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fuck canada
Define "Our People".
He's right. Medical care is a basic human right that America doesn't uphold for the sake of "muh capitalism muh taxation is theft"
>it's about being a good christian
>it's about being a decent fucking human being
>get my money taken away so that Fatts McLardo can have a triple bypass surgery after eating like shit for 20 years
>Kid in Alberta needs open heart surgery after mother drank alcohol, smoked pot, and got high on cocaine while pregnant
>Faggot teen gets addicted to Heroin and they want to take my money to pay for rehab
Free healthcare supports degeneracy, just like welfare and homeless shelters. Cull the weak.
Americans are stubborn and can't fathom paying a little bit more in taxes to support the less fortunate. Instead of allowing everyone to get affordable access to healthcare, Americans believe they shouldn't be paying for other peoples well being.
>Boil leg James
Niggers will take advantage n it would be dried up in an month cause Tyrone had 2 get his pimp grills
>"It's called taking care of your people."
And health tourists.
200billon of our 2trillon gdp something like 11%
saw a native getting drunk off hand sanitizer again this morning.
Fuck being a leaf.
You are exactly right, except for the "less fortunate" part. See
most americans are aren't human since they are a nation of ooga booga frankenstein mongrels, also genelets should be cooked in ovens and gassed to death in concentration camp for being a genetic dead end and a burden on normal people
>you come across a giant unruly inefficient jalopy moving along with fifteen people riding on it.
>Notice it would literally be faster if everyone walked.
>Hey you guys why not walk it would be faster?
>They start crying "tim hurt his leg, tim hurt his leg"
>Guys, three of you could just carry him and the rest could walk and it would still be fa-
Those whom legally reside within our boarders and pay their taxes
Literally not how universal healthcare works. Any medical procedures that aren't required are not covered and you pay out of pocket
Or you know anyone our cuck wants to bring into the country because hurdurhur "world citizen"
I don't want to be a decent human being.
private healthcare is better
Canada has fucking awful healthcare.
Wait times are abysmally long, and the government invests a ton of money into it for very little return.
Just google it, Canada is by no means a country America should follow for Healthcare.
Ameriburgers never understand
I have a job.
>it's called taking care of your people
sounds like Natalie should leave her anglo suburbs desu. I agree with her in principle though. Healthcare for shitskins > No healthcare all day long.
pretty much this
>long queues
>shit quality of care
That's what "taking care of other people" gets you.
Don't I have a basic human right to hold onto the money that I have earned?
Why do your rights out-weigh mine if that's true?
Dr. Leaf, I need these grillz. They're apart of my identity you bigot.
You realize those are edge cases and dont represent the majority of people who would benefit from healthcare right?
No system is perfect, but in this case giving people access to healthcare, even if it includes a few degenerates, is better than not providing it at all.
you've managed it exceptionally well tho. god bless NL.
>taking care of your people
If he means just for whites then yeah I'd like it but if its for niggers and other non-whites who don't have this built in guilt which most whites have about taking more then they should
The only people who didn't already have it ARE degenerates you stupid fucking faggot.
The leaf is right.
Universal healthcare is superior
No one imagines an idyllic future where people have to navigate insurance company bullshit every time they have an emergency
There's a difference between helping people out of your own good will and be coerced out of your hard work's compensation by the state, to fund a healthcare system that gives back to the needy only a percentage of what it takes.
The practice of keeping people who can't survive alive out of "Good Will".
If you break a leg that's one thing, if a child is born with a malfunctioning heart and regardless of treatment will live in a bed, that's another.
*You cannot save everyone* it's literally impossible.
Who wouldn't like for everyone to be healthy and have a good life? Nobody likes to see people suffer, but in her post she implies that people don't care if others die.
Free healthcare revolves around the belief (usually extended to communism) that "If you strive for an ideal, even if you don't reach it you will end with the next best thing".
That's bullshit, it does not work, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
Don't you think they'd have programs to help people like this? There will always be outliers for people like that but what about all the rest of your people? If they are white you should want take care of them.
And these degenerates get laughed out of their doctors office and get told to go fuck themselves
Because it's never fucking "free" and it's usually people who refuse to pay for their own expenses making someone else pay them instead, but when the situation is reversed they simply don't pay anyone else's either. Despite this lying person. They'd complain a fuck ton if they saw a huge chunk of their paycheck taken away for taxes for this.
