Extremely close asteroid activity coming over the next few days.

A cluster known as 2017 HX4 will approach within 0.0091 Lunar Distance of Earth starting tomorrow (May 8th) around 0330 GMT.

Starting at 1430 GMT, objects from cluster 2017 JV1 will approach within 0.005(!) Lunar Distance of Earth, continuing until May 9th at 1130 GMT.

Remember that Russian meteor a few years ago? We have potential for something similar or greater than that! (None of these objects are large enough to be planet killers, sorry.)

More data in thread.

More data.

Fine, ignore this for your fucking RRRRREEE FRANCE! Slide thread.

Explain this to me as if I had brain damage.

So this cluster will get as close as ~4000km to earth?
That's hella close.

>mfw it hits north korea for us so we dont even need war

Big rocks will get between the moon and earth, very close to our planet. May make for nice meteor showers or possible an Event from Space if they manage to land.

oh ok

Closest I can recall in some time, yes.

Meteor smashes into Macron as he's giving a victory speech desu?

More info from te part I covered in the first pic.

Anywhere we can watch the approach in real time?

How can we find out when the best chance to see a meteor is? Is it equally likely anywhere on the globe or will certain areas see them and others won't?

How large are these things?

he already gave his victory speech, but there's still a chance it could crash into and destroy the eiffel tower

Outside of NORAD and JPL in-house systems, there's not a site I know of that would accurately track the objects.

The size varies.

The trackable ones are at least the size of a small car. If one hits atmo, it will likely burn up.

As for best view of the possible showers from smaller objects, best viewing would be between the Equator and Tropic of Capricorn for HX4.

Not sure about JV1 yet.

So NASA needs a PA to get more funds. Stop hiring Quota bitches and Niggers and people may help you till then. KYS space jews

How big is it?

Please hit Africa or the middle east if it's small.

Nothing large enough to kill a city but maybe we'll get something like that one over Russia a few years ago.

If digis are double the meteos take over California

Hope it hits a good chunk of north korea..or África..NO tge midle east!!

maybe the asteroid will hit drumpf

LD is Light-Days you twat. the objects will be ~870000 miles from earth, or ~3.5 the average lunar distance.

a nuke will be smuggled into south korea by someone. (guess who)

this nuke will be detonated as a sattelite is forced into a re-entry trajectory into south korea.

this will be the premise used to start the invasion of North Korea. however it will be blamed on an asteroid.. (oops our bad) to account for the fact that North korea din't attack.

>Remember that Russian meteor a few years ago?
Were any detection reports back when?


that could work as well. But iran doesn't have their shit together yet. and norht korea invasion people would be like..

we told you to shut up you little fat fuck. and nothing else really would come back from it.

Iran? fuck with a large oil producing country and there will be major problems.

i'd say it's safer to invade north korea than iran.. iran would instantly tirgger a world war.. invading north korea would be like picking on the block's retard kid.. everyone does it.

if quads it will hit europe

why africa? why not the uk instead?

nice idea

sink the whole fucking island

Maybe it will fall in Paris as punishment for Maricon

There's a difference between the two?

We want this to happen.

There's no stopping.

Bumping for interest

meteor hits gay paris

1 au = the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

0.009 au = 1,346,380.8 KM.

We're fine

>See comment like this
>Wonder how anyone could possibly take Sup Forums seriously

That's astronomical units, not lunar distance you braindead moron.

Not happening.

Please Kek let an asteroid wipe out the Earth already


AU is astronomical units, the mean distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun.

.009 AU is roughly ~836,602 miles. Fuck km btw
The moon is 238,900 miles from earth.

So these rocks are going to be 3 and a half times the distance from the moon to earth.


>id OY VEY
This pleases me


thats what the dinosaurs said too

>thats what the dinosaurs said too

>thats what the dinosaurs said too

The Triceratops betrayed the Velociraptor /T-Rex alliance and suicide bombed the ICBMs before they could intercept the missile, everyone knows that.