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Goodbye cucks

When the next truck of peace plows a crowd of cucks or a nightclub full of faggots gets slaughtered we get to make an example of the leftist agenda.

Good riddance, you blew your only chance

Sup Forums BTFO once again. Weaponized autism is just autism.


so your consolation is hoping that something terrible happens? fuck, you truly deserve to lose every time, /pol


I hate you, France

Good to know that wave of populism was just a burp. Globalists taking back the reins and no amount of frogs are going to save you



I guess there's a silver lining to everything.

F? Respect?

Couldn't agree more
Surprising to see how some people on Sup Forums think that making horrible political choices and glorifying acts of terror is funny cause memes are around it.
It's not funny, wishing for terrible things to happen only makes you an edgy retarded kid
And glorifying acts of terror and fearmongering shows how much of a cancer you are to society

Hatespeech is still hatespeech, no matter how edgy you are

>he thinks you can wish bad things away like a good goy
>he thinks terrorism and the invasion of his land isn't real
>"lmao lets vote for the guys who actively want more of this to happen its all good nothing wrong can come of this :^)"
you creatures are depressing.


I truly feel deeply for the people of France. I hope im incorrect about where you're headed. Best of luck


>1 post by this ID
Look, Pierre. In 5 years there won't even be a France left to vote for Le Pen, you can probably expect around 600-1000 dead French people from terrorism in that time based on what we've seen the last few years.

Muslim immigration and birth rates are exploding and you're content to sit back and say "En Marche!" while jerking yourself off to the thought of positive immigration.

"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite"

We'll see how long that lasts under Sharia law.

Beheadings commence

Well said, and best of luck to you guys. You've picked leadership over demagoguery, and given the Russians a richly deserved spanking in the process.

>>Thinks that closing borders will change a thing
>>Thinks that unemployement won't fucking blow up by quitting the EU
>>Thinks that terrorism is that big of an issue in France
>>Thinks that MLP wouldn't have made us russian's bitches

They picked the Rothschilds and Hollande over leadership and nationalism you stupid fucking burger.

Do you even follow politics or do you just post whatever comes into your half baked brain here for Sharia Blue?

Hey Sup Forums how exactly was le pen going to end terrorist attacks. reaaaaly fucking curious how you retards think.

You're the new South Africa.

Fake election for fake democracy.
May Macron and all the cucks who support this anti-France piece of european shit be raped and eaten by the foreigners and the muslim criminals they will let live in my country.


>Close borders to immigration
>Arrest those currently on terror watch lists
>Ban the hijab / burqa
>Ban Islamic teachings in schools

Wow, suddenly no more fucking ragheads to blow people up.

>Leave the EU
>Reinstate the Franc
>Retake control of own economy

Wow, suddenly France has control of its own economy and can put itself first instead of being forced into ((( Globalism )))

That's how.

Macron will open borders, import another 5 - 10 million immigrants and by the time there's another election there'll be too fucking many to win against.

You make me ashamed to be half-Austrian you disgusting shill fuck.

Just for information could you please tell us What is an honest portrait of le pen voter? And who votes for macron among white French?

this sodium is why i came :^)

>Under 300 victims of islamic terrorism in france
>More people die of cancer in france PER DAY
Yeah really islamic terrorism isn't that big of an issue
Also, since Trump seems to head towards a complete destruction of ISIS, there isn't much to worry about


>Islam is comparable to cancer

I have been to Paris, Marselle and Lyon on a business trip in 2016. Dude you are deeply and properly fucked by immigrants. The earlier you acknowledge it the easier it will be to get rid of them.


Well, people from northern france, the place where there is the highest fertility rate between brother, sister and cousin really

Take off the VPN, Shlomo Shekelstein.

Cancer doesn't want to rape your women and enslave your children.

Cancer doesn't want to dominate the country and bend everyone to Sharia law.

Cancer doesn't want to behead you for speaking out against it.

You're a fucking moron if you don't think radical Islam is a grave problem facing France and Europe as a whole.

Give it 5 years, until your next election.

Hopefully by then you'll see the hole you've dug for yourselves; but I'm afraid that by then it'll be too late to dig yourselves out.

You made your bed today, now you're going to lie in it.

>being this detached from reality
zero economic literacy and apparently vague knowledge of recent terrorist attacks. Keep spewing salt, it improves my mood significantly desu

I don't speak surrender.


We should have let Hitler scorched earth Paris.
He was right again.

Nos heures les plus prospères furent celles où nous avions frontières, souveraineté nationale, et honneur. Le Pen eût du mal à ratrapper toutes les conneries de ces cinquante dernières années, mais faut-il blâmer que de fiers enfants de la Gaule croient encore en un avenir meilleur dans lequel nos représentants auraient à coeur le bien de la patrie et non l'entretien d'un réseau de clients?

>Saying I'm economically illiterate
>Vague knowledge of recent terrorist attacks
Nice retort there, want to actually try saying something back or are you just going to spew autism?

Not surprising coming from a country literally run by The Green party.

Well, you are from russia, and jusging from wehn I was there, I couldn't see a single black man
There are inmigrants that integrate well, but there are also illegals that don't want to blend in, and these need to get kicked out, perfectly agree
Also, most migrants go to the north to try to get to england

It doesn't, though, does it user. If it did you wouldn't be here telling us to give you more.
Your sad life means that you have to find instances in which you can find the energy to fake happiness to yourself, usually through blatant schadenfreude.

Enjoy the rest of your life, user.
With any luck you'll be savagely raped by someone who has a "sexual emergency".

Dont try to reason with a burger.

Never thought about that.
Do you think LePen and MyLittlePony have similarities?
Both attract autists too?

SS enjoy your trucks of peace

>Be from Montreal
>Always treated as a second hand Paris
>mfw seeing the current France
>mfw seeing the riots
>mfw there's more french people in Quebec than France

Who's laughing now fuckboys?


keep truckin, france

Le Pen got fucking smoked. You guys suck. Kek is a lie.


This. The EU provides significant economic advantages, especially for smaller countries. It would be nice if it was more democratic, though.


I'm not a very average voter because I'm a monarchist. I think there are two kinds of people who voted for Le Pen: -nationalists and catholics who earlier voted for Fillon
-some smart and non-hysteric people who saw that Macron is Evil and that Marine's plan was more democratic and good for the working class.

So Le Pen is done? What were the results?

France really had no choices.

>Leftist hag
>Globalist banker

Both terrible choices. I feel bad for France.

Tactical Truck has been launched, i repeat, Tactical Truck has been launched.

you are very wrong and very stupid

65% to 35% she got BTFO

for a second i thought it was the flag of denmark side ways kek

France had the chance to save themselves, and yet they chose to surrender again.
Europe is dead. I hope you all like Sharia.


You are economically illiterate, leaving the euro will completely destroy our economy
We aren't like Britain, they never really were in europe that much, they always had their own currency.
We don't, also, joining the euro made the unemployement rate fall, however, stupid policies imposed by our last presidents didn't, because they didn't have the balls to attack the real problem, french are whiney about working more, and this needs to change


>Hope bad things will happen


Le Pen would've fucked France over economically. Her whole economic platform was expanding welfare and vague promises about stopping factories from leaving.


Bob méprisant, reprise lire Libé.

I am going to paris in 3 days. what to do

Not all is lost my dudes

>women are subhuman scum unless they run for office in which case they're /ourguy/


Get fucking real. There is no such thing as "hate speech". The word you are looking for is "censorship".

All the wine in your shit country couldn't make you truly believe that

That sounds awfully familiar.

Why is it so hard for Eurocaliphates to embrace the survival instinct?

sorry I don't speak coward

Get fucked
France has had so many high profile terror attacks just over the past two years that any nation with even the slightest shred of common sense or self preservation would have put an end to this
Frogs voted yet again for this horseshit and I hope the next attack is worse than Paris

That always wondered me. You could see that this money or offers would come with blood on it.
This is like what Hitler did with his election to power.
Everyone that voted for MLP are collaborateurs which they hated in ww2.

I think this proves how edgy Sup Forums is as a collective. All of you saying "I hope France burns" and crap like that.

Look at the 18-24yos and compare with 65+

Prepare your luggage and get your passeport ready, that's pretty much it, Everything is going fine despite the mediatic shitstorms that happen whenever there is an event in France

The real problem, you fucking cuck, is the welfare state. How many refugees live in your house? How much do you pay voluntarily for immigration? Nothing? Oh I see, you want it all financed via taxation, because your virtue signaling needs to be paid by others.

Now get what you deserve, this summer is going to be hot my friend. Very hot.

You think that the relatively short pain of leaving the Euro zone would be far too great a price to pay for freedom? You are so short-sighted, it's fucking hilarious.
There will be no France anymore. It's New Somalia now. Your ancestors died for nothing. You are literally taking a huge steaming dump on their graves and lecturing the rest of the world about virtue.

I dont hope i know bad things will happen and at increased pace because the frogs voted for it lol
They basically gave the whole world a Carte blanche in terms of schadenfreude.

On the vague promises of bringing factories back, yeah

Totally different methods though.

Do you really guys think she would have "saved france"? Fucking pathetic. If you think a silly election is gonna change things then you've really been schlomo'd. It's all controlled opposition at this point.

>Is solely responsible for opening up your borders to the third world. No strings attached of course.

Absolute. Fucking. Retard.

I think the German is trying to say the young generation voted for Le Pen the most, but it doesn't mean much.

The overwhelming support of Macron comes from the older generation. These people lived through WW2 and they think Nazis are gonna pop up if you elect someone with sensible immigration and close open border laws.

You cannot unroot culture like that so quickly, the French are doomed IMO. The youth of France are 15% Muslim or something, right? I don't know what the number is, but I do know that out of all the European countries France has the biggest ISIS sympathizers. That's a hard cold fact.

They made their bed now they can fucking lie in it

>Short term

Leaving the euro would literally plunge France into a deep recession that would last years.

Every fucking morning I see schoolgirls wearing hijabs and nobody gives a single fuck. Every morning I hope that someday people will wake up and all condamn this injure again the country.
But it never happens and I just stare at them, feeding my hate...

>good for the working class

The working class these days is scum on bennies, thickies who will never amount to anything, the mentally ill and drunkards.

Why should people with the sense to get into the middle class or be born in the upper class vote for anything that is good for the working class?

We talk about ethenic minorities ruining our countries but to be honest it is just working class scum as a whole, you just notice people with funny coloured faces more. Fuck the lot of them if they are too idle or stupid to improve their social standing and read a book or something.


Look at inmigration rates over the world
France is far from being among the highest
Get real, you just fear people of a different ethnicity, there are respectable people as well as douchebags
Just like in any community
We have laws in our country, if they respect them, that is fine, if they don't, we kick them out

Ow, the edge.

Shouldn't you be praying, or raping, or freeloading?
T, Asalami something something..


I see it more like the problem that working class stays on their point and accuse everyone else if they have it bad.
And companies stay on their position that they dont have to care for their workers and blame rules and laws for their misery.
Noone wants a win-win but all for themselves.