New French flag

Welcome to the new Islamic Republic of France


France is to be renamed "Cuckistan"

Enjoy your Islamic hordes, you poor, poor idiots...

We will be called Cucktain once we actually leave the EU tho.


how do you figure that one out?

Hey Sup Forums, do you want to know the difference between a French and livestock?
The French goes by himself to the abattoirs.

The Republic of New Algeria

>over 5000 hours in gimp

>Al Qaeda flags in Macron victory crowd

CIA approves

>Implying that Israel will let grow islam strong enough to be more than just scarecrow for neocons


Ahrar al Sham and Al Nusra also approves of Trump




>The country with a flag that looks like toothpaste has something to say

Cows are only partly black.

Post SVG or GTFO

at least we didn`t lose a war vs birds


Well, I guess even the last couple of years weren't enough.


this is the one