Why do you allow this?

>Sup Forums is as fast or faster than Sup Forums since the US election
>Sup Forums is now 88th most visited site in the US and 258th worldwide (about a year ago it was ~1000th) and most of the new traffic is Sup Forums
>the mods had to make a new board to reduce the traffic on Sup Forums and redirect some of the shitposts
>~95% of Sup Forumsacks are newfags from reddit, youtube, facebook and twitter thanks to ecelebs like Sargon of Akkad and Milo Yiannopoulos and their fans advertising this place
>people on those sites and even irl are acting like Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes are a of badge of honor
>cringeworthy nonsense like "praise kek" and "free kekistan" that was funny for a day and was perpetrated by /r/the_donald and Sargon of Akkad is now accepted on Sup Forums
>frases like "weaponized autism" and "meme magic" are so overused by outsiders they're cringe inducing and yet people still use them on Sup Forums
>there was a guy on Sup Forums a week ago who didn't know how to reply to a post, someone literally told him to click on the post number and nobody called him out for being a mentally handicapped newfag
>there are people on Sup Forums right now who throw around the term "shill" as some kinda general insult without knowing what it means
it wouldn't be an issue for me if the cancer wasn't spilling into other boards

imo Sup Forums should be extremely hostile to anyone who reeks of reddit and newfaggotry, anyone who mentions "kekistan", "praise kek", youtubers, etc and sage their threads
you need to purge this cancer for the good of your own board and more importantly for the good of the whole site

and here I thought we at Sup Forums were cucked by Sup Forumsirgins occupying half the board with their tech support and benchmark threads, but honestly you Sup Forumsacks are the biggest cucks on the whole website
you have allowed reddit and youtuber fanboys to infest most of your board and you don't even resist them
truly pathetic

Other urls found in this thread:


Gas the keks. Race war now.

You picked about the worst time imaginable for this, OP.

chan is now 88th most visited site in the US


so pol became the mainstream? And now you mad?

Europe invaded by muslims...

Pol invaded by edgy children...

There is no safe place.

Matt Furie killed pepe, its time to kill this kekistan forced meme with another KEK now means Kill Every Kek

You're a lefty faggot bitch. Say nigger to prove us wrong. You're a newfag yourself trying to act like you've been here.

>Say nigger to prove us wrong.

Is this the level of discourse of you Reddit niggers?

Are you 13 years old you stupid nigger

This is the fact that lefty fags and the_donald pedes wont say nigger because theyre posers

How do we stop it? There's just too many of them. We are too weak.

in your country thats legal age for you pedos isnt it?


You sure know a lot about reddit.

It's just a 2017 spin on "We Anonmyous we are lejun lol xD"

i agree 100% with you op
but it's something normal that newfags and edgy normalfags act like this, and we just can't defend ourselves because we're the minority now

niggers are subhuman scum, arabs eat shit and their prophet is a pedophile, americans are retarded etc.

SeeIf you would not be a newfagg cunt and a neet loser you would know that right in the moment of a major election is the most autistic moment to post....


why do you think a serb would be afraid to say nigger?
we don't even have them here and why would a foreign word be offensive to me?
I don't give a fuck about your right or left
anyway, not every political scene is the same as in burgerland you dipshit



Serbfag, how long have you been here?

Meme magic (or shitposting splatter) is at the core of Sup Forums.

>the_donald won't say nigger
Did you know that /r/the_donald and /r/coontown have a high number of crossposters

If you've been here for 6 months maybe

I was talking about those exact frases

>Meme magic
Faggot shit created during the election that should've died immediately after the election.

Show me where they say nigger

shill detected

well that's the issue captain shitskin
the thing is Sup Forums is mainstream now
there is no more Sup Forums, it's kill

there are too many edgy faggots, i rather talk on /mlp/ about habbenings like the olden days

bait detected

It's from Sup Forums and the Germanwings crash two years ago.

Wow are you an oldfag???

>complaining about Murdoch Murdoch

Oh yeah that airplane crash that had a lot of references to the bane scene. The term meme magic wasn't really abused until the 2016 election though

i post on Sup Forums when taking a shit so i count as one too


should we just let the ship sink and jump to a new site like we did with gamergate?

floens didn't do this site any favors

Kek fags need to be banned. That shit is so old and stale and not funny anymore.

Nobody even has a discussion anymore, but just circlejerks over "gets".

>there are people actually accusing OP of being reddit ITT
>not agreeing with him that this kekistan bullshit is reddit incarnate
This board is finished.

Yeah, you can really tell there is a small core (10%) of interesting old/pol/ people.
The rest is just overusing old memes/writing styles to the point where they lose their appeal.
Sad. Sup Forums is trying to purge this with /bant/ though.

The mods are doing a shitty job at moving the cancer threads.

>Sup Forums is trying to purge this with /bant/ though
besides reducing the traffic on Sup Forums and redirecting off topic posts and some shitpost, I don't see how that's gonna help

also this

I just want interesting threads with intelligent/interesting people. Maybe we need a new Sup Forums. Isnt there one on 8ch?

Its crazy how the reddit boogeyman gets thrown around on other boards yet the threat on here is so very present and real

>not praising Kek

Its my favorite meme.

Still though what did you expect? we're powerful. And we're here forever. Every newfag that comes here will eventually be filled with redpills and become truly one of us.

8ch is OK if you're a Naziboo and like to talk about that shit non-stop. They're too paranoid and insular thinking for me.

I'm not a Neo-fascist, but more of a traditionalist/reactionary so I'd probably be banned.

It's a case study in the failure of open borders and multiculturalism.

Reposting for more votes

>Is the theory that NASA is fake politics?

I'm watching Baked Alaska stream from New Orleans right now.
The amount of times I've heard "based" and "weaponized autism" by these r/The_Donald cringelords....

Hey listen guys, this is true.
Im new too, but I transformed in 3 months.
The problem is when too many people come to Sup Forums in a short time and they dont integrate into the culture (sounds familiar btw).

go away, you fucking cancer

as he well should, they are pure cancer

>we just can't defend ourselves because we're the minority now
Look for good threads at the bottom of the catalog and bump them.

its not over yet fags

There are some threads & generals that don't interest newfags because you have to know lots of shit to enter the discussion.
Threads about books or geopolitics are pretty safe.

When people wear this stuff in public, do they not realize that it's just a recolored Nazi battle flag?

It helps to sort according to creation date and filter the noise, too. A lot of anons still don't even use the catalog.

Sup Forums created the_donald

You only have yourselves to blame

The IRL memers and redditors are our useful idiots. Notice how the left never criticizes antifa, SJWs, WE WUZ'ers, BLM. When you are fighting a culture war, it's better to embrace extremists than to alienate them.

Therefore, the only people opposed to /t_d/ are Jewish shills who don't want us using their tactics.

anyone from the_donald can watch "the greatest story never told" or get over their ego-need and post without reward

this. anyone calling to attack such people is a shill. simple as that. even if they are cringeworthy retards.

>Why do you allow this?

Can't stop it. It's the great double edged Sup Forums sword.

Popularity will kill Sup Forums. Just like it killed Sup Forums.

We'll move on.

>reporting in

So glad I migrated to /his/

Sup Forums is literally a brainlet board now

The best thing to do would be to kill what drives them to come here because they fragile egos can't handle conflicting information like stated.

Basically go full anti-Trump and kek.
But Sup Forums doesn't have the resolve to do that.

>migrated to /his/

Tell me about /his/, did it break the conditioning? It was next to /lit/ in pseudoscientific college wankers.


into the trash you go

>Basically go full anti-Trump and kek.
>But Sup Forums doesn't have the resolve to do that.

Not a problem for those of us who are old here, but it's a numbers problem, not a resolve problem. 90% will keep spouting year old meme garbage, never do anything new and the tone of the board will shift because it's flooded by low quality repetitive bullshit.

This isn't the first post on Sup Forums to ever cry about "newfags" and Christ knows it certainly will not be the last.

Nothing is forever.


You're right OP

wash your mirror!

>Sup Forums is shit
the Umman Manda will just pick up sticks and move on

The more traffic the better. Over time these people will have their eyes opened to the truth of it. What do you think that means?

It means we win.

>Albeit having to deal with initial cringe and annoyance
Patience, they are our apprentices.

>and here I thought we at Sup Forums were cucked by Sup Forumsirgins occupying half the board with their tech support and benchmark threads

Yeah, those must really get in the way of all the browser war and Linux distro shitposting threads.

>tfw you (as a serb) comprehend english better than americunts

This. Fuck off Sup Forums.

>but it's a numbers problem
We survived moot turning off capcha and post cool down for an entire month in an attempt to flush all of Sup Forums to that other site.

Are you telling me you aren't up for a war of attrition? Hell, just sabotaging all their little personal army threads should produce enough tears to feed the inner Sup Forumstard in you for the duration of the campaign.

Because LARPing is cool.

Please learn the difference between the Vinland flag and Kek flag Sup Forums

>using REEE to express general anger
neck yourself

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Anything that normalizes Sup Forumss views is a good thing

do you mean gets Sup Forumss view to be the norm IRL?
or to make us say NIGGER less?

Did you really pull a fucking copy-pasta speech you low-life? Come on ya fuck

Just emigrate to another chan you retards, there are thousands at this point.

it's irrelevant to the rest of the site that's not Sup Forums
and I would not complain if you kept your reddit cancerfags here
but you don't and that's a bad thing
Sup Forums is still a part of Sup Forums and other boards shouldn't have to deal with the cancer you invite for whatever reasons

Op is right, i didnt visit this place for a couple of years, came back 2 months ago, the content sometimes is great, but the cringe man... jeez.. can people stop being absolute faggots please?

>Reddit spacing
You're not fooling anyone, go back to plebbit.

Also it's not like when they go out in real life, all their 'training' will amount to anything.

A perfect example is video where they get instantly surrounded. Are given a venue to retreat safety. Refuse to take it and then get their shit kicked in. All the while the faget with the flag can only go 'YOU BETTER GIVE THAT FLAG BACK! SHILL! SHILL!'

I for one want to see more confrontations like this.


nice argument

Fine by me


its not reddit spacing reddit spacing has one sentence at a time double spaced


absolutely not
