Just picked this up at a gun show. Anyone know if it's real? If so how much is it worth
Just picked this up at a gun show. Anyone know if it's real? If so how much is it worth
Damn boi your fingers thicc as fuck.
Good luck trying to get that resized.
you've got it on upside down.
Isn't that from X-men apocalypse?
Also, a joke about how you should be careful not to accidentally eat it after you have to butter up your finger to get it off
Stop drinking soda and walk on the treadmill for an hour a day.
It means you're a Valkyria Chronicles medic.
Look at that, an obese American, color me surprised...
There's nothing wrong with my hand
It's worth 1/10th what you paid for it
Fatass you're making us look bad, kys.
we might see the oder side
You have the stumpy sausage fingers of a dwarf but scaled up to human size
Nice sausage fingers fatso.
Bait thread
How long for that ring finger to go gangrenous and drop off?
You envious? You better not be. That's a sin.
Sup Forumstard doesn't disappoint.
It is a ring worn by officers of the 7th SS division "Prinz Eugen" made up of volkdeutsch from Romania and former Austria hungary empire. Fought mainly in Balkans against Serbian and Greek communists.
It's real worth 1.9b€
Do you know if it's real or not?
You have the hands of a fat middle aged housewife
he better sell it soon before the euro tanks under the weight of france's surrender to the islamic caliphate
I think your fingers are real fat
Your hands look like what would happen if you asked a toddler to make a cows udder out of play-doh
it's a fugazi
Except ur fat lol
now I want breakfast sausages
whats it supposed to be?
>Fat fuck pudgy fingers
>Is a pagan
I'm not surprised.
I want him to stick those thicc sausage fingers in my rectum and massage my prostate to orgasmic bliss. Then i want to kick his fingers clean, tasting my poopoo.
Do you have femine benis too or just hands?
The majority of cars here are automatic for some reason. I grew up on manual and look down on automatics.
>autotragic Camaro
>probably a v6 too
apex kek
Hard Kek
Flip it for a pullup bar and some nail clippers, tubs
You're white.
But, you're fat, don't work with your hands, have girly fingers and untrimmed nails.
a fucking manlet.
Sure, it is a real ring. Also a real rune. You also have really fat fingers. Wait what were you asking? Why is it on your ring finger? Are you really married with those fat hands? Stop larping.
>put le edgy ring on fat cuck finger
>realise it's upside down
>need to work out to flip it
/fit/ where are you at?
Cool ring OP, give me high five!
>jerking off your car so you can feel superior
>when you trust Sup Forums to not turn your innocent ring thread turns into a roast
Cut your nails, homo
1. it's upside down
2. looks cheap
3. you look like you're 300lbs
legit your lifeline is super short, lose weight or die early as fuck.
t.lifeline expert
You must be 350+ lbs when I can tell that you're fat just from a picture of your hoof.
Kill yourself fatty.
I hope your a grill otherwise you've got really fucking creepy man hands
>that flag
I didn't expect much but i was still disappointed
They're gloriously creepy man hands.