>Everyone should help each other out!
Is always this in disguise.
>I hope everyone falls for this and helps ME out but I'm sure as fuck not going to help them and make up excuses.
Normies just want someone else to cover their Responsibility Costs so they can save their own money for their Fun Costs.
Our taxes are squandered every day. Why should I have to pay more when so much is already being stolen or wasted? The government is already taking 1/3 of my labor compensation. How much more should I have to contribute to this society? It doesn't give me anything back. Literally, there isn't any benefits for myself or anyone like me. I'm a disposable resource being used to feed billionaires and women I'll never get to fuck.
This. It's my money and should not be used by some fucker who got knocked up at 17 and doesn't know who the father is, requiring medical care for her and her child who will no doubt grow up to be a degenerate like their mother.
I would pay extra taxes if it meant we went to war with Canada and killed every last one of them
Yeah just because someone can't afford to pay for healthcare doesn't necessarily make them a degenerate.
They could be someone with lower than average IQ who cant land a decent job that would allow them to pay for care.
Does that mean they should suffer?
>He says as sexual reassignment surgeries are funded by the tax payer
Good try, Leaf.
>Forcing somebody else to service you is a right
Give it time, we will ship the people in to do it for you
Canadians are faggots, that explains it.
Same here. I'd pay 99% rate if it was used to bomb the EU and Canada into a pile of dust.
>Does that mean they should suffer?
It's not my responsibility to make sure they don't.
>a swede whining about America
White Americans are literally the master race, regardless of mixing. If we weren't, we wouldn't be fucking ruling you.
Nasty. Pop off James
It doesn't matter who they are or what their story is. I don't care what happens to them, just like society doesn't give a shit about me.
Ok, now explain Australia. And England. And Norway. And Germany. And every other fucking place with functional social medicine.
The ONLY solution that works in the real world is subsidized healthcare with robust spending on public health awareness and education.
Same for education. Debate's over. Problem's solved. We KNOW subsidizing education for all is objectively the best thing for the economy, for healthcare, for for entrepreneurship, etc. You support people while they reach their potential, and surprise surprise, they pay back more than you paid into them. The people who fail are more than covered by the random ass farm boy who ends up being an engineering making $120k a year.
Nearly all of the drawbacks of social healthcare and education you can fucking list ALREADY ARE A PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES including long wait times in emergency rooms. We're getting the worst of both worlds.
>They could be someone with lower than average IQ who cant land a decent job that would allow them to pay for care.
I don't see how this doesn't fall under "cull the weak".
She clearly hasn't tried using it.
Explain Boogie.
These people are usually poor takers who pay very little tax under the progressive tax system. Of course they don't mind paying "more taxes" for their gibmedats.
>glad to pay extra taxes to help people
>turns out the money didn't go to the insurance
>tax money didn't even help people
>tax money goes to (((them)))
There's that word again
>larpers pretending they have jobs and pay tax
Stfu and accept your welfare check
You get taxed anyway you fuckin retard
Would you rather have that money helping you or billion dollar corporate entities
we still pay when Tyrone gets diabetus. He doesnt so we do.
People with cancer are degenerates?
Unless people are obligated by law to care for their own health then universal healthcare doesn't work. I'm a healthy physically fit and active person, I eat good, I don't drink or smoke. I pay for the healthcare of the obese, alcoholics, smokers, blah blah blah. It doesn't work.
Behold what my taxes pay for:
>I pay extra taxes
Ever notice how everyone who posts this drivel pays little, or no, taxes to begin with?
They are the beneficiaries, so of course they support it.
Pop off james
>You get taxed anyway you fuckin retard
How about no?
the real problem is the scam of everything that is health care in USA. over priced, opaque, delightfully shady big pharma presence, ridiculously high cost of education to be a "dr".
anyone have any ancap healthcare memeballs?
The day the homeless man takes place over your son or daughter you will understand. Social healthcare is expensive and is used by freeloaders. Google some shit nigga, Canada has a doctor problem, a bed problem and just a healthcare problem in general. Government just fucks things up. And trust me, I work for the Canadian government under PSAC
Never received a dime of welfare in my life.
It doesn't make you a decent fucking human being to force me to send my.money to a hunch of poor degenerate people who don't work
>no citation
>no sources
>no facts
>ignoring that in every other country, there is no competition because the insurance providers either stay out of each other's way, collude, or merge until each market only has 1 or 2 options
The "free market competition" meme needs to die. Fucking Adam Smith laid out the failure states for Capitalism and the West, especially the US, is currently experiencing nearly all of them. The West is not Capitalist. It is corrupt and plutocratic, so Capitalist theory no longer applies. Everyone spouting it is a retarded ideological zealot.
I didn't know cancer only affected the uninsured.
>Medical care is a basic human right
no it isnt
you cant get that without someone elses assistance, so how is it a fucking right?
Do you need someones help to speak your mind?
Do you need someones help to shoot a gun?
Do you need someones help to avoid being searched?
Never had a job either im sure
P o p o f f j a m e s
Oh in that case let's also tax the people to help the homeless, help solve cancer, help people in africa, just help everything.
We are getting taxed anyway, let's just add on.
Your logic is total dogshit.
You didn't think that they were going to cut some programs in favor of healthcare, did you? You taxes will just go up 50%.
I don't give a fuck what Adam Smith said, pay for your own damn healthcare, you fucking leech.
Healthcare is provincial. His taxes have nothing to do with people in other provinces operations.
I'd rather go into debt to save my child then have to wait 3-6 months for jamal to stop hogging the MRI machine
Read my fucking post you subhuman filth. Every fucking problem you mentioned also exists in the United States. And you didn't even reply to the fact that social healthcare works in every other fucking country.
And you had the nerve to say "google some shit". Why don't you go full SJW and tell me to "educate myself" because you're too stupid to explain yourself? You're basically doing that already.
>hurr taxation is theft hurr
I miss being 15
There's no such thing as free, everything has costs, and costs take many forms; anyone who uses the word free unironically is a child whose opinions should be immediately discarded.
They are the monkeys that choose 2 peanuts now instead of 5 peanuts later and then whine that it's not fair they don't get 7 peanuts now and 7 peanuts later.
They still have a doctor problem?
Didn't they loosen requirements for med. school like a decade or more ago? Or are they all going to the United States instead?
I'm pretty rw but even I support state run healthcare, from a national security perspective. A country needs a military tovdefend itself, and it needs a healthy population to man that military. The populace also believes it has a stake in the nation if the nation takes care of the populace. I go with the old cliche, "hand ups, not hand outs".
Saying that, our NHS spends obscene amounts on vanity procedures, leaving too little for lifesaving ones.
I have made 70k already this year.
I would be happy for the majority of that to go to the welfare of our people rather than MOABbing retards in a Af-Pak mountain range
How recent is this? Without a timestamp on the article I'm skeptical.
get your fucking hand out of my pocket you cock monger
"hurdurhur im entitled to the work of other people to keep me alive"
Cancer still costs a fortune for people with insurance because insurance companies, particularly if preexisting conditions return. Wouldn't be an issue in a universal Healthcare system
First job at the age of 12. Do you have any other revelations?
If someone can only ever land a job that pays 30-40K a year because they aren't smart enough to proceed further in life, they are getting penalized even further by not having access to affordable healthcare.
It's sad that the health of the rich is so much better than the health of the poor but it's not hard to see why that is.
The fact that none of you give two shits about supporting your fellow citizens is disappointing. It still blows my mind that so many Americans think this way, whereas in most other parts of the world they think that kind of thinking is absurd.
"free" healthcare is the reason why my post-socialist shithole of a country has higher life expectancy than yours. But I can understand why you don't want to share the right with all the immigrants that are pouring into your country. However studies have shown that rich people in countries that have universal healthcare still have longer life expectancy than rich americans and that is quite shocking given that you should be able to get the best care in america if you can afford it, so that might point to some other factor that cuts your life expectancy.
You should at least consider it tho but if you happen to change your mind you land in a complex position because neither republicans nor democrats can secure you a proper universal healthcare. Sometimes I think our elections are pointless and then I think of you guys...everyone wants to fuck you over.
>Cancer still costs a fortune for people with insurance because insurance companies,
this just shows how mentally retarded you are.
the real cost comes from jewish health manufacturing companies that keep competition out.
it's the EHCI 2016, it says so in the image
the rest of your post is Not and Argument cubed
>and pay their taxes
but then there is no need for me to pay for them
>Do you need it to stay alive
Pop off james