X = nonwhite
everything else = white
X = nonwhite
everything else = white
What stage of autism do you think OP is in?
Ironic that you X'd out countries that contain the actual caucus (as in Caucasian) mountains. fucking Sup Forumstards!
Finland is white???
are mongols considered white now
Will die a virgin
Syria is white?
Code RED
Caucasus* fucking autocorrect
Europe is White idiot. Get back to work Amerifat.
I love Sup Forums, the Irish are like Schrodinger white person. We're successfully both Niggers and White at the same time.
>implying slavs are white
The more Europe cucks itself, the browner it gets
Powerful wizard of amazing powers and even inmune to geography (Albania, bosnia...White? )
and that is a problem why?
It happens to meds as well,i think it happens to most catholic countries :'(
>42% white lecturing us about our colors without actually ever having set foot in Europe
Belgium is white. The biggest group of non-Belgians are Italians and they behave like bro's and are tanned, not muslim or black. Also fucking put an X on Albania
fuck off cunt
They're not white
whiter than you, fucking leaf
t. proxyfag
they are white
this desu
cuck pls go
t. Mehmet
t. Mohammed
Isn't it obvious, libtard?
we aint so good
>Greece not white
>Albania white
>52% telling us who is white
slavs, meds aren't white. celts are almost white.
Smh do we have to rescue you cucks?
>let me tell you who is white
Not for long, migrant quotas are coming, Paddy :^)
don't you have a kebab shop to run?
Don't you have to pray to allah right now?
whiter than urbans and turbans
Ireland will save Europe
Literally who: the country
Dublins already fucked desu.
give us weapons and we will start some shit
well, i would start anything to kill marxists and shitskins
This applies to the Balkans aswell.
You can't talk here, London Caliphate
I'm merely trying to get the Irish excited for the coming diversity, my 51% white friend
Kind of how like just when you think the Catholic Church is the one true church the next moment it seems more like satan's sportscar.
arent you a shitskin?
my only regret is I won't be alive when the white supremacists severely inbreed themselves in the name of racial purity, at least the ones who are not already inbred hicks
Actually, I can.
Scotland is 96% white, last time I checked.
How about you fuck off? Yank cunt.
I just assumed it happens to you because of the brown skin.
Dunno, you tell me.
Radioactive at best
>Literal autism
Dude youll die a virgin if you continue like this
just reality check
Most of the Macedonian natives have my colour, the Albanians go on the bit darker side.
Shias have proven themselves. They are white.
pick one
What the fuck is your hand? Why the fuck are your fingers so fucking wrinkled? Why haven't you got those nasty warts sorted either?
my friend was in macedonia last summer on erasmus, he told me that you are good people but all former yugoslav countries are corrupted as fuck
Thanks you for leaving Ireland as White, they are
I work manual work, haven't got the time honestly for the warts. I'm uni+work+gym, I really don't have time to do those things.
Stay away when we offer rakija though.
How are Iranians non white when theyre literal Aryans?
>go to Europe
>visiting a "white" country so that's what I'm expecting
>see turbans and shitskins everywhere
>try to make the most of it
>get mugged
>get stabbed
>get raped
>get beheaded
>get raped again
>I was in Europe
Better than getting raped by niggers in the u.s.
Man it takes like 30 minutes in a doctor's too freeze them off, or you can but self freezing kits that you can do it at home and they only take a few seconds. Time is no excuse, imagine if you were trying to get a girl and she saw that, how do you think she'd react?
White flight happened in Caucasus when the Turkroach ruined the neighborhood.
>ribbed for MY pleasure
Have you ever been there OP?
Gross m8, get that checked
They're only "Aryans" because thats where some Aryans settled after Atlantis. (srs look it up)
opinion discarded
Moldova is white then?
I'll see to do that as soon as possible or whenever I can
Somewhere between denial and anger.
The one where he needs constant attention so he says whatever pisses people off to get it.
>caring about what women think
>not bettering yourself for your own sake
Fucking micks
Daily reminder that most tanned southern european is more aryan than some blue eyed blonde nigger from Nebraska or shithole like that
Mainlander Romanians are white though. Their Roma infestation is non-white and plagues our country aswell.
I'd say weapons grade autism. This is beyond what I've seen in my lifetime.
crossed out south caucasus, but not north. go eat until heart failure ameritard, let the smart people do smart things.
Also the part where he can't read the fucking sticky that explicits bans "ARE X WHITE" type threads.
It's not all like that.
Come to slavland. Very safe, much fun.
fucking /thread
You people should really consider euthanasia for people like OP. Doesn't have to be painless too.
>Netherlands white
>Italy not white
Of course only an american could make this.
Fuck off mulatto
lol fucking lady-killer italy worrying about what girls think, rich
Nah, just think you guys need to take a look at yourselves before trying to give any real white countries shit.
Nuke targets
lol estonia is never marked.
They're just too irrelevant.
Seriously - when you look at the whole species, whites are a small, inbred, shrinking minority whose main strength is the ability to survive the diseases it carries - I give it another 200 years, max, until you only see them in zoos.
as long as America holds the line.
If you are part of a globalist cuck country. Please look into moving to the US.
Alex Jones is our God
X'd out the countries that have been browned by the big Islamic cock I see.
>American deciding whats white
England is the only non-white part of the UK, dont lump the rest of us in
kikes gtfo
darker than mine
>romania not white
Kill yourself pls