This American antifa shit has now spread to London

This American antifa shit has now spread to London

What do you mean spread, it's always been here.

Only good thing is normies seem to be against them

Oh ffs. I always told myself if that shit came here I would have to get off my arse and go to the counter protests to these cunts.

I just want to shit post on the internet, whelp guess it's time.


European antifa have always been worse.

Anti-fa has been around forever. How young are you people? Don't you remember all the WTO protests back in the day?

It's not some new thing. And it started in Europe.

American Antifa? They were always a European organization, they cant spread in America since we'll beat the shit out of them

Antifa have been in the UK since the early 2000's. There has been forerunners to it too, like Red Action in the 80's, and AFA in the 90's.

Thing is, I don't really have a problem with the UK Antifa. They don't go for normies. They go to have it out with the EDL or Britain First, who have a mutual interest in scrapping anyway. Everyone goes home happy.

Cross the pond, antifa .. Just a little bit closer ..

I'll join you, you lazy bastard.

Americans never had antifa, but keep blaming the US for everything.

>American antifa shit

South Londoner here, I can say this is nothing special, this is just another day in South London, strange they're not mostly black or paki this time

Besides antifa came from Germany

Can you newfags / redditors please fuck off?

Antifa has been in the UK from decades. Please get out of Sup Forums you fucking stupid normies.

Football season is over just release some Millwall fans on them give them something to do over the summer.

Where abouts in South London?

Elephant and Castle here.

England isn't a cucked islamic shitho-

EU people are too civil for these American shenanigans.

Need to do what Silitoe did to the glasgow gangs.

Get a bunch of big burly highland constables and some police horses and just let them charge.

a slight shoving match, no pepper spray, no explosives, no sticks

the UK really is the diet USA isn't it?

Peckham, right in the middle of the niggercaliphate of southwark

We gave up our individuality in the 50s and 60s so we could chase the consumerist dream and make big fucking $$$ through nihilistic globalism

we're living in the dystopian remains of this cultural holocaust

I agree. It's all the boomer's fault.

ah you got that in reverse bong antifa spread from bongland and Euro zone to the U.S.

You born and bred mate? That's very enriched. Used to have a mate that lived near rockingham street just near the roundabout.

This guy gets it. Red Action were no joke, a hybrid of Scouse/Manc gangsters, miners and literal fucking IRA. Compared to them today's 'antifa' are a girl scout troop.

Why dont they personally take care of migrants then? Invite them to live in their homes.



Antifa started in Germany and spread from Europe to America. Lurk more.

They won't leave. R_don / faggot number posters are stuck here. Help

>This American antifa shit
Fucking brainless brit. Atifa started in Germany and spread all over Europe, it's at least 10 years old.

Holy fuck the British Police is a joke

the female cops are kinda cute...