Prepare yourselves for a new wave of Newfags.
>Jews are based
>Homosexuals are bros
>Hitler was a criminal
>Communism is best comrades
>Israel is based
We will turn into Reddit... Sad.
Prepare yourselves for a new wave of Newfags.
>Jews are based
>Homosexuals are bros
>Hitler was a criminal
>Communism is best comrades
>Israel is based
We will turn into Reddit... Sad.
No one follows rules 1 & 2.
I swear it should be a capital offense.
just post some gore and they will fuck off
Cant be worse than the Trump election increasing the user numbers threefold
its not summer just yet....
sachiko on the television!
is it though?
France had more weeabo USA, get cute boy traps weeabo hackers, begins epic win.
Jesus christ literally posted the url.
Rule 1 and 2 has been dead since the habbo hotel& chanology
Is he using adblock?
Well Fugg :DDD
i doubt it will change anything. the election of 2016 in america didnt change much of anything on Sup Forums
If Trump hadn't been an incompetent president Le Pen would've won
Why in the fucking nigger did Macron's tax hack come out SOOOOOO late???
Seriously, this damning information was sat on for far too long.
This isn't 2005. The most normie people I know know Sup Forums
We are at peak new fag right now. It should go back to normal in a few weeks.
>jews dont hate homosexuals
>marine; a woman; was not a jewess against homosexuals
Kek, Bürger élection was a cancer to Sup Forums.
Tons of Pro Israel and based putin bullshit and communists
I believe that a lot of them are still here, it's rare to see old polacks
because there wasn't anything relevant in the leak. you probably think there was, but if there actually was it would have been singled out and circulated fiercely. It was better to try for shock effect because with time of cool head there would be a backlash if anything
just the fact that the image in the OP is a thing fills me with lulz
>tfw walked right into it
This is a pure example of uneducated teenagers
What the fuck? Link?
Sup Forums is already plenty reddit. But it will be even worse now
ah ah ah
Well ther goes my mongolian board it was fun while it lasted cunts....
You did this to yourselves.
welcome newfriend
You certainly didn't help
Segolene Royal once published a book saying anime should be banned because muh feminism. That was like not even in the 90s.
it's ogre. macron will destroy Sup Forums and kek
> rules 1 and 2
apply only to Sup Forums faggot. We need to expand them to the whole of Sup Forums desu, but use r/The_Donald as the first step to the redpill.
Yeah jews dindu nuffin. Jews dont lick tits 24/7. This board supports males and homos. I dont give a fuck what you think
fuck off
>tfw the small mongolian basket weaving community i wasted my youth browsing is now a household name
Go suck Hitlers dead dick facist faggot. Viva la liberte and viva Macron.
2016 US elections has been the greatest disaster since Sup Forums harbor
it has permanently filled Sup Forums with jew loving anti-racism r*ddit trump drones
Shouldn't you be somewhere setting fires to businesses?
Moderatley, yes.
like a reverse phoenix pol shone bright once and then died
Nah man. Im not a commie,i hate both the extreme right and left, im a centrist.
>Macron doxxed, must be muh image board site It's good to know the french are a cancer to themselves.
OP stop being a cancerous frog and grow a brain along with a pair of balls, judging from your choice in presidents it seems you need them. Sup Forums will not turn into plebbit.
ban this fuck
>haven't lost in years
>finally free of losing
>getting ready to stop being a neet
>got a gf and a decent job
>go on /pol after the pen loses and france is dead for keks
>See image about sweden
Once again the notorious hacker known as Sup Forums is on the rise !
I got you famalam
more gifs of muslims getting what's coming to them
trolled by the leaf b8
cheers m8
>Jews are based
Some are, I'd even say most
>Homosexuals are bros
A minority, most are insufferable
>Communism is best comrades
It's the worst
>Israel is based
A beacon of civilization in a shitskin wilderness.
>we will turn into Reddit
only if we don't get the redpill threads up and running again. We survived the backlash from the Trump campaign so honestly I don't see how this is going to be any worse.
We have an active reddit raid right now
We need to add post ironic SJW posting and the girl pulling her hair out
Ah, a french centrist. Then go set up some fires and then demand them to be extinguished. Sorry for falsely labeling you.
>Jews are based
The newfags here were saying this shit ever since Trump was praising Israel
I literally overheard kids here talk about Sup Forums. In fucking Montenegro.
>Israel is based
What a fucking kike lover
4 Chan is in the news all the time.
Fucking Hillary had a speech about pepe.
>thread about newfags
speak of the devil
well i just get to keep adding to my flag collection today
thanks based montenegerfag
>Kikes are based
We will redpill them. We need more redill general threads.
>Sup Forums isn't the new Sup Forums
and desu, you'll find more intellectual conversation on r/The_Donald.
>use r/The_Donald as the first step to the redpill
t_d is the most bluepilled shit on the internet. they worship the ground president kushner walks on
where did we go wrong
>not https
You're dumb.
Maybe they will finally bring down pol?
I hope so
Let's welcome them with the part of Sup Forums they deserve then
The jews have been undermining every thread here since trump won and they discovered that free speech was a threat.
I don't know if we can defeat them. Violence is probably our only option, if any.
This. Sup Forums needs to fail. It's too big. Some sort of anti trust image board event must happen.
hello fbi
In that order.
Once they figure out there isn't an up-voting system here they will slowly leave. They need shit like that to feed their narcissism. These people are incredibly vapid. Just red pill shit-post their threads.
odjebi majku ti jebem
That's not even a correct link, you stupid fucking normies
Day of the crane when?
Well your fault for leaking shit on Macron what a way to have it backfire.
This webm never fails to get me hard
Muslims engage in mass murder of muslims everywhere they are.
Oy very, goyim, you have to save the muslims from themselves. Let them into your country by the millions.
Muslims in western countries now mass murder westerners instead.
Oy vey, don't deport the murderers, goyim. He is a victim of your systematic racism.
fuck you
That guy who wipes out at the very end is great
crazy how close some people are to death in this one
If that guy who picked up his bag just took a little longer to do it he'd still be alive and his head wouldn't be blown off by a piece of metal.
crazy right?
Let them. Let their eyes sort out the weak from the strong, and they'll see us as the superior stock. Reddit's grip is loosening, and they're going to be drown in the sea of irrelevance like Tumblr and 9gag.
The ones who come here will quickly learn the culture of anonymity, and they'll either leave or integrate. The problem will be the women though, but the vaginal Jew holds no power here
Fucking newfags.
Go back to Re ddit. Not everything is Sup Forums, despite what the mods say.
>a sheckle for the gud goyim
For the last 4 years I've recommended this board to many people over social medias to random chat rooms like Omegle etc
I've also done it in-game with WoW Guild Wars Eve Online etc
Basically I've done everything from organized shilling and pretending online just to get people to come here and get red pilled.
Did I do bad? I know I've told and most importantly peaked the curiosity of many people about this place too many to count.
>inb4 permaban
Honestly fuck you Sup Forums. You are the reason for the flood of newfriends who don't even FUCKING LURK. You are the emulating the very cancer your preach to hate on here.
I hate you