Where is your "Kek" now ?
Other urls found in this thread:
helping countries that care to save themselves
our kek is in the mudslimes systematically terrorizing and destroying you now. enjoy!
>Where is your "Kek" now ?
ill be laughing comfortably at home while ahmed shoots up another one of your event stadiums
enjoy the islam
Watching you make an example of yourself
They expect one of us on the plane, brother
He was never real you retards
back to your basement, stormfags
>FN will never poll at 5%
>FN will never poll at 10%
>FN will never poll at 20%
>FN will never poll at 30%
you are here
>FN will never poll at 40%
>FN will never poll at 50%
>FN will never poll at 60%
>FN will never take France out of the EU
>FN will never deport all non yuros from France
Le Pen is sent one more time to oblivion. Where is your god now ? Nowhere, you're alone :)
>Still posting dead memes
he has forsaken us over the kekistan blasphemy
M8 kek favours chaos, in this case the chaos was with macaroni.
Macron shills
Cry more in 6 months
fascist BTFO
drinking your tears ;)
meme magic is reddit
back to your mosque, faggot
Where he always has been. Burning in hell as an emblem of Satan. This was a win for the male gender today. Huge loss for the bagel fuckers
>35% of fascist
Actual results have Le Pen at 40% already
The secret of fiji water ? Far-right militants' tears :)
his tongue hangs out of his mouth and his hands smash furiously against the keyboard.... dribble falling from his frothing mouth... his parents watching television in the other room look over..... wondering.........
if it is too late to have an abortion....
get fucked stormkiddo...
KEK helps those whom help themselves.
we have our Trudeau now
lol, still mad about Trump?
>FN will never poll at 5%
>FN will never poll at 10%
>FN will never poll at 20%
>FN will never poll at 30%
>FN will never poll at 40%
you are here
>FN will never poll at 50%
>FN will never poll at 60%
>FN will never take France out of the EU
>FN will never deport all non yuros from France
K,next time mudslims commit a massacre i will laugh
Fag detected
>waaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Bien jouer
>Reddit spacing
>retarded non-argument that isn't even humorous
Shill or retard?
Kek helps those who help themselves.
The French have been cucked. Kek has abandoned Europe; as he has Africa.
Trips of truth
Killing your mother
>redditors treating kekism as more of a legit religion than we did
>leftards such idiots they unironically believed anyone here worshipped a cartoon frog
holy moley
Good answer.
>full denial
>reacting like theists most of you are making fun of
look ! your god is with me !
Macron will win
He's a god of dark chaos, so see you at the next terrorist attack or rape of some French women, but this time you won't get any sympathy.
kek and meme magic is reddit.....
GTFO my degenerate newfag
he already did
>worshipped a cartoon frog
We're all God together. These minor gods we create are the manifestation of our collective will, their form is immaterial to the process.
>acting smug about the destruction of your own country
This is KEK's plan. Macron will oversee major corporations deepen control of the EU, and terrorist attack after terrorist attack.
Marine Le Pen was never the one. Marion will be France's saviour princess.
>We're all God together.
Just all of us on Sup Forums? Or are you including meat-space and subhumans?
Kek wanted Macron to win.
>implying more chaos is not a win for us
Go on, those cars won't set themselves on fire, shoo, shoo. Bring a camera.
By the time FN polls at 60%, Marion Le Pen will be older than Macaroni's grandma.
Kek hates the EU and wants to see it burn.
>that maximum damage control
gonna really enjoy watching Frenchies become full muslim and more trucks of peace and peaceful suicide bombings on a weekly basis till all original french immigrate to another country.
What do you mean? Everything is going according to the plan.
All conscious life in the universe.
Has anyone noticed that the regions Macron won have 12%+ spoiled ballots. What the actual fuck. How can more than 1 in 10 ballots be spoilt?
What did Kek mean by this?
This was Kek's will
They tried to fight France with smug memes. Fools.
You only adopted the smugness. France as born in it.
Speak for your own nation Leaf.
Kek is dead. He always was dead.
Sup Forums are impotent faggots.
based Macron
>Riots have begun to emerge throughout much of France. Many injuries, especially in Lyon, where protesters & police have begun to clash.
Fuck france
Kek knows that the eternal anglo still has some warmongering blood in him, so he took some decision that would lead them to salvation, Trump (may've been suicided and replaced by an hologram 3 months ago) and Brexit.
But he knows the Europe is fucked, and he can only save it by crashing it, it needs to be killed with fire and whoever survives must raise it anew, there's no a current salvation path.
"Drain the swamp" while swamping the white house.
This will be mostly ignored, but the truth is, you are all genetic trash, low-iq (subjective) losers, who only have this forum to vent your pathetic despair. You "don't care about anything", but are therefore against everything. You are slightly over the mean testosterone levels therefore lean right, but low-iq therefore lean towards anarchy. This is biology and you are the (subjective) genetic trash. Humanity will soon give way to algorithms but for now people like you are the norm, the 40% that no one cares about (an analogue to the 40% on the left with the same low-iq, but also below-average testosterone - therefore feminist and friend-listed). As soon as you understand your irrelevance, the better. Signing off, a high-iq millionaire alpha male. Good luck with your pointless life and death.
KEK? He has abandoned FR to chaos.
Normies are already designing their fagbook backgrounds for the next terrorist attack. Good luck to the non-cucked French.
Kek works in mysterious ways. Sometime in the future the U.S. will have to liberate baguettes from the shitskins just like we liberated them in ww2. its all part of a cycle of degeneracy and liberation by the U.S. After that probably Germany.
fuck that. i'll take one redpilled gun owning burger over all of europe. they can get fucked.
Mmm fresh pasta
Fuckin saved
1. You have a low IQ
2. You are on JSA
3. You are a delta, let alone a beta.
Look Ma! I posted it again!
Whoa! Double-checked.
>the cherry on the cake
Hahahaha "high iq millionaire"
Alpha and beta are determined by pheromone signiture not political views, you are literally a God of fools
busy trying to get Trump to lock Hillary up. He won't though because he's too busy gargling the globalists kikey ballsacks
Trump winning has really blinded Sup Forums. You don't see the opportunities anymore. You only see the obstacles.
We've always wanted a happening. This will only accelerate it.
Macron winning will only make sure the happening happens in our lifetime. We'll get to witness the people responsible for the destruction of Western society's be destroyed by their very creation.
Kek has taken the form Of a new body. His name is Blepe.
Shit eating boomers.