Oh no that sucks....
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Put a check mark under "Culturally enriched"
she was there on UN investigation you fuckwit, not some message of equality
Doesn't matter. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
half chilean, what did you expect her to be? A white nationalist?
I saw the video, pretty good.
She's the living embodiment of that meme of the liberal with his head chopped off saying how atleast he wasn't called a racist.
>she was there on UN investigation you fuckwit, not some message of equality
mfw you sound retarded (disregard the captions - it's a sip thing)
a full dose of (((cultural enrichment)))
share the irony my man
Zaida Catalan doesn't sound very Swedish.
well,not really the living embodiment
Just look at the picture
Oh well than, that changes everything I guess. Fucking homo
>she was there on UN investigation you fuckwit, not some message of equality
You're a gentleman and a scholar.
There's nothing in the picture but I looked on wikipedia and apparently her father was a commie spic who was chased out of Chile by Pinochet.
darwin award
I remember Sam Harris was talking about that cartoon when on the topic of Islam. He said
>A bad Right-wing cartoon is now actually possible
There you go, not swedish. Alltho the 5th victim in the Stockholm terrorattack was a swede, and she was a muslim apologist feminazi.
Nothing of value was lost. She could of said no to being sent. Maybe some day they will learn, savages can't be saved
Didn't suffer enough. Disappointed.
Fucking based.
Thank you.
>there to preach bs
>there for work
they are complete fucking different you idiot
>muh precious innocent niggers everyone tells complete lies about
Strengthened by diversity.
nobody said she went there to preach. what the fuck are talking about?
>investigating human rights violations
This self righteous commie cunt was so full of herself she actually just marched onto nigger sand and thought she could cast judgment on the local niggers and make them spineless puppets like her. The fuck she wasn't doing some sort of preaching.
Many keks when the nigger response was a few bullets in her spine since she doesn't use it anyway. I bet the last fleeting moments of her life had to be swallowing a redpill about niggers and wishing she wasn't such a dumb cunt with penis envy.
>wouldn't have happened if you were in the kitchen where you belong
>implying there's a difference
everyone in the UN should be exectued