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Hey everybody, It's Joey with JoeysSuperCoolFoodReviews!





fucking cucked OP




He if anyone can actually afford it.

oh no the fatty who makes up constant excuses to why hes a fatty cant afford healthcare and wants someone else to pay for him to be a fatty
oh the humanity!

Reminds me of this

Doesn't he make a fuck ton of money off of videos of himself throwing hissy fits? Even if he doesn't his condition is entirely his fault.

does anyone else find it insanely hard to believe that this fat fuck who makes hundreds of thousands a year from jewtube and other endorsements actually has obama care?

I don't want him to die.

But I don't want to have to pay to make him live more.

Doesn't this buttergolem make something like 200k a year? He has like 3 mil odd subscribers, so how the fuck does he need obongo care to pay for his medical bills?

>fuck you, pay me
Wait, you didn't futureproof your plans? Too bad, see you 6ft under.



>mfw half the people ITT are literally unemployed leeches

Maybe stop being a fatfuck.

>I can't afford the result of me eating constantly
>I make videos online complaining about how I can't go outside
>Pay for me so I don't have to go outside and can keep eating

CAPTCHA: Nogging jogging

He's a shameless self-hating leech. And he knows it, and has monetized his obnoxiousness.

Hope someone breaks into his house and beats him to death tbqhwy family member. Under fascism these specimens would be appropriately dealt with for the common good.

fuck you boogie
You make 6 figures

how can that be possible? Half of this thread isn't Swedish.

We gotta pay for his fat ass? This guy has failed numerous times to lose weight, and he demands that other people have to pay for his multitude of health problems. Americans are a joke.

This would sound like a death threat if I didn't know he's way too fat to get up and kill anybody.

maybe he should stop being so fucking goddamn fat

fat people genocide when

Lmao after all he was the one "really" paying into it right? Some fatass Jew fuck said so, so we must believe him!

He could fall off of his rascal and crush someone.

Sounds like a familiar refrain.


You know what's super cheap? A diet of water and vitamin pills. Would literally fix 90% of his problems.

Medicare is under 1.5% of a paycheck. He paid 40k? Really??


>b-b-b-but it's it's it's an a-d-d-ddiction

They should go about it like someone ditching heroin then the fat fucks.

Meant for.

Eating absolutely nothing sucks complete dick.

A calorie controlled diet is absolutely trivial though. The guy is just mentally a child who can't deal with the idea of not feeling "full" for once in his fat cunt life.

His "wife" is spending it all on the black dude and his crew that gangbangs her all the time.

Is this guy for real? I used to laugh at his francis vids, but the more I see of him the more i become indifferent to his condition.

that entitlement
No, no one HAS to pay for his shit life choices.

reposting this


holly molly, 15 kids??

damn she is fat af

someone drop the "boogie crapped his pants in some conference" pasta

Youtube screwed most of the Youtube celebrities by reducing their advertisement revenue by half. I doubt Boogie has been investing all the money he's made from Youtube/donations/Twitch. He will end up broke by the time he dies (probably 2-5 years if he doesn't lose the weight).


"The channel has over 3.9 million subscribers as of early 2017 and has accumulated over 620 million views since staring out. The videos in the channel cumulatively average around 400,000 views per day. This should in turn generate an estimated revenue of around $600 per day ($220,000 a year) from the advertisements on the videos."

How the fuck can he not afford healthcare?

He actually has, he said in a video about the demonizing that he is completely fine.

>he got too lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

I'd say nobody could burn money that fast, but an impotent manchild with a 5 pizza a day habit? Maybe he could. He seems very dim, so the people around him are probably siphoning it off as fast as they can before he croaks and the money stops pouring in.

Hm, get a job? Oh wait, you can't even walk properly, let alone doing a job. Fucking fatass.

fake tweet

Kek. Source? I want a good laugh.

They're not complaining about it on twitter though.

this is why we need national socialism you guys we must pay for our brother the jew tricked him into eating mayo he has the same worth as any white!!1

>Makes tons of money off youtube
>Can't afford his own healthcare
Maybe if he stopped spending it on maintaining his body mass this wouldn't be a problem

What a piece of shit. He is a millionaire who became a millionaire by crying about how being bullied as a kid makes him incapable of not being morbidly obese.

As someone who was also abused by my mother and bullied, both to degrees that make Boogie's pity party look like a fucking vacation, I absolutely despise this fat fuck. He is incapable of taking responsibility for his own actions and wants the average person who have their premiums soar to 400%+ so he doesn't have to dig into his millions to pay for his own fucking life decisions.

I'm really starting to hate this faggot the more I see of his massive ass.

Boogie is a repugnant, feeble subhuman.

You don't need to post fake tweets to convince anybody of that, user. It's apparent.

How come Americans don't understand how insurance works?

I pay insurance for prescription drugs, even though I don't actually take any prescription medications. Do you know where that money goes? It's not to a savings account. It goes to the insurance company, who uses my money to subsidize the cost of prescription drugs for other customers. This is how insurance works. While we don't have a public drug plan in my province (although seniors can apply for assistance), doctor's visits, blood work, medical procedures, etc. is covered by the government. But it works the same way: my taxes pay into public insurance, which then pays the doctors, hospitals, etc.

I'm not going to justify this fatass' whining, but let's not use his bitching to justify being retarded.

He can afford it, he'd just rather spend the money making himself even fatter instead. Because of his genetics, you see. He's gotta keep eating because of genetics, or was it his mom that didn't hug him enough, or was it the PTSD he got when people laughed at his bitch tits when he was a kid? Whatever it was, it isn't his fault. He's gotta keep eating too much every day until he dies, it's out of his hands you can't blame him for anything, and he shouldn't have to pay the costs for treatment that keeps him alive because he's just a victim in all this. Yup.

That's the mindset of niggers and leftists.

is... is this a fake story made up just for entertainment... right?

i am just surprised the insurance company updated him so quickly
it's not like he'd try and use this as a scam to make mon-
oh shit lol

I prefer the "chain them to a radiator in a damp leaky basement for a few months on a diet of lean meat, eggs and vegetables" method myself.

>The guy is just mentally a child who can't deal with the idea of not feeling "full" for once in his fat cunt life.

Fuck, this sentence got me so fucking angry because you hit the fucking nail on the proverbial head right here my man. So fucking true, just like it was about me when I was a fat shit before I got my shit together.

Honestly, why the fuck does anyone even watch this guy? I've never seen a video of his. What does he do beyond just eat and cry about being fat and how everyone else needs to pay for his life choices?

Is it essentially a circus freak channel?

I make less than this working 30 hours a week and being a full time student. Fuck this guy, literally handed $1000 every month and he has the nerve to bitch about financial trouble

he catters to the reddit audience, which is big and full of easily impressionable normies. "Francis Rants" are reddit humour, and his subpar "reviews" are enough to mantain them subscribed.

Any kind of Nationalistic Fascism would naturally promote personal fitness for everyone as a national imperative, for the good of the nation.

Someone has to pay god damn it

im paying for your healthcare
wow, great, like every normal person in a normal social society does you fucking fat piece of shit
I will probably pay a fucking million in my life for healthcare, and i dont fucking need it right now, but someday, when i have to get surgery, i know it will be free
but you still have to take care of yourself and dont steal other peoples money for no reason you fat fuck, people like you should get no healthcare at all
its like giving a junkie a new kidney