Is it just me or is the US military getting less effective? The World Wars were in many ways roaring victories for the US, but after that, things started going downhill. The Korean war was basically a tie, and Vietnam was eventually lost to a bunch of guerilla farmers. The Iraq War was a success (in its short-term goal, not in its long-term consequences) but it took a giant coalition to take out a small country's government. And they've been fighting mountain-dwelling goatfuckers in Afghanistan for longer than I've been alive. Even the militarized police can't win a war on a plant here at home.
Is it just me or is the US military getting less effective...
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It's achieving exactly what it needs to. High capabilities in case of conventional war with other world powers, and in the mean-time constant, slow perpetual war to maintain the military industry
It's relatively easy if you fight an established government, because there's a physical thing you can remove with enough force.
After WW2 they mostly fight against ideals, and that's extremely difficult.
I see.
"The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous."
Perhaps, but that's due to ROE and leadership and their obsession with diversity.
...I don't even know where to begin
All good points. Another thing I noticed is that since WW2 no war has had as much popular support.
youre a retard go get ready for school tomorrow
>US military
>Posts British soldiers
It's like crime, it could easily be stopped, but their are too many special interests to keep it going.
Just looked up "Afghan War" and saw one of the first pics. Didn't do much research on it lol.
US Marines are pretty much fancy more ethnical PMC who fight for resources so your elites can harvest them and give welfare to niggers and Greater Israel project
Because war propaganda failed and the American people are tired of wars. WW2 you believed you freed the Jews from the evil Nazis. Why the fuck were we in Korea or Vietnam? Saudi Arabs hijacked planes and attacked the WTC and Pentagon so we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Oh we killed the mastermind Osama bin Laden but there's no body take our word for it.
Last week I had to brief my troops that they had to read a mandatory transgender awareness training slideshow. I hope that answers your question.
t. Chair Force NCO
>their obsession with diversity.
this is destroying the military from the inside-out. it's a big reason why I got out. accepting trannies, women "completing" ranger school (by dropping all the standards for them), etc.
>High capabilities in case of conventional war with other world powers, and in the mean-time constant, slow perpetual war to maintain the military industry
this is a large reason. training can only get you so far. if shit hit the fan globally in 2008 america would have been able to stomp the dogshit out of any adversary, i would guarantee it. The military as a whole had experience that can only be earned in battle, the special forces, rangers, etc, have all drank the blood of an enemy and have no fear in their bodies. it would have been a giant american boot stamping on the nuts of any country that seriously wanted a fight. now, though, i'm not so sure anymore.
>The Iraq War was a success
My fucking sides
It's not about winning anything. With no concrete goal there is no concrete victory.
The U.S. military has become a peace keeper more than anything in modern times. While still holding the massive capabilities of waging all out conventional warfare if necessary.
Jesus christ...
Is my Corps like this too?
Getting ready for OCS right now buddy guy. Not in the Chair force though. Either Navy or Army. Haven't decided. But is that really what you guys have to do now? Is that going to be my job?
I assure you, if the entire world declared a conventional war against America, we'd win. In any era, at any scale, we would win.
Its not about our resources or capabilities, its the spirit.
America is the greatest goddamn country on earth.
You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.
So what you're saying is that we should nuke the world into submission ASAP, if thats so then I completely agree.
>America is the greatest goddamn country on earth.
not so much anymore
>under 60%
The fiasco in the Middle East will prove to be the beginning of the end of American world domination.
The next debacle will be their Suez.
Someone post pics of the dykes that join the marines or tell stories.
Like Judaism, and Rome, America is an ethnicity based off an idea. And we know what ideas can do.
You destabilized the Middle-East by removing Saddam, fucked up Afghanistan and pretty much handed it over to the Taliban and now we've got ISIS and immigrants infecting Europe because of your sheer incompetence.
The US absolutely demolished the Iraqi army in 2003. Why? Because the Iraqis were conducting conventional warfare. The US army, and most armies, for that matter, are far less effective against guerillas. Doesn't matter who you send in, they'll probably get BTFO'd by the Taliban.
>US Military
Pick one.
>destablized the middle east
yep it was always a shining beacon of civilization
>fucked up afghanistan and handed it over to the taliban
yep it was always the shining jewel of the middle east we should've not killed so many wonderful and productive sandniggers
>ISIS and immigrants infecting Europe because of your sheer incompetence
yep that has nothing to do with your socialist systems, your open border policies that your politicians endorse and your people vote in, or the gibs that you give them for staying in your country
go finish that joint before you post again you fucking brothel of a country
Without us there would be fucking chaos everywhere. Being a peace keep doesn't mean putting people in time out, It means snuffing out with total violence anyone trying to stir the pot.
Main problem with war now days is there's rules you have to follow like you have to watch out for civilians. If US was allowed to wage a real war they would keep bombarding Taliban potions until they surrendered and lined the survivors up for massive execution by firing squad.
I served in Afghanistan and I remember them starting with "Okay so gay people should be accepted :DDDD here is a small clip of papers that will explain gay people." Was a fucking history on gay people being discriminated and why they are no different from us.
Have fun with the mestizos and blacks. God damn I can still remember that annoying Puerto Rican lady's raspy voice screeching at us.
There is a bunch of military guys at my University. It is a university full of big-shots so they tried attracting officers. A fat mullato woman, a puerto rican girl, a rasta black guy and a manlet Mexican went up there. This is the future of our nation. Fuck every son of a bitch politician who ruined it.
This is true, the US has nearly been in a constant state war since independence.
Main problem with war now days is there's rules you have to follow like you have to watch out for civilians. If US was allowed to wage a real war they would keep bombarding Taliban positions until they surrendered and lined up the survivors up for massive execution by firing squad.
Nah, the Jewmerican military is the most powerful fighting force ever to exist and the majority of its soldiers have combat experience plus it also likely has all kinds of secret advanced technology. It'd be interesting to observe who'd win a total war between (((USA))) and every other country on Earth.
>they've been fighting mountain-dwelling goatfuckers in Afghanistan for longer than I've been alive
>a 13 year war
>had to hold lotteries to decide whose children to send to vietnam
Yeah sounds great, desu.
Because we're made to fight a gentleman's war. If we fought a war the way a war is supposed to be fought, we'd have killed off the taliban by now, and made any prospective jihadis too afraid to ever pick up a gun again.
I mean, srsly, two nukes dropped on Japan, and now they're just docile little anime drawing fuckers. They completely gave up their own army because they got fucked so bad. During WW2, they were savage as fuck and a merciless. They fought the way that you're supposed to fight, but the Allies ended up being nastier. That's how you win a war...
>roaring victories for the US
Coming in halfway through the world wars, picking a side, then fighting isn't a roaring victory
Politicians have been too involved in warmaking since the end of WW2. They don't let the military steamroll our enemies like we could because "muh civilian casualties." And too many people cry about their children having to go to war.
Not true. Look up the Battle of Triangle Hill. It's a very tangible object and yet all the might of the Empire at its height of power just could not take it.
Not sure if salty cunt or enemy propaganda specialist.
Please don't tell me that your state propaganda machine actually tells you that the USA won the war
You guys were irrelevant in ww1 and served little purpose except for ending the war a few months earlier
In ww2, again you guys came late, and this time helped to destroy the last chance Europe had at being the homeland of the white race
He is right though.
Why did you go to Iraq? There were no chemical bombs. You just wanted to earn money.
>It's relatively easy if you fight an established government
Thats been proven wrong with WW2
Franch didnt capitulate once they lost their entire country
>You destabilized the Middle-East by removing Saddam
Actually, YOU did that by allowing the eternal anglo to use your neutrality as an excuse to start a world war with Germany and overthrow the Ottoman Empire you useless fucks.
>everywhere the US has pulled out conflict has erupted
hmmmm, maybe you should point the join down kiddo.
The guidance just came out, so really nothing you wouldn't expect. I just hope we don't take a yearly CBT on it.
i agree that the US should have supported Germany in wwii, conquered the whole of europe and smashed russia. the german-euro-us alliance and global dominance would have lasted a millenium
After WWII we stopped fighting wars with the intent of crushing and defeating our enemies. We could absolutely destroy any nation on earth in a total war, but we will never fight one again.
It's actually the opposite, the US is getting so effective at defeating it's enemies that it's boring. So what we do now is count the rebuilding process afterwards as a continuous war, most Americans treat war as a seasonal event like a the Roman Colosseum.
You are so deluded that it's not even credible. Are you in the 6th grade? Did America really win both world wars singlehandedly? Call of Duty sure has taught you a lot.
>When war has become boring it looks lazy and ineffective
I doubt the nuclear bomb can be highly effective against the taliban because they don't have any major population centers or high value infrastructure, and using the bomb will severely isolate the US internationally.
>After WWII we stopped fighting wars with the intent of crushing and defeating our enemies.
Why even fight a fucking war then than to defeat your enemies? Your stupidity knows no shame.
Yeah man. If you're gonna be an officer be prepared to facilitate all sorts of bullshit briefings like sexual assault and suicide prevention too. Pretty sure it's across all services.
The bomb can cause stock market crash, costing the US trillions of dollars just to kill ten thousand gaot farmers.
He was gonna dump the petro-dollar
Our military is unmatched in a frontal confrontation.
Since WW2 the importance of infantry has been steadily dropping. Now small crack teams are supported by air and armor.
In Korea we were fighting 100x the manpower. Plus MacArthur was a fucking idiot. He let our troops get completely surrounded in NK. However they still were able to fight their way our slaughtering a hundred thousand Chinese on their way. We could have driven back up NK later in the war, but once again support back home waned, and we had defended south Korea.
BTW look up Chesty Puller. Ultimate badass. "The enemy is on our right, on our left, in front of us, and behind us. They can't get away now"
In Vietnam we had won by the end of the war. The NVA surrendered unconditionally. However we didn't stay to enforce it.
In Iraq and Afghanistan we had unchallenged dominance. The only way for them to fight back were snipers and IEDS. Any frontal confrontation was out the question.
The moral of the story is that unless you have the support of a population, you are going to have to fight forever. The only way to cow a population is to go Mongol, which would lose us any international support.
Also we are never going to leave Afghanistan.
>Pretty sure it's across all services.
i can tell you firsthand that the army is Cucked Up Beyond All Recognition
>american high school education
wars are grinds, WW1 britain and france had already won before USA entered, WW2 USSR did the hard lifting
but those victories, even though the USA was only a periphery actor instilled the myth that US troops are some sort of super soldiers who can win any war in a year or two
the reality of war is korea/nam/afghanistan, no matter how expensive your toys are in the end it comes down to an attritional grind
I wouldn't be surprised honestly. Probably more suicide prevention briefs too with the inevitable increase coming. It pisses me off that this particular form of mental illness is acceptable and these people could be issued a weapon, but others can't serve just because of something like ADHD.
That "giant coalition" in Iraq was like 95% American, fuckstick.
Korean war was a success. South Korea almost entirely gone by the time we got there, shortly after it was a complete reversal until it became obv hordes of chinks would need to be slaughtered to finish the job.
We can't fight unconventional/guerilla wars for shit, but any conventional conflict is gonna come up aces.
I can believe it. I have actually been trying to transfer over and get into army aviation recently, and had to restrain myself from cringing when the recruiter gave me the army spiel and diversity showed up on the core values slideshow. Yeah, let's throw some diversity in an organization that values uniformity and tradition, I'm sure that will work out great.
>And they've been fighting mountain-dwelling goatfuckers in Afghanistan for longer than I've been alive
get out, this board is 18+.
The fuckin balls on this guy
>Pfc. Pomeroy, a machine gunner with Company E, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and indomitable courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. While his comrades were consolidating on a key terrain feature, he manned a machine gun at the end of a communication trench on the forward slope to protect the platoon flank and prevent a surprise attack. When the enemy attacked through a ravine leading directly to his firing position, he immediately opened fire on the advancing troops inflicting a heavy toll in casualties and blunting the assault. At this juncture the enemy directed intense concentrations of artillery and mortar fire on his position in an attempt to neutralize his gun. Despite withering fire and bursting shells, he maintained his heroic stand and poured crippling fire into the ranks of the hostile force until a mortar burst severely wounded him and rendered the gun mount inoperable. Quickly removing the hot, heavy weapon, he cradled it in his arms and, moving forward with grim determination, raked the attacking forces with a hail of fire. Although wounded a second time he pursued his relentless course until his ammunition was expended within 10 feet of the foe and then, using the machine gun as a club, he courageously closed with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat until mortally wounded. Pfc. Pomeroy's consummate valor, inspirational actions and supreme sacrifice enabled the platoon to contain the attack and maintain the integrity of the perimeter, reflecting lasting glory upon himself and upholding the noble traditions of the military service.[1]
Yep. Wonder why they just didn't nuke a couple cities and take it all.
Joing AF. what should I do to avoid the most bullshit if I can't get MX?
6F was my next choice for employability
active duty faggot here
We've become complacent, for the last 16 years we've been eating the same brown M&M out of the same bag.
Also, I can verify that every time a round if fired in combat, a JAG officer gets a case.
The RoEs and legal ramifications of pursuing "war" if that's what you wanna call it are strangling our ability to firmly implant lead dildos worldwide.
If you question me, think of this. We have to get warrants approved by the Afghani gov't to go out on raids to roll up a haji in his sleep after we watched him plant IEDs all day alongside a road.
>Brits knowing anything about wars
>Being able to end ww2 months earlier and save Germany and eastern Europe
>Brits cocking up over and over
Just like WW2, WW1 was won by American supply's.
Most of the fighting was done by the English and french, but after the Russians pulled out, American support ended the war the way it did.
In WW2 Russia marched into Germany wearing American boots and winter gear.
Also refer to
In Korea despite incredible stupidity from MacArthur, our Marines were able to retreat from complete encirclement, slaughtering the chinese. Our "toys" caused massive death among the enemy and repelled a far far more numerical force.
In Nam the war was lost on the Homefront. Every the famous Tet offensive was repelled. At the end of the war the Vietnamese army could no longer fight in a frontal confrontation.
Wow you really don't follow war at all
The Taliban can't fight in a frontal war at all.
Basically all the American casualties are from IED's
Our modern "toys" slaughter any group that pops up. Forcing the Talibs to only fight a Guerilla war.
Who ever creates the first robot army will be the next super power. Russia seems to be advancing the fastest in that field.
You mean that battle where the Chinese had 20k casualties and we had 1500?