How can Italy become relevant again?

How can Italy become relevant again?

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Let more muzzies in

Shine my shoes

Now go home and get yer fuckin shinebox

Salveenee I guess

The ultimate solution

roman empire part 2

>faggot who wants to cut italy in two because he's autistic

ok but who can we elect that's not mentally retarded?

That was the old lega nord porcodio,Salvini is the most redpilled italian we have

>I've never read the Lega manifesto but lol who cares about politics and the fact that our country is disgustingly corrupted when you can watch le vetrine dei negozi di Domenica amrite?

electric bungaloo


I said how can we make ITALY relevant again, not Padania.

>pastaniggers reading comprehension


Threaten to default on your debt, threaten to make a Club Med union. They're fearful of those things especially.

Or if you just stop the boats, that alone would get people all pissed off at you, making you more relevant.

Leave the EU and Euro, deport the sandniggers and niggers, start building a huge industry, agriculture and nuclear power plants with protectionism to be as independent as possible.

A dream come true

>10 million tourists in Venice per year

Why u not relevant?

Don't balkanize, you're more powerful as one. I know both northern and southern italian people and they have there differences but still closer to the same than other countries. Don't let frances faggotry leak into northern italy.

You might have to nuke bologna, it sounds like a commie hotspot.

Military coup
I've come to the realization that this is the only way to save any part of western civilization. All of our governments are hopelessly compromised. We have to start over.

t. errone

You guys gave us Shadilay, you practically gave us Trump's victory and HWUNDU fun. You're perfect Italy, never change

Beppe Grillo

Imvade Ethiopia

Turn on Germany completely.

>Rightful Italian clay

Become the goalies of Europe. Make like the Greeks and sink rapefugee boats.


Build a neo Roman empire. Don't start war efore your ready like Benito had to to aid Hitler. Build a powerful internal industry. Remember the might of your Roman ancestors.


Opinions on Five Stare Movement fellow Italian anons? They seem populist but far from right-wing, although they are anti-euro and anti-immigrant recently so I like them for that

Never been done before.

I mean... I WOULD like revenge for Teutoburg forest... Should we conquer Germany?

Retards who think they can pay italy's debts by cutting their wage while also giving gibs to everyone who's unemployed (which is a massive slice of italy's population atm). Honestly I'd rather have the left stay in power than them.

I thought MS5 was basically a party that's just a front for all of your most corrupt politicians to steal as much money as possible before everything comes tumbling down, explaining why their platform is incoherent

(((Golpe Borghese)))

Remove kebab, remove EU. Become last major European tourist destination standing.

Bring us a new Napoleon.


Espulsione di zingari e musulmani
Rimozione di Papa Francesco, annessione del Vaticano, elezione di un nuovo papa asservito ai nostri interessi
Annessione di San Marino
Fucilazione dei terroni, il Sud da ripopolare con i meridionali bravi
Fucilazione degli indipendentisti di ogni sorta
Programma nucleare
Istituzione di una Repubblica Romana anti democratica
Invasione della Libia
Balconi unica marca di merendine e nazionalizzata
Per cominciare

Invade and Conquer Greece and Turkey then ask the Pope to give the title of Holy Roman Emporer to the italian president



You know it to be true.

>implying Spaghettiland was ever relevant.



Leave EU.

>Shitting on my spaghetti
Fuck off cuck.
Italy is going to fuck Germany out of Germany and take back the Holy Roman Empire.

Get out of EU
>Industrialization of the South
>hang the mafia
>huge militarization, maybe nuclear plants
>search for new allies (Spain and Greece, maybe the French if they uncuck themselves), trade with them and keep them close
>divide and conquer
>Make the Mediterranean great again

Italy can save Europe..Italy can crash the EU..I believe in you guys.



the fuck is your problem Italy is already great stop false flagging

Control your borders

we must grab the power with our own hands,we must deport away every politician and everyone who has ties with them.
this "democracy" is cancer.
and we should make catholicism great again,removing high-tier priests and the pope

>Programma nucleare

Fucking this
I'm still mad that the 2011 referendum passed.
Now it's going to take another 25 years before we get another shot at building nukes.

It's especially sad because for the short time we had nukes running we were really good at it.

Trino was the most powerful nuclear plant in the world when it was built, and Caorso basically ran at full power 24/7 all the time except for fuel stops.

I visited Caorso this weekend and our tour guide was one of the original operators of the plant, he sounded so angry at it being shut down. He said he still remembers the day they shut it down for the last time for a fuel reload.
April 26th 1986, ironically. Just a few hours later Chernobyl would blow, condemning our nuclear program forever.

They finished loading the new fuel, but were never given the order to restart the plant again.

