Communism doesn't wo


Other urls found in this thread:'s_Republic_of_China#Techno-nationalism

China is as communist as jews are honest.

the only reason it is succeeding economically is because of the free-market reforms it's been making since Deng Xiaoping in the 70s. It's barely communist except for the name of the ruling party.

I've never seen a chink on this site. I wonder why...

I'm pretty sure China has own Sup Forums


except they have no morals and breathe in smog 24/7 while living like canned sardines

They have the most millionaires in the world, they're communist lite..


50 million starved to death until they abandoned it.

well, most of China is fucking wasteland, China is not only beijing

50 million... it's nothing for china, people are starving in every country

No, they aren't.

yes they are.


...rk in countries with non-homogenous populations

They're a "democracy".

will of the people, yup

worker's/peasant's rights are nonexisten in China, factories there have anti suicide nets. communist my ass, kys OP you are a faggot

Sup Forums is banned in China

Nobody is starving here 2bh

oh i see that you know everything about law of china! tell me more pls : DDD

u mean UK?

China is anything but communist

maybe I'm faggot, that's still better than being fucking gypsy fucker desu

Its not banned as such, but google captcha doesnt load because google is kill, you need a chanpass to post from there

Yeah China has its own forums in Chinese.
Actually it isn't. I used the chans while I was in China. However Google captcha is blocked so you have to either buy a pass or use a VPN to actually post, but browsing is no issue.

Pic related, I took it in China in Yunnan province.

Eh, 90% of their products are fake, cheap and/or substandard, their currency is based on fraud, their rich elites are using said fraud to buy up as much foreign currency and real property as they can, using the California housing market to launder their fake money, and they're nearing a point where the deception won't be able to be covered up anymore.

well u aren't right, people are starving everywhere, more or less

spoken like a true mongol kurwa inbred

The official terminology is "Socialism with Chinese charcateristics" or "socialist market economy."

I'm just gonna keep bumping this thread with pictures I took in China. I ate this pizza in a little tourist city down South. Bready good.

yup, looks really tasty

It was actually really good, better than most pizzas I eat in America.
Baby pandas at the Chinese panda research facility.

I was in China about 6 years ago. It's probably changed quite a bit since then.

If anything, China is probably closer to legit fascism than either socialism or capital
>fusion of state and corporate power
>dominance of the Han Chinese ethnic group

communism doesn't work
capitalism doesn't work
thankfully we have a somewhat-functional mixture of both

Communism has never been tried.
China is state capitalism.


actually more like the assimilation of other groups into the han

Han group is a very vague ethnic group, and you can see it is not at all consistent

t.han, but very different from a northern han from china

Some people in China believe minority ethnic groups have it better. China has some affirmative action things which help out minorities like Zhuang, Muslims and Tibetans get jobs. Also minority families never had to follow the one child policy.

Pic related, library at university in Beijing where I studied. Lens was dirty that day.

>it works
Right : its not real communism

>it doesnt work
Left: its not real communism

Politics are so amusing

how long were u in china bro?

Modern China is far more fascist than communist.

Why do all countries do this? Why not just kick them out. WTF is wrong with humanity that we assist parasites in living?

well i think that china is normal, just normal country

Eight months. I lived in Beijing but travelled around like a dozen different cities, especially in the South of China. Had a lot of fun, I'm actually gonna start applying to do grad school in Beijing.
Eh, it's not so bad. Chinese minorities aren't as bad as our minorities and they've been in China for centuries.

Terrra cotta warriors in Xi'an.

There's nothing abnormal about fascism, user. You wouldn't say that the Roman Empire was abnormal would you?

At the cost of your culture which china can and will erode, by force if needed
(of course not all culture is good)

>it works
No it didn't. Are you seriously not familiar with mao and the cultural revolution?

They started developing once they started opening their markets

China is fascist, not communist or even socialist.

That's why they kick so much ass these days, in terms of being a powerful nation-state.

