
Why aren't you a Nazbol yet? Why are you still cucked to free market capitalism?

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Because natsocs are already inherently against free market capitalism but realize it at least has merits whereas retarded bolshevism is fundamentally the enemy of all humanity and progress.


I'm cucked by an ideology which allows me to own capital and use it to my own betterment?

Collectivism is cuckoldry, because it forces the individual to submit to the collective, no matter what.

This is backwards. The collective would not exist without the individual. Successful collectives are only successful because of the free choices of its individual members.

All collectivism is founded in the resentment of failed individuals who want a free ride off of the more successful ones, and so they appeal to the collective as a whole.

Dugin pls go

No you're cucked by an ideology that values your worth based on how much capital you already have and makes you somebody else's capital based on that.
>Successful collectives are only successful because of the free choices of its individual members
>free choices
Wrong, they're successful because of the smart choices of few exceptional people leading the many unexceptional people.
Neither "free" market capitalism or bolshevik collectivism allow the exceptional to lead.

Fuck off commie. I'm a nationalsocialist and id gladly take out you commie fucks.
Capitalism is great. Our problem is jewish neoliberal capitalism that bails out banks and manipulates the economy.

What's with all these nazbol shills?
Are we being raided by Spencer and his Dugin army?

>Capitalism is great
You're not a national socialist

Hitler agreed with me. He hated communism and bolshevik socialism. Hitler didnt want to seize the means of production and germany was a capitalist country that heavily privatized industry.
The commies that tried to make natsoc into a socialist ideology were purged, rightly so.
Dont tell me what i am and am not, commie.

[spoiler]we're trying to smear the communist hammer and sickle as a white nationalist/fascist symbol by associating it with NazBols, like we did with milk and the "OK" sign; watch the lefties scream as their favorite symbol is associated with fascism[/spoiler]

Like Strasserism?

Enjoy Night of the Long Knives bro.


No true Scotsman fallacy

Thats retarded. You only spread misinformation that smears natsoc as socialist that will make litteraly no one join the movement.

because I'm a Human
not a hiveminding roach
socialism, whichever the kind, only ever is for hive insects

He didn't agree with you. You're just an uneducated brainlet libertarian who's roleplaying as NS because we're more aesthetic and civilized than you gap-toothed, drooling primitives.
Anyway, communism and bolshevism were his main enemies but capitalism was one as well because it is just another tool of the jew to undermine nations by spreading decadence, and degeneracy.
Hitler didn't seize the means of production he just entrusted them to those private entities who would serve the interests of the nation rather than solely their own profits, as in capitalism.
National Socialism was always fundamentally a socialist ideology. Strasserists were purged because the 30's were a critical time for germany and Hitler could not afford internal strifes.

If I look at a black man and say "He's not white" do you say "No true scotsman fallacy"?

This is understandable, because as a burger you have never felt apart of a collective. And because of your burger education you think National Socialism is like communism.

Because it doesn't make sense at all

private enterprise =/= capitalism

>le hitler wasn't porked meme
NatSoc Germany was one of the most capitalist countries of the 20th century.

Yeah, you can point to his rhetoric about shitting on communism and capitalism, but he secretly loved the latter, as long as the state regulated it.

Gregor Strasser said the same thing and was killed by Hitler's regime.

do you mind giving a source for that quote by the way?
He did believe in private property and private enterprise but to declare it the "sole possible economic order", unless he was saying this in context of opposing the bolsheviks, is fishy.

>cucked to free market capitalism

what u mean ther is : statism ( = always socialism )

capitalism = free people cooperating freely.
and yes, i'd LOVE to see capitalism somewhen in my live somewhere on this planet again. it would mean wealthy, free people

>as long as the state regulated it
Right there it's not capitalism then, moron.
What I can point to are the economic policies implemented by natsoc germany as to why they weren't close to the most capitalist country of the 20th century.
You're just falling for the jew of private business=capitalism, everything else=communism.

Exactly. Why is it so difficult for everyone to see capitalism is a tool of Jewish control? They own the factories, they own the workers, they own the banks, and they own the regulators. Not only do we need a purge, we need to nationalize our wealth to prevent our system from ever being compromised by them again.

Thats not a hitler quote, retard, thats a strasser quote misatributed to hitler.

Not because of that, because Hitler needed 100% unity under him in the party since war was coming. having different sects would have been stupid.

Yes the other guy posted the strasser one, idk why I still had it saved.
Do you want some of the quotes of Hitler agreeing with Marx's views on capitalism?
Did you know national socialism was built on those marxist principles?

>nationalize our wealth
Exactly right.
The federal reserve has been the redpill to natsoc for a good number of pinkos I've talked with irl

This is Sup Forums's Achilles heel, they will never be free of the jew forever as long as they cling to american memes about "the free market" or "individualism" or "the constitution." The more intelligent alt-right guys realize this but the frogposters are still stuck in their parents' boomer mentality.

Keep on shilling, shlomo. Capitalism is litteraly the goyims system of choice. Its been around for thousands of years. Socialism was made by the jew to ensnare the goyim and limit his potential. Even social democracy is harmfull. It gives you a subserviant slave morality. Even though americas """capitalist""" system is shit, it breedsm much more independent munded and capable folk than scandinavia. Social democracy made us the cucks we are.

It's because we got too comfortable working with libertarians for Trump's election.
Past time to crack down and start engaging their views the same way we engage the communists.

The Jews have pushed libertarianism hard on us, yet just look at their society--they completely reject it in favor of collectivising their wealth. And look how much better it works for them. But be a rugged individual, you brave cowboys. Good goys.

Expound, please

how can you be cucked by freedom? literally impossible

sharing is for faggots

t. Richard "Adopt Bernie's platform" Spencer
only a genuine retard would describe himself as alt right, or even think it's a thing and not just controlled op

First of all, why rant about social democracy? You're preaching to the choir, pal. All modern forms of democracy are tools of the jew. This is old news.
Let me educate you now about what "socialism" is.
It's the placing of society before the person. Socialism has been the mortar of human civilization since the beginning. The potential of individual people is nothing compared to the potential of a collective. That should be self-evident to you by now unless you're a newfag on Sup Forums
There is a difference between subservience and simply acknowledging that you are a better follower than a leader. Why is it a good thing for an entire population of people to be independent minded? That is literally what's causing the decline of my country.

Strasserism is the branch of national socialism more focused on the "socialism".
Here's some Strasser quotes
Night of the Long Knives was a purge of the NS party to unite it wholly under Hitler. I don't believe it had anything explicitly to do with ideological differences but maybe Hitler was concerned there would be red sympathies if the Strassers were allowed to push forward.

because it's not freedom unless you can outjew your competitors.






Checked, motherfucker. They said kek was dead. This is the future. Antifa is now antiemetic

He just showed us the way.


What country was Nazbol?

>free market capitalism is the only kind of capitalism
Read a book nigga.


Only if he identifies himself as white.

The response of a brainlet who can't defend his own position.
What does "state regulated capitalism" mean then if you you weren't talking about Hitler's economy? Even though you were talking about Hitler's economy.