>huge industry


what's the point of huge industry and agriculture if you can't export your goods to anyone?

Italy is good right now (still 91% ethnic italian), but not great. No jobs, bad economy, young italians have to leave to find work.

Also funfact: the residents of Caorso used to call the reactor Arturo


I feel like Italy has enough of a racist/religious streak that they won't take the Islamification of Europe laying down. Italy has produced so many incredible minds in the past, I think they can rise to prominence once more.

>t. part Italian who wants to see the Roman Empire rise again

> still 91% ethnic italian
Nigga what? Mudslimes and sandniggers are like less than 1% here

It helps that it's tough to tell you terroni apart from them

Well, I'm a young Italian and I didn't have to leave to find work. Many such cases!

No, but seriously, it's only hard to find unskilled jobs. In IT it's pretty easy desu.

yeah but there's like 5% other Europeans

Albanians and Romanians

We have a huge number of romanians and other eastern europeans. The romanians alone are over 1 million.

Of that 9% that is non - italian, I think like 5 or 6% are romanian. Around 1% are asian living in Milan. I will take romanians any day over brown people.

You wish
But yeah, 91% seems a bit low

Protectionism is about restricting unnecessary imports, not exports.

This. Most of them are east europeans, chinese, filipinos etc.
There are very few actual muslims and niggers, not counting terroni of course

They are shit anyways
Chinks are the worst
And we have a lot of pakis and banglas

> Chinks are the worst
> tfw i'm from Prato

Churches aren't deserted just because we have old fuckers still going to mass
The youth is either atheist, modernist catholic(muh poor faggots, muh religious tolerance) or simply doesnt give a fuck

You have to back Wu

Stop trying to align yourself with northern cucks and realise your destiny as the leader of a Mediterranean Federation.

Make delicious foods

Nah, chinks are actually far better than mudslimes and albanians


But it's North Italy that's the racist part of Italy. Probably because it borders Switzerland

you don't need a huge industry or agriculture to meet domestic consumption. despite all the memes about lazy southerners, Italy is an industrial giant (larger than countries such as Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland or Russia). it became so chiefly thanks to their strong exports.

they could shut down most of their industry and agriculture capacities and still meet the entire domestic consumption.

so yeah, they could maybe rake in a few more € on the domestic markets by implementing protectionism policies, but would lose billions of € when their export partners would implement retort measures in reciprocity

They are just more deceitful

I was just about to say, the north is extremely right wing. I believe benito was from the north. Salvini is from milan. Its only fucking bologna that can't get with the program.

By invading France.

Actually do something about organised crime. Break up the giant former baronial landholdings in the south that are a hangover from the Kingdom of Naples and have them produce something of value.

Southern Italy is full of fertile, unworked fields because of EU quotas and landholders unwilling to do anything with the land. And organised crime ends up becoming yet another layer of government.

The south is especially beautiful but lacks investment because to set anything up, you need to pay off the local bosses.

gyppos? a'ight. we ain't taking them back though.

By starting to deport those people stuck in the identifications centers
If you ain't got no place to go, Germany will take you in

So few that they swarm the area where I work every friday to pray.
The other day I saw a class of children taken to the local "Islamic cultural centre" as a school trip.
We are being cucked as we speak.

Start firing on the nigger rafts.

Expel niggers.

Make Italian babies.

That's how.

i agree on everything except the invasion on lybia.
we should just go defensive mode and remove american military base on our soil.
Lybia invasion sound as a great excuse to shut us down

do "real" Italians like gabagool?

hang the pope and start worshiping god-emperors again

if we want some autonomy we should secure some safe oil for ourselves, Lybia could provide that an in return we could help the locals

Real Italians don't call it gabbagool, that's what American Neapolitans call it because the diaspora was uneducated and their dialect is particularly retarded.

It's called capocollo and it's tasty af


is Fabio /ourguy

I grew up around gabagool speakers. My mother's side spoke it; yeah it's retarded.

Deus Vult 2: electric killaJew

This is the general blueprint

-reform parliament so it actually works
-purge yourselves of the corrupt politicians
-get rid of the regulations that are strangling some of the most efficient SMEs in the world
-leave the euro and the EU
-make the government buy up all the bad debts and forgive them, so Italian banks can start lending again
-fuck off with the campanilismo and be nationalist again
-sink the boats

Italy's debts are to its people, not foreign bankers. Defaulting would literally annihilate everyone's pensions and life savings.

Go hardcore right wing. Just say you know what fascism wasn't such a bad idea and leave the EU

Also stop handing out degrees to every idiot that wants one. You have a country full of unemployed lawyers that took 15 years to get their degree because they lacked the aptitude to do it in the first place.