It's not over for France and our race till the last of us is standing !
It's not over for France and our race till the last of us is standing !
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thats the spirit
please dont surrender like last time
This again?
would you shut the fuck up about surrender. that joke is so overdone. France actually has one of the best military histories in Europe.
last time it was our republican government that surrendered not our soldiers, a lot of patriots died so that we can live in peace, yet we have this shithole today
That's the right attitude
France the French
Make Europe proud again.
The Rothschilds won this round.
You know what to do Sup Forums
They just gave their country away to Germany.
No that joke stands forever now.
this is a country who surrendered and then who's women fucked the invading soldiers
what's changed exactly?
As another user said it was a cowardly government that surrendered early. Not a fault of the men fighting.
They have proven themselves in countless wars. Our only true test as a nation regarding war was the civil war. Everything else was intervening in a very advantageous position with little to no risk at home.
Things are only get worse if (((he))) fucks with our Brexit
Relax and take your insulin. Nothing is happening.
Put them under the guillotine, Francois. Them and all their pets.
You may hurry and get guns guys
When a nation easily submits to foreign rule it loses it cultural vitality forever.
Oh boy, here we go again...
>hurr durr surrender
Just wait until America becomes minority White. Oh.........
Do I smell a civil war brewing?
>When a nation easily submits to foreign rule
All of the west is doing this. Submitting so hard they WANT to be conquered by third worlders.
Just talk or you the real deal are you the hero that people need?
the only people left on this planet that matter are with you france
I'm not an hero I just want to secure a future for my race and my country
just remember
the head first
then the body
is history going to repeat itself?
I'm just a filthy honorary Aryan, but I'm fucking ready man, bought my wakizashi today and everything.
Sorry for your loss froggy
I say that what you are trying to accomplish is pretty heroic. Hope you will succeed.
Time to show both Mudslime and Politicians how strong the French truly are ... I welcome new photos of nooses and dead bodies in suits
There still hope, desu even though you guys did brexit you're still in deep shit and should react
good post anglo brother
Brittish are the biggest losers of this election
France can't keep refugiing for long the ppl will not stand for it even with macron as president
Well, maybe the scale of the invasion
Afraid so. France may have a fascist/nationalist revolution. America had its own. We are entering a new era of communism vs Nationalism.
>who's women fucked the invading soldiers
implying any women are different and wouldn't do the same.
Pls do a french revolution on brussels k thnx
For one, women.
Second, at least Germans were white.
Damn right. The lemmings have proven themselves to be failures. I hope your best men make your weakest misguided fools pay.
But honest question. How does a nation produce such a bunch of weak willed losers who are hellbent on their own destruction. Obviously you're not one of them and what was different for you so that you didn't become one of the lemmings?
if u ask the Immigrants nicely maybe they will lend u some of their guns
Revive the alliance! We ride again!
The white man and the Japanese vs the Jew part 2!
Your atheist country abandoned God & now God has killed you.
Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, [those] nations shall be utterly wasted.
Best you can do is create a ethnic French Catholic enclave. Better luck in 200 years if your population rebounds, bud.
At this point all that's left to do is kickstart the racewar before their numbers increase via year over year importations of migrants and their incredible birthrates. The longer we wait the harder this gets senpai
Maybe if they were men they would take them from their corpses.
I used to be a commie but I was always a patriot and I slowly realized what were the problem of the west and France in particular.I realized that democracy and the republic are failures that lead us to this and the only solution is an authoritarian government.
Serious question for French posters who voted for Le Pen. Do you guys at least prefer Macron to Hollande?
When will there be truck revenge attacks. the muzzy cunts pray in the streets
just as long as them establishment that stands is purged first.
We can't let them use us for their authoritarian goals. It has to be built by those who fight
You too?
And I thought was the only one who went from being a commie (not the Antifa kind, I was a Leninist) to supporting the future of our race.
Time for french people to move to USA or England. Boomer cucks and bimbo white women let them conquer your country.
