR one) and state owned your passport. And communism was not so jewish, they forced a few tens of thousands of jews to move to Israel

Australians too, they're country is non cucked

Fuck off, we're full

No, we do not. You have to have Polish citizenship in order to serve in Polish army and we do not have equivalent of French Foreign Legion

I don't want to start a new thread for this but, what the fuck is our President doing in this photo? Is he about to beat this nigger to death with his our hand or what?

Fucking saved, holy shit

not yet

This pollack gets it.

Everyone here knew she's anti Polish, because it was widely commented in our media. Still we rooted for this ugly hag because she would equalize powers between globalists and nationalists in the EU

our army is led by a Russian agent that is currently doing everything to undermine our military

and nobody's talking about it

Thanks, I guess that all we can do right now. French uberized people obviously want to die.

selling tractors to our nubian friends.

Macron hates Poland and wants to impose saction on us
Why do americans always feel the need to speak on things they have no idea about?

> our army is led by a Russian agent that is currently doing everything to undermine our military

one example of such?

Do you accept mixed race pro-Lepen ?

I'm christian.

Thanks, bro.

I live in a corner of France that is not yet invaded by muslims. It won't last eternally, though.

Salaries are a bit low, but compared to the prices there, it is amazing. I love Poland and thanks to my business, I get to go there a lot. Long live Poland, long live uncucked countries. We are the future.

Oh because if you are invading Germany then the best plan to infiltrate is you need lipstick and Brown paint. Then you say either "Fiki fiki" or "oga booga where the white women at" in german.


>Do you accept mixed race

Shot on sight.

but why is he holdings that niggers hand in that way?

Once again, Poland revs up to save Europe.

Yes and then send them all to pic releted


That's a spirit! Polish people are still waiting for third French Empire!

salty slav

Agreed, they should instead be secular and intelligent like the urban french that voted for Macron.

then it is jewish , living in israel is better then living in a communist shithole , think about it..

Here I come, Poland

It's time to start a new life.

Thx Poland, you are tryly our greatest ally.

Why the fuck will I leave? I am Basque.
We did not bend the knee for anyone.

Fuck the Muslims.

>Uh-huh. Careful with that hand, my African friend.

Dude, you are gypsy. STFU

Can I come I can't take this cucked country nor its prime minister any more

I have one fourth of my blood polish. I might be interested by your offer, at least to visit

because that's honest to God working negro. A rare thing indeed. That's why he can afford tractor and has dirty hands therefore he gave it like that to clasp

Irish Brigade will fight along side French Patriots

Canadian! What is your profession?

Why in the ever living fuck would you want to live in Poland.

Polish people are unironically sub-human


>abandon their own country
>migrate to economically subpar country

keep killing yourselves frenchie

I see that this board is full of retarded pis supporters.
Marcon is not against Poland, he's against PiS, so please stop using the same level of argumentation as Putinbots (I mean, I know you are from the same cloth, but still: fuck off)

You do know Macron wants to put sanctions on Poland for being a sovereign and not accepting any refugees, do you? Maybe this is a great way to show them that you do accept French nationals as refugees.... LOLOLOLOLOOL