How much terrorist attacks these 5 years in France?

What is your guess?

Which flag will correctly guess the correct number?

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How many*

Fuck this thread and fuck this gay color. Kill me kek please.

No muslim is or has ever been a terrorist. Fighting against structural white privilege is not the same, whites can not be murdered by minorities.

Full blown race war by 2020


because they will redefine "terrorist acts" to only include crimes against muslims.

If macron is a coward and withdraws france from the anti-ISIS fight then less will happen. They'll still happen, Trudeau withdrew from it more or less and they got one or two Islamist attacks since.

At this point let them sleep in the bed they have made. I wonder if when it is Bosnian war style sectarian ethnic cleansing of French will liberals still be apologists.

At least two every month.

rollin for everyday hope all of you die

They could have a terror attack every day, nuclear power plants even, it wouldnt matter. A nation that has turned its back on God and worships the 666 Rothschild beast instead. The french have reached peak decadency.


screencap this

A shitload.

Isis said they wanted le pen to win. This has thrown a spanner in their works. They'll want to move people as far right as possible before the next elections

I feel bad for you frogs desu, at least I'm secure in the knowledge that in the likely event some towlies try to truck of peace us, I have a president and a secretary of defense who will respond in force, collateral damage be damned.

If only I could help you lads win your own Trump, but alas my various digits can only do so much.

No, liberals will do what liberals always did - piss off to richer, more homogenous country than the one they ruined.
Did you ever wonder why they don't speak about South Afrika anymore?

>Isis said they wanted le pen to win

Getting real tired of hearing this "Hurr, don't vote for the anti-muslims because that's what the muslims want!!" shit.

20 per year

What's the average right now? Twice a month? I stopped keeping track.

Merkel never sold weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Trump expanded weapon sales to saudi arabia,

Any explanation for this, trumpbois?????!!??

If the mudskins have any brain at all they've waited and prepared until this election is over. Now they can start killing again.
I say 26 whereas all truck and knive attacks are counted.

Or Venezuela. Thinking about how future generations will suffer because their grandparents or parents wished to feel good and smug and self-righteous about themselves really hurts.

It ought to make me a mad sandwhich board wearing nutjob to say you will see civil war in the streets of Europe. Now me saying that is so benign as to be almost boring. "Yeah no shit dumbass", "Wow user next you'll tell me water is wet".

I want to say in all seriousness something like 4 sizable attacks a year. God knows how many minor ones.

>Saudi Arabia
>actually using the weapons they buy from USA

they're sending them straight to ISIS

Civil war

fourteen thousand and eighty eight