What election will Sup Forums be wrong about next?

What election will Sup Forums be wrong about next?

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>american education



I know the one on the right seems like a difficult equation in the slums of Mogadishu, but didn't Sweden even teach you math when you raped your first native?

solve it then faggot. Your countryman just failed miserably

For real Syrian's are so smart they understand Fermat's Last theorem better than those with a PHD in math

You can't solve it. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermat's_Last_Theorem

I know n is 2 because pythagorean therom, but couldnt n also be 3 if you found numbers that fit? like a and b are both 2 and c is the cube root of 16.

Will ever recover ?

>What the fuck do to have to find in the 2nd ecuation?
Obviously a solution that satisfies it. I can tell why you beaners feel at home with the other retards in USA

>mexican immigrants are doing math n shieeet on the farms

Liberal fantasies.


Well this answers my question Here:So n can't be 3 if a b and c are integers.

The problem does not state they are intergers tho. I maintain that b and c are both correct.

seriously dude, are you literally retarded?

>Fermat last theorem
Stop calling it Fermat's theorem
It's WILES's theorem faggot

>swedish trolling

What the fuck is the problem on the right

The syrian high school curriculum is not a fantasy m8

thought the mass immigration was for cheap labor


Get off English imageboards if you cant read english sven. What I said made sense if a = 2, b = 2 and c = cube root of 16, then n = 3.

Prove me wrong, if I am. I will have no problem admitting it.

>use poincare's lemma repeatedly
oh no fucking shit

>Americans literally can't even read a simple math problem

>sweden immagration


a = 11
b = 4
c = 3


Isn't that unsolvable?

I have no problem reading English when it's not ebonics-tier

That doesn't answer the question, post answer faggot.


you are supposed to find a,b,c for each of the n's

so first you have to do n=1. thats easy

then you have to do n=2 , its a bit harder
3^2 + 4^2 = 5^2

then for n=3 you need phd in math and i think it was solved few years ago. after 100 years of thinking

sweden doesn't know about any numbers othar than the ring of integers

sweden what's it like trolling yourself?

>post answer
>he literally needs me to post the answer to a sandnigger high school problem

What did he mean by this?

See It is only if a, b and c aren integers.
The problem fails to state this criteria so 2 and 3 are acceptable answers for n.

Unless I wrong, been a while since I took a math class. I dont think I can do calculus anymore. Dont use it you lose it, huh?

Only one solution? Can't be done.

If you want three solutions, though, consider:
1) a=1, b=1, c=2
2) a=3, b=4, c=5
3) a=1, b=2, c=9^(1/3)

There is no whole number solution for any n>3.

my dumbass read it n1, n2, n3 lmao. BRB directly injecting nerve gas

I learned algebra in middle school (grade 6 or 7).


The Syrian High School problem isn't much harder. Trivial if you have a calculator

Fair enough. Im phone posting so Im not really striving for grammar.

Integers 1 and 2 have infinite answers, any integer above 2 is impossible

a^n =c^n - b^n

since they are all positive the right hand side is always positive, so guess a b and c an you have an a

Not with real numbers

Still doesn't answer question

someone edit a picture of a bombed out building in

>tell kids to prove fermats lasts theorem
No one is fucking asking any highschooler to prove this.

delet this

I have a college degree and have no idea how to do the swcond problem. I cheated in every math class I have ever taken and honestly math is useless unless your job is teaching math. Who does math after college?

The Problem is OP's version doesn't define that is has to be whole numbers.

So finding a solution to that version is trivial

Le ebin black guy meme

How incompetent are you that you would need help with that?

integers user

there are infinitely many real solutions to a^n+b^n=c^n for any n

1) a = 1, b = 1, c = 2
2) a = 1, b = 1, c = 2^(1/2)
3) a = 1, b = 1, c = 2^(1/3)
Get fucked, gimme a job

Can't you just always choose a=b=1 and then choose c = 2^(1/n)?
Sounds easy as fuck if you have no restrictions apart from a,b,c>0.

n cannot be 1 because any number to the first power is 1 and 1+1=\=1

Cringe picture.

jesus fuck people are retarded. I have a BA in math btw

any number to the 0 power is one you shit


Lol for n=3. Fermat would be jelly.

le ebin ameritard bait

>high school


Yes it is. Their schools are rubble.

No wonder they keep crashing trucks into people

Oh shit im stupid lol. Thank you for reminding me. These troll threads keep me sharp.

>implying syrians even have high school

sure, but you're not americans
which is the point

> 1+1=1


>Still doesn't answer question

You're probably the same low iq fetal alcohol syndrome faggot, that doesn't believe homosexuality is common among animals other than human. And asked for citations on this common fact.

>tfw Swede BTFO'd himself and now has to backpedal desperately to distract from it



>wikipedia link


About the problem on the right: it is not stated that a,b and c have to be integers. Therefore in all three cases there are infinite solutions.

Didn't read. OP pic is also fake.
Sorry you lost so embarrassingly Swede.

>homosexuality is common among animals
>libcucks believe this then call others low iq

Yeah, I can't do this. But I haven't taken a math course in...5 or 6 years. Highest math I complete was higher-level algebra, trigonometry and statistics. I forgot it all, naturally.

You never know when an autistic attack will take place, it happens to all of us m8

>ITT: Sven desperately trying to prove Syrians superior because his wife wont stop fucking one

haha oh wow you sure are smart mr hoity toity smarty pants, you get a big reward today



read the link and you would see how fucked their education system is.

The second problem is easy as fuck too

Solving this is now my life's mission.

All of their schools were bombed by Obama

>No statistics after 2008

>syrian highschool

Name one that isn't fucking rubble, subhuman double digit iq shitskin.

They even say that gender is on a spectrum, just because a few people in a milion are have malformed genitalia or because they don't understand having a active y-chromosome makes you male.

If Syrians schools are so amazing why are all their refugees illiterate?

>american education

a,b and c should be integers

>American "education"

this I have my masters in science and I'm 1/4th mexican. eurocucks fuck off.



iuno. actually wait isn't this proven that no solution exists?

>tfw swede is shitposting instead of prepping the bull