Women vote for a person because "he looks hot"

>women vote for a person because "he looks hot"
>women are always pro-refugees
>women are not financially responsible
>women that are not full liberal are just attention whores for the popular right meme culture
>women ruin almost everything in politics they touch
>women are fine with double standards as long as they benefit them
>women can be used to protest anything as long as it has MUH WYMYN hamfisted in somewhere
>women are basically the best goys

Serious question, was women suffrage a mistake?

Other urls found in this thread:


>was women suffrage a mistake?
Well no shit

woman disagree with you, so no

>women are fine with double standards as long as they benefit them
Implying that's a bad thing.


"If I make my uterus a corporation will you stop regulating it?"

Corporations are regulated pretty heavily desu

Women's existence was a mistake.

not all women disagree with him

t. Cuck

Democracy was a mistake. Fuck Greece.

>was women suffrage a mistake?

Absolutely. Say of Islam what you will, but they're mostly right when it comes to the treatment of women.

> Feminist obsession with ladyparts

Uteri should be heavily taxed.

He gets it

Obviously it was a mistake. It divided the family unit, which is always disaster.
t. fem


Can we see your breasts?

Absolutely blame our grandfathers for letting bitches out of the kitchen.

They fuking ruined it for generations to come.

>womyn vote for alpha dick, not another rival
This is why women can't be presidents.

>This is why women can't be in politics, or in any position of power.

Of course it was. Women think differently, and some of those different thought patterns are culturally destructive.

its y'all not ya'll cunt

they are retarded children. Muslims are pretty smart for realizing this and not letting them get out of hand. We fucked up, and that's why they are becoming stronger than us now.


Women aren't the enemy. They should be valued for what they are, the creators of life.

Is an SJW valued for her ability to create life? No, the issue with feminism is that it never celebrated feminine uniqueness. It is masculinism thrust upon women, and now you NEETS want to yell
>muhfw no waifu.

Women need to find value in themselves rather than externally because their greatest act will always be eternal.

((They)) hurt women when they separated child birth from femininity, just as they hurt men.

Stop joining in and defend your people.


Based Aussie.

>Helicopter Fuel

>Listening to what women say
This is the cuckoldry that needs to stop.


Everyone is fine with double standards that benefit them. Don't act like women are the only hypocrites in this world.


>women are always pro-refugee
>women voted for Donald Trump

Tell us more about how nice it is to use the disabled parking spaces, OP.
