Hello my name is roy oliver


Other urls found in this thread:


Roy's our boy.
Thanks for brightening my day Roy.

Thanks Based Roy

Thank you Roy thank you so fucking much you legend


Hello, I protect you

>Young buck
Wow, what kinda cuckold wrote this shit?

Thank you Roy

Thanks based Roy


Roy's a good guy, bet his wife is pretty and his kids get good grades.

Post gofundme I need to donate $10 to him

Thank you Roy, gotta keep chipping away at the rot eating away at our country. Saved countless lives and a lot of taxpayers money.

Thank you Roy

do they mean Haram?

Buck is an old racist term for a male negro of reproductive age.

Roy "make a nigger holler" oliver

Our boy Roy

Thank you for your service Roy

this is a sting we have ur internet IPs and will come to ur house and punch u in the name of equality
oh look, it's u

based Roy. Thanks!

Lol classic roy

How about you share the full details?

Didn't the kid point a bbgun at him or something?

Thank you based Roy

Thanks Roy. Wish you would shot just one more time though. Better safe then sorry.

Thank you for preventing future white murders Based Roy

Kek this image was written by a nigger


Thank you, Roy. Have a nice day.

Everyone in the US knows when police are involved you can comply or kiss your ass goodbye!

So where is the link to reward him?

Roy just stopped countless crimes, rapes, illegitimate children that would have carried on the aforementioned depravity.

Thank You Based Roy!

>zero punctuation
>internet slang
>someone has to be a certain age before you can kill them in self defense
>"a elite"
>"and high points for his age"

I can already tell that a nigger wrote this

red pilled Roy

obviously, no white person has this level of "white guilt" kek