The white pill

aka, the truth pill, it is the accepting of the real truth. Includes:

>Hitler was the bad guy
>Jews aren't an evil race who rule the world
>No world order
>White race isnt dying out (there are more whites than there were yesterday)
>The refugees will go away once syria is solved
>End of the world is no where near soon
>ISIS is bad
>No lizard people
>The holocaust happened

Basically, it's the cure to the "redpill"

Other urls found in this thread:

You're thinking the blue pill here

White pills are also knows as sugar pills. Aka placebo.

Fuck off with your shit

I fucking hate you

White pills are already a thing in the altright. They're comforting news for red pilled people, I.e. The opposite of black pills.

Red pill: Jews are flooding France with Muslims
Black pill: A globalist banker won the presidency
White pill: The youngest voters had the highest returns for Le Pen.

This is well established lexicon. How new are you? You're describing the blue pill with your examples.

>more white people today than yesterday
this is demonstrably false keep in mind that even with mass immigration the pyramid is still topheavy. Women pretty much stopped having children.

yeah, amerifag cant even get their own lore correct

>>hitler turns backwards, starving germany into the most revered nation on the earth, while virtually eliminating poverty and crime.

and yet he is... the bad guy. Newfags are even worse than some leaf posters.

The white pill is true, just read please

I agree with you, based centrist equal! here's more of the real truth for us to share with these evil nazis!

>gender isn't real
>cutting your cock off and telling men you're a female is healthy
>AIDS is a badge of honor
>women are better than men at everything
>blacks are smarter than whites after all they built the pyramids
>being fat and unhealthy isn't just equal to being fit, it's better because fat people are made stronger by suffering through their accidental misfortune of being born fat with no choice to keep fit

The white pill is true, just read please 2

>>The refugees will go away once syria is solved

Lol. The US is planning on destabilizing Syria. The Jews want to expand into Greater Israel.

Spicy said it himself.

Refugees are her to stay.

The white pill is true, just read please 3

White people are at their lowest percentage wise in all of history, white genocide is real, go shill elsewhere you kikeshilll

The white pill is true, just read please 4

The white pill is true, just read please 5

The white pill is true, just read please 6

>hitler was bad


Renaming the bluepill, i.e. denial or ignorance of difficult truths, doesn't make it more novel or appealing. Go back to normie dreamland.

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened!

There it is.

The most retarded thing I've read all day.

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 2!

nice inspect element editing there, hans.

You clearly haven't seen the matrix.

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 3!

also in the white pill:
>2 genders
>egyptians were middle-eastern (not black
>being fat is unhealthy

It's the retard pill

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 4!

Here's a source on the holocaust too, since many shitposters seem to think otherwise:

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 5!

>no lizard people

Prove it.

The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 6!

This is a pleasant fiction.

Phahahah kekd and checkd.

This, in turn, was the best thing I've read all day... praise be to Kek!


The white pill is true, just read please, the holocaust happened 7!

lol this one is fucking terrible... literally an image quote from Moscow's chief rabbi saying that he doesn't hate Muslims in Russia where they have been supporting both secularists and religous groups of Middle Eastern descent for decades. That's not a Jewish conspiracy, it's a public religious leader just parroting national policy.

lma000 I can see the white lines around the GI, (look at the tommy gun)

Nice sh00p

You mean the Blue Pill?

>le unironic colored pills meme

man i can't wait for reddit to fucking leave.

>i got repeating numbers, it must be true!

explain this, shall we?

white pill is boring




that's just a coincidence

>le praise kek shadilay!!!1 can't stump meme it into reality le based /ourguy/

gettin pretty fucking reddit around here.


This is a redpill of truth, as all true redpills are:

This is actually the kikepill aka the bluepill
The real white pill is this: The kike's insatiable greed and hubris will ultimately be their undoing.

The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion full audio-book. Detailing from 1900 how the Jews will take over the world.

You are a complete idiot for focusing on something that is entirely trivial, you god damn, lousy sack of shariablue shit. But it's typical of your long-nosed species to divert the attention of people away from the important things, so I'm not even surprised.

The point is that the poster above swiftly and elegantly dismissed your opinions and your persona for what you are - a complete retard. Either that, or just very, very cheap bait.

Either way, you are a fucking loser and should reconsider your life-choices.

Hans is mad for losing WW2.

>Hitler was the bad guy
If you don't make your own opinion
>Jews aren't an evil race who rule the world
They've admitted their own evil
>No world order
There's always been a world order, you're just a pleb.
>White race isnt dying out (there are more whites than there were yesterday)
Nice fallacy there, I've noticed leftists do that. Numbers vs. percentages.
>The refugees will go away once syria is solved
No they won't mong, when has that ever happened? The Irish will go back when the potato famine is over.
>End of the world is no where near soon
A lot closer than you think it is, modern world is a lot more fragile than you think it is.
>ISIS is bad
No shit
>No lizard people
Most likely not.
>The holocaust happened
Eh, was heavily exagerrated.

Can confirm, the truth pill works.
I'm a time traveller from 1950.

Here we go:
>the soviet union will pull out of eastern Europe in a year or so, when things are stable
>america will pull out of Europe, most of asia and specifically Japan in a year or so
>the guest workers from the commonwealth will go back to africa/india in a year, after they've done their bit to repair England
>the government will remove the internal spying laws and rationing immediately, never to return
>the world will be at peace
>israel will remain a small, city sized community and won't expand all over palestine, killing hundreds and thousands
>things will become progressively better, and taxes will fall

Now that I've time traveller to the future, I can see the truth pill was right all along!!

People cannot accept truth because they are emotionally damaged and deficient. They need emotional fulfilment to heal and fill the void. In this sense they need the lie of the "red pill" to make themselves feel better about reality.

Once they believe that they have ingested "new insight" they can emotionally feast on the pride of being more informed than their peers, their previous self or the ideal of their constructed adversary.

All this ignores the fact that we should only seek a clear vision of reality in order that we can ACT rightly. And that without ACTION all our knowledge comes to nought.

That's not a white pill. That's just being blue pilled. Go back to sleep and join the sheeple. The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have.

This. Redpills only. Everyone out.

Nice mental gymnastics.
>le purple pill
>le cyan pill
>le rainbow pill
Kys. There's only two pills. There's no middle ground. What you do with either of them is up to you (that means there's no blackpill/whitepill/whatever bullshit you come up with)

>The refugees will go away once syria is solved
There's people who unironically believe this.

Every. Fucking. Time.

You'll have to explain this one.

>The holocaust happened
* define holocaust and we'll falsify it happening
>Hitler was the bad guy
* do you mean he wasn't good at being a guy?
* everyone has negitive aspects to them but good also.
will deal with other green texts after falsifying your last one about

>>Jews aren't an evil race who rule the world

I'm guessing it's the entrance to a gas chamber and the door looks to be made of wood.

>Jews aren't an evil race that rule the world

Haha good one

Background story?
American squats in front of somewhere.

*The retarded pill

Thought there was a story behind it, like it was a kike director stepping into frame when he wasn't supposed to be there.