So now that the world is officially against right-wing fascism, is Sup Forums an antifa aboard now?
So now that the world is officially against right-wing fascism, is Sup Forums an antifa aboard now?
this is a star trek board
This is a Himalayan cliff-hanger wood carving board
We don't discuss politics here
The world has always been against right wing fascism.
The Sup Forums I envision doesn't give a shit about anything besides it's own hateful interests.
This guy gets it
>The world has always been against right wing fascism.
not for long
>Implying Captain America wouldn't be fucking up ANTIFA on the mere basis that he once stopped Germany from culturally appropriating everyone else.
The real Captain America.
>cap is from the 20s
>isnt super racist, and sexist
The (((medias))) has always been against white right-wing fascism, nothing new here.
good lel
Don't get ahead of yourself, Hispaniola is behind that fence too
Define Right-wing fascism
Why does being against fascism have to make me a commie?
>cap is antifascist
Hail Hydra
>saying whites have a right to exist and whites should be allowed to have their own countries means you're a fascist
My god these leftypol raids are sad.
In a nutshell, "everyone who isn't white is inferior and needs to gtfo." Anything related to right-wing fascism can be traced back to that statement.
Who said anything about being communist?
It wasn't like that until after world war II
It's funny how Antifa would take characters from series and would make it look like they're consistent with their retarded ideas.
so then what is a nationalist? not white nationalist. just a nationalist
>Anything related to right-wing fascism can be traced back to that statement.
Didn't know the Japanese were white
ikr, and arabs, and african tribes too i think.
Isn't Steve actually of Irish descent?
What's up with the smug mudslime kid?
Cucktain Jewmerica, amirite?
Beware the third day.
>So now that the world is officially against right-wing fascism, is Sup Forums an antifa aboard now?
Why would you think that when the world has been officially against fascism since some time after world war 2?
No, but maybe in the near future. Sup Forums will most likely revert to leftist ideologies. A good example why is the shilling on this board for ever now.
((("""the world""")))
>implying cap would help commies
Lol a man with 1940s values for muslims and gays. Seriously? Captain America was never virulently racist, but this pic is a bit farfetched.
>Makes a claim
>Gives no proof or sources for such claim
>Must be legit