Their politicians are all trained engineers, ours are lawyers. That helps them too.

pretty sure their economy is a mixed model. Oops

Holy fuck, they look like cute little cats.

Why is there not a cat/dog breed that looks like a panda yet

>Dominated by han people
How far can you sheeple get

1/3 of Chinese Businesses (the largest, most profitable ones) are state owned enterprises. Another third are jointly owned.

China's markets are thus 45% socialist - though that's just the market. With the communist party in total power, where they decide to take the country next will dictate whether or not they ever go all out. They're too secretive for us to know if they actually believe their ideology. China is making such a large profit though maybe they have the money to fund a planned economy; I mean what else are they going to do with it? They control our industry thanks to obama and the globalists, if it was under total state control they'd have almost irreversible power.

Then again, since corporate interest is China's interest, perhaps not unless that changes.

someone dump those depressing images of china

>go to China
>eat pizza

Did you visit McDonalds too?

>Communist China has one of the world’s highest levels of income inequality, with the richest 1 per cent of households owning a third of the country’s wealth, a report from Peking University has found.

I'm sure they'll redistribute like good commies, right?

PS: they're building supercomputer after supercomuter - where did the Soviets go wrong? the gosplan failing to communicate effectively and so mismanaging resources. The Russians had toilet paper, there was just too much in some shops and not enough in others, before the whole thing collapsed and nothing got anywhere - with computers, China could succeed where they failed. Instead of six months for orders to go out, it could be nanoseconds.

it's the same every where, trickle down economics.

Funny thing is in Chinese, panda is called "bear cat", because they kind of resemble a cat, especially as infants.
Chengdu, food street area.
I mostly ate Chinese food while in China, but occasionally I also had Western things.
Come to think of it I did get to see the first McDonalds opened in China. I have a picture of it somewhere.

>1/3 business in China owned by the state
Lower than that in France, Scandinavia and maybe California

depressing? nah
most of us here only save exciting ones

Only success has been allowing
Entrepenours to create progress

While shity ccp retains power

I see from your previous post you were in Yunan, what are the prices like there?

After visiting for Nepal my heart yearns for more enchanted mountain settings. Have had my eye on Yunnan/Sichuan. Or perhaps the Caucasus mountains.

Nice pics, I also visited most of these places just one month ago actually. Didn't see many places which could be termed shitholes but then again I didn't seek them out.

t. muslim ruled by chinks

2nd most billionaires China has a free economy but says their communist so must be communist (face palm)

>praises communism
you were supposed to be a bro

Yunnan from what I remember was really cheap, not like Beijing or Shanghai where rent is relatively expensive. Very, very beautiful natural scenery.
There are crappy places in China but overall there's also a lot of nice places. It's not the communist dystopia that CNN and BBC make it out to be.
Chinese food I ate at some people's house. 9/10 breddy good.

Just a reminder it is not safe to drink the water out of the tap in any Chinese city. The smog regularly kills people and the government uses excessive force and censorship to quiet dissent. The only reason they are not dying off in excessive numbers of starvation is that China adapted capitalist policies. The growth of their economy is directly linked to those policies.

Also why do capitalist chinese majority countries like singapore, hk, macau and taiwan have a much higher standard of living than mainland china?

doesn't work for humans that is. works fine for insects.

kill yourself son

Shenzhen/Guangzhou/Suzhou: roughly non London part of England or non Paris part of France
Other Purple: roughly Portugal
Orange: roughly brazil and Russia
Blue: roughly India

>Deng Xiaoping gives up on total communism and proceed to implement capitalism

>China now

You dense motherfucker.

the places you listed are either small city-states or highly urbanized compact countries, who had a head-start on the free market by a good few decades

china is immense in population and land area and has only really developed quickly in the past 30 years. the standard of living in first-tier cities like shanghai and shenzhen are pretty good but the sheer size of china means that there will always be a great deal of inequality in the transitional stage

it depends on where you look. the place in china i was born in definitely has some backwatery areas that haven't changed much since the 60s/70s but on the whole i haven't seen much abject poverty or extremely unbearable quality of life. in fact some of the preserved areas like pic related in my hometown are actually pretty comfy and bring back good childhood memories

worst thing is the soulless commieblocks. le corbusier's philosophies are alive and well in china and the only reason cities aren't dying in traffic is because the government builds subways like crazy

Because all the chink posts have the Canadian flag attached with it.

tl;dr FoBs

It didn't work when they had communist policies. That is why they loosened up the market through capitalistic policies. If you go to China today you will find things like KFC or McDonalds because private companies are allowed to exists, something that isn't allowed in a communist state. China has an elite class today because people are allowed to keep some of their wealth, again something not allowed under communism. China's growth is directly linked with the capitalistic policies. China was communist, but isn't anymore. The left on the other hand straight up ignores any attempt at communism as not real when things fail. Every. Single. Time. At least the right acknowledges the failures of capitalism as capitalism.

And also China didn't fail like the west after 2007 because it's not capitalist either. Centrism will win.

yet everyone says venezuela is commie

>If you go to China today you will find things like KFC or McDonalds because private companies are allowed to exists
Ouch. Did they not screw themselves there by not letting some domestic brands grow large first? It is pretty fucked that the face of it all is always American or tiny family run stores. Commie soullessness and Globalist-corporate soullessness are similar. No intermediary to give things life. Apart from plastic false "vibrancy"

there are domestic chain restaurants in china as well. franchises like 外婆家's zhejiang cuisine are getting popular, and tech companies like huawei and xiaomi are getting to the point where they can compete with foreign brands. i don't know the specifics but china does have a great deal of protectionist policies that help domestic industries grow because they know they don't have the experience and knowledge to compete with established names

Venezuela is communist. The government controls the markets. Their government makes the economic decisions for the country. By definition Venezuela is communist.

you need competition to encourage growth user
total protectionist is one of the many failures of mao - whatever local leading food outlet became intent on only crushing domestic opponents, giving zero attention to foreign ones, and stagnates

They have plenty of domestic brands. The government openly favours Chinese companies and has very protectionist policies. The point is though that the markets are free enough in China that even foreign companies are allowed to at least exist legally within their borders.

>work 12 hours a day
>in a factory
>like a fucking robot
>gets so bad people actually jump from the window for their own death
>companies actually have to install anti suicide nets

yeah communism is awesome!


They show up from time to time, probably intelligence officers.

They gave up their individuality for it to work

The fuck you on about?

there are franchises in venezuela and private companies
crisis is destroying everything but all the things you signal as china being non commie also exist in venezuela

Try looking into their actual law and economic policy instead of filtering facts through memes like an idiot.'s_Republic_of_China#Techno-nationalism

>Nationalism and nationalistic achievements have been seen as becoming the main ideological justifications and societal glue for the regime as Marxism loses influence. Some science and technology mega-projects has been seen as questionable trophy projects done for propaganda purposes with Chinese state-controlled media being filled with reports of Chinese achievements.

Gee you weren't kidding.

>Their politicians are all trained engineers, ours are lawyers. That helps them too.

This practice has been mostly abandoned in the past decade. Most top officials are graduated economists now.

In China I mean.

>filtering facts through memes
exactly what political ppl do

There are franchises but very limited ownership. Part of the reason why businesses have left Venezuela. The government still dictates most business matters. One of the most recent examples is that the government recently told bakers in the country what they can make and sell. The words "private company" are more a facade there than a reality. Whereas in China, there is a at least some degree of real independence for private companies.

> china
> communist

if there was a crisis in china venezuela level
(tomorrow cheap work becomes not useful due to automation or chinese piracy is outlawed all over the world)
the gvmt would regulate the same way

if oil was 200 a barrel venezuelan gvmt wouldnt give a fuck about any private company

they are the same
just big differences in efficiency and actual care for the countries growth but no political differences

Did you go to Hong Kong?
I'd like to go there

See nothing bad bout that son

100M dead people is a failed system