Lol Sup Forums btfo

is 35% what you guys call winning?

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Ah well. Europe have fun destroying yourselves, while here in America we can shoot commies

>Europe have fun destroying yourselves

>Still being the largest group.

Sorry akmed, not today

feminists blown out again.


Anti-Shill Discord

Macron will end up a limp-dick globalist like Obama and Merkel, there's no denying that.

The question is whether or not France will get sick of it and elect a Napoleon before they go extinct. History suggests not.


It is what we call a gain.

>British Left are not happy on social media, saying: 65% voted for basically the Tories, 35% for the BNP
>Front National had its best result ever
>One French poller says it was pretty goddamn close among 18-24 year olds while Macron has 80% support from grannies (lel)
>Macron will inevitably fail because he's just Hollande with another name, and at the end of it France will be in an even more Weimar-like state