Redditor here.
How does it feel to fucking lose, fascists?
Anyway, we're celebrating in the political subs, feel free to join us so we can downvote and laugh at you dumbfucks.
Redditor here.
How does it feel to fucking lose, fascists?
Anyway, we're celebrating in the political subs, feel free to join us so we can downvote and laugh at you dumbfucks.
You tell us, you've done nothing but lose since November last year.
We are actually a National Socialist board
Imagine being this retarded
It feels great to put the fascists where they belong
they only have muh
>t-trump the god emperor
>redditor here
We don't serve your kind here
Jesus Christ fuck off with your smug Reddit bullshit.
I'm an anarcho-capitalist, stop generalizing everyone on Sup Forums as a fascist.
>done nothing but lose
>Trump constantly failing
>macron winning
>guaranteed century of liberal presidents after this
I wanted Macron to win because it will cement EU federalism and make the map prettier for ww3.
Ultimately EU federalism is anti-anglo though
imagine thinking nazis are right wingers.
the left eating itself only benefits the right.
Thats right retard we used the nazis as pawns to sacrifice them but it worked out better than we could have hoped.
Yep National Socialists are socialists and are lefties.
Nazis and Commies can both go and get fucked :)
Both are viable targets for the Right.
fascism =/= socialism
all antifa has done is given power to fascists that have not come out to play.
By attacking the fascists main threat the Nazis.
how it feel to be one of us?
Trump has been in for about 3 months, there is 3 years and about 9 months left at the very least. Think about that. He has just begun.
What the fuck is populism supposed to mean anyway? Is it just a way for pseudo-intellectuals to sneakily bash democracy?
Sup Forums needed a reality check
they thought europe could be saved, a dangerous naive assumption
Is Reddit completely dedicated to circle jerking or does actual discussion just get hidden?
We will take your jobs :D
>Le downvotes
That'll show those rural and suburban retards
the upvote system totally fucks any chance of decent discussion happening. That's why it's a constant circle jerk.
fuck off nigger
I'm actually kind of excited to see what kind of a shithole Europe devolves into.
why is the left so pleased that a fucking GOLDMAN SACHS banker got elected
what happened to occupy wall street
see the "the donald" board
What jobs ?
Aww, is Pierre mad?
and hopefully their lives too
>leftie supporter calling anyone else fascist
O I'm laffin
Well said my fellow redditor! I am so glad the globalist bankers won the french election over the peoples candidate. Bankers are the best at running countries, fuck the people that live there they are all racist.
the only people losing are the french
That's stupid she's not a fascist you commie cuck.
The left isn't very revolutionary anymore. They're 100% in favor of the idea of a wealthy one world government telling everyone what to do.
what the fuck is wrong with people like this?
like, i understand normies. but plebbitors? why are they such collosal faggots. we all know they are ugly losers like Sup Forums is, but why do they act so faggy and lame about it? what is the difference between them and us? they lack something.
hey! I didn't tell you to stop sucking my mexican cock, go back at it you libtard faggot or I'll call you a nazi for being racist against a minority
Learn your history.
It took 3 election cycles for Hitlers party to consolidate power. The people take awhile to turn to nationalism.
Marcon will be their Obama, a globalist puppet who sets the stage for the pendulum to swing further right.
Not even the US has embraced nationalism yet.
But it will come. And your smugness will be remembered on the day of the rope.
don't even bother, your words won't reach them.
gb2 your Drumpfkin circlejerk
>We won
>Supporting the international entity that exists to siphon money and power
same rules apply for pro-trump "the donald" shills on this board
Begone nigger.
The right can't even govern on the federally level for shit here. Trump care won't pass the Senate.
>feel free to join us so we can downvote and laugh at you
There should be a Poe's law for reddit. I genuinly can't tell if this is legit, or someone making fun of up- and downboating.
hey hans, dont you have to go pray to allah in the mosque?
>Actual discussion
That place is nothing but actual autists thinking they are cool and edgy, and are as bad as the SJW attitude of reddit.
You fools. Islam will be flooded into France, and blood will be poured onto the streets. Soon it will become a Monthly thing, then a Weekly thing, then a daily thing. You're truly making a mistake. And if he wins, there is no preventing it, your fate is sealed.
If this board wasn't irremediably fucked OP would be banned already
No, they think that if they act like faggots hard enough, it will be normalized and they will be able to indulge their degenerate compulsions freely. Basic kike/left subversion tactics.
He wouldn't have actually.
>How does it feel to fucking lose, fascists?
It hardens resolve for the coming struggle. Too many people thought electoral politics were the way forward and now they get a wake up call.
Europe will decline until it implodes and more on the right will be ready for it than those on the left.
national socialist
Populism vs the establishment
Trump did a lot of rallys because he wasn't establishment, Clinton did less rallies because she had the establishment.
Hahaha this fucking faggot thinks we care about up/down votes.
I think he means that the_Donald is a perfect example of a circlejerk
Your spite despite the victory tells everyone your scared and insecure and strengthens our resolve ands dreams of KEK
Yep. The nigger left hates democracy & populism when it doesn't go their way.
Populism traditionally has always been seen as a good thing until recently. All it really means is doing what the majority of the population wants.
I don't understand the left's logic here, unless they are just trying to brand everyone they disagree with.
Being opposed to unbridled immigration coupled with high taxation and welfare does not make one a fascist. It makes one intelligent enough to see the end result of such a stupid policy.
who the fuck even searches "fascist failure"
Ask all of those with French flags who voted for (((Macron))) to post a picture of their hand. I'm sure it would be racist to do once you tallied the results.
Anything that isn't (((Communism))) is "fascism" to these "people". That's how retarded they are.
Reddit BTFO the racists of Sup Forums I love it.
The alt-right bowls of tears have never been so sweet.