Every time i visit Sup Forums, i'm reminded of why i hate crackers so much. all of you are small penised, angry...

every time i visit Sup Forums, i'm reminded of why i hate crackers so much. all of you are small penised, angry, racist assholes who just hate anyone who isn't as pale and ugly as you are.

As a proud man of high melanin content, african, muslim and indian origin, I hate all whiteys and pale people and want earth to be 100% brown and black. or at the very least, have a separate, hopefully small and cold section of the earth for whiteys to keep, and everywhere else can be us melanins. even the pale asians can live with you. however, we should outnumber you guys like 9 to 1. i'm very glad that current trends are proving that this will probably be the case, luckily the chinese government keeps them from outbreeding us melanins. whites have no fertility as well as small penises, however the rage of old white men must still be defeated. always remember this Sup Forums: we'll outbreed you. we're smarter than you. we're more niggerish and more thuggish than you. white women only exist to serve as vessels for black and brown seed to be propagated. black power worldwide!

i hope all you whiteys die or at least become our slaves.

Fuck off nigger

You're not native to this side of the hemisphere and ought to be dumped back in Africa

Whites are your best friends you stupid ape, when we beaners take over you'll wish you had those Crackers back

I'm kind of confused, this would be obvious bait but the flag really makes me consider this is actually a nigger. Either way fuck off

>not bait

lol short manlet mexicans will never be able to compete with strong african seed and charisma. sorry jose, even the white girls don't want to talk to you.

This attitude is a result of white guilt. All of your freedoms and hubris is because we WHITES blundered, you stupid ape NIGGER. WE gave it to you, and we will soon take it away.

Give us a few years we will kick all of you retarded chimps back to your own hemisphere.

You're welcome for the wheel and written language spear chucker.

You fucks are the bottom of the totem pole everywhere you go, You were in enslaved by the whites and are still the lowest of the low in Bean countries and bean communities in the US

Don't worry prieto, we'll put you in your place

typical beta male whitey has a giant iron cock on the internet but looks down and feels scared any time he sees a black person in real life. we don't need a few years, we're already kicking white men out of their own bedrooms and marriages. but please tell me more about how president trump will lead your aryan white uprising.



whatever you say el chapo. every nigga in the hood knows tiny latinas love big black dicks.

>white girls don't want to talk to you

Holding a gun at someone's head forcing them to do something isn't charisma, Tyrone. Also, white girls don't want to be with you either. The screaming when you rape a white girl doesn't mean she likes it.


"What have the romans done for us?"

Looks like this man/womyn de-colonialized their thought.

Afterall, to reject whites is to reject what we've accomplished...

Fuck i took the b8


B8 and a really bad one


Any Latina worth a shit would never get with a filthy mayate

Congrats on getting the sloppy seconds and the AIDS infested sluts, thats all you niggers ever get

>whitey is so upset his wife and daughter love dark dick that he accuses people of rape

i'm sure your wife's "rapist" will just get acquitted like OJ


Proud of sickle cell anemia, diabetes, and HIV? Your genes are so superior!

Sup Forums living in your tiny little head rent free

Have sex, seek sunlight, and get a clue

You're absolutely triggered. haha. Mexican women are the biggest sluts on earth. Mexican men are only slightly above Asian men in the totem pole.

LOL that post about genetic superiority was actually posted by me ages ago. i only ever come on Sup Forums to make fun of white people, such as right now.

admit it even if you were married 10 years, all this brother would have to do is make eye contact with your wife and she'd have the divorce papers filed.

At least we're not niggers

Everyone on this planet can get up in the morning, look at themselves in the mirror and say "Welp, At least I'm not a nigger"

>we're smarter than you

>smarter than you
as a Jew this made me laugh, your average IQ is missing a digit nigger

What are petite white girls?


Whites are afraid of your kind.

that guy is ugly as fuck. you obviously aren't black if you think he's good looking. my guess is you're some microdicked indian.

i see a white lady and her 4 slaves. what is this supposed to be?

Hey man you seem really angry, you think young thugga la goat would approve of this? Learn to love.

Sorry for being more cautious around "people" that have documented tendency to steal and rape..

ooga booga mo po muhp do didda bix nood

Here's your reply. Enjoy your Monday, fag.

niggerish and thuggish were too over the top

Yes and they get those big black cock from Criollos.

No one is going to date Tyrone for his primitive genetics and low credit.

Why would anyone want to live in the hood?

North Korea with 105 IQ? Hah

>he's ugly

keep telling yourself that whitey

nah you're just white trash lmao

You think niggers are winning dude really?
>kicking white men out of their own bedrooms and marriages
Watching porn must be worst in the black community than any other.
Those Jewish porno's aren't real life, but with an IQ of 80 how could you tell?

>OP Is confused.

Says he hates white people, yet lusts after white people

calls white people racist, but wants a black world.

says black men have bigger dicks.
the smallest dick i have ever seen was on a black man. it literally looked like an acorn

He's not angry. It is a nigger high on ape testosterone. They function like animals. When you pass one look him directly into the eyes. Stare. Don't look away until he looks to the ground. Some even walk away fastly or start running. Animals user. Animals reacting to animalistic interaction. When they talk or write you usually see and hear bullshit. You can't argue with animals.

>thinks whites are pussies
>hasn't heard of slavs
Nigger please. We can kick your monkey asses and beat a 200 IQ kike at chess in one sitting. Kneel.

four letter word in the optionsd field


We enslaved you and raped you to the point where blacks are an average of 25% European.
You are in all way inferior and know it.

besides how the hell are you going to get a black world having babies with women?


Trump has nothing to do with it, information is everything. We've been instructed and embarrassed into feeling guilty in order to give your antisocial destructive behavior a pass because of historical events that we had no influence over. Now that y'all are being given a change to integrate, we're seeing why your culture was suppressed. And more people are waking up.


The libdrone is Finna seething


If you said any of this to anyones face they would beat the living shit out of you

Keep that in mind

Why don't you go back to Africa, then you won't see any more ugly racism since you can't make a computer out of mud

Fuckin honkie ass cracka, you wish you could get with a fine Nubian queen. You get on here and talk all of that shit about black people, but when you see one in real life you go cry to mommy for tendies and then jerk off to a fine piece of black ass. You make me sick.

that girl looks ugly too and has weird tits. for a wealthy actor you'd think he could do better.

>small penis
>looks in pants

Actually, I'm better hung than the majority of niggers.

the power of Sup Forums

Are Australian aboriginies even human in Sup Forums lore?

>70s nog slang
Not good bait, nigger

>"Fuckin honkie ass cracka, you wish you could get with a fine Nubian queen"

your hate brings me joy!

this was written by a white kid who got dumped by a dark skinned beauty for a black dude



I have never thought I'll ever utter those words out of my mouth but I agree with your pointless egregious horrendous awful horrible post God look at the Times me agreeing with a Canadian next thing you know I'll be shaking a black dudes hand hahaha that will never happen no niggars in Iraq just volatile angry explosive sand niggars so anyway go fuck yourself with a flaccid 2 inch penis

Is this the Canadian National Anthem?

It's cool you must excuse him he has snifflideous it's a disease commonly found among secret closet homosexuals I can smell that disease a mile away I would know I work in Africa in the 80s to cure gay cancer but sadly it still exists till this day the only way it would be eradicated is by forcing the sodomite to drink a concoction that consist of John Goodman's ball sweat and Bob Saget semen

fucked an iraqi thotty a while back, she knew how to take a dick. they might not have any in your puppet state, but as soon as they come west they prefer black dick, like all women.

>Muh dick
Why can't you niggers get past this

Do you think that sharing your personal sexual Adventures will somehow infuriate or agitate me? In that case you are dead wrong I got nothing but love for you man you have sex with a woman from Iraq good for you buddy I'm not sure what exact response you were expecting so I don't know good job? Plus that's a pretty weird thing to say in response to anything

He isn't really black I can tell even if he is the darkest skinned black person he still wouldn't be qualified as black because he's from Canada so it's like black black but not really black because you know what does he even do? Does he cap asses? Does he eat fried chicken while drinking Gatorade through his ass lips? I'm going to go with no because like I said is not black

>muh dick


wow man you're mad

but niggers will continue to be worthless, so deal with it.

This is leaf LARPing.
Welcome to Sup Forums.