"White supremacist street fighting is the only way forward." - Sam Hyde
Hell yes.
A politician cannot save you.
Only you can save you.
This is the correct answer.
See Lebanon circa 1975 for details.
Yes I was also a leninist but I eventually realized what was wrong in the west
>reporting in
Good luck France... Good luck Europe.
Only bold action and God can help you now.
>national social radical
>Dresses like Daesh
Lots of words, Pierre. Not much action.
Good on you, brother. It takes a humble and wise man to admit he was wrong.
Fuck yeah frog, viva la revolution!
Organization is the key. Alone we die. Any good group people know of? All the ones I know of either are too weak and corrupted or were destroyed
National Alliance went downhill after Pierce died
American National Socialism pretty much died with Rockwell
Richard Spencer isn't a commander and would likely run as soon as shit went down
The Klan is dead
David Duke isn't worth following
The Alt-Right is Jewish and pro-gay. They are also all talk and hypocritical.
Jared Taylor is an intellectual, not a revolutionary
I don't know much about Harold Covington though. He doesn't show up too much on the radar
Pic related. Long live the Axis Powers!
come next election shitskins will be the majority, if just by a little
At this point we really have to ask ourselves:
Do we really want to save the French people or France or even Europe?
Should this shit really continue to exist?
Go overdose on crack, nigger
Thanks for pissing more whites off.
day of the guillotine when?
also just THINK of the tasty french happenings over the next 5 years
they're embracing ISIS full-bore
literally never
thanks man I'm trying my best to improve myself and I hope one day I'll be able to fight for my race and country
I mean, your country DID produce Hitler. Allied forces could have legit asked the same question in 1945. I'm pro-Nationalism, but I digress...
Et un rapport à la DGSI
enjoy ta garde à vue mon pote
Good on you. What are the French groups that are on our side by the way?
hahaha tkt je suis sûrement fiché S depuis bien trop longtemps
europe was pagan long before christian invaded. just like islam is invading right now.
I'd say all the nationalists groups, the identitarian movement and all the patriots (most of them being in the rural areas)
Il y a pas assez de personnel trou de cul
You know what to do baguettes
Hitler didn't have to live in our times. I don't share his optimism.
>libruls lose, protest and march afterwards
>lol librul tears just give trump a chance this is why trump won
>le pen BTFO, actually loses the popular vote in her coutry, and by a massive margin
French anons, it's time to kick off your civil war. Leave nothing left.
I've already read the turner diaries and the IRA manual kek
Democracy is dead, Long live the Revolution!
the image is quite wrong
>patriot of the motherland
>implying if he wasnt he would be alive
about feminism and homos
not forbiden but not full sjw too
also dont forget when Nikita Kruschow wanted to mix all of the nations to create the soviet citizen or some shit
this. execute order 66
People won't revolt, the living conditions are too good. And the deterioration of living standards and the extinction of white people is going to be so slow and continuous that people will get used to it since it won't be a sudden change you can sense easily.
I don't feel bad for France anymore. If there is a terrorist attack every day from now on, so be it.
Hell, if we elected Hilldawg, you could feel free to gloat about her open borders (illegals AND refugees, she wanted to increase even more than Obama) and hawkish tendencies. So yeah...France, I'm sorry to say, but you chose this path. It's all on you.
Okay so then we need to encourage young ethnic French to convert so they will have larger families & form ethnic enclaves. Is that even a good plan
to islam I mean
Lol France won against Nazis, no maga in europe
no islam, like christianity is founded off judaism. remember user with jews you lose.
Drive the Muslims into the sea! Viva France!
Our memes are more powerful than a thousand rifles?
Why strike your enemy when you can trick your neighbors into doing it for free?
> till the last of us is standing
sadly, we also need white woman to win, (and they are hard to find on the right)
Well Islamic texts are openly hostile towards the Jews so I don't see your point. If Islam will secure my ethnic people a future then I'd pledge allegiance.
We can betray the non-French later at some point and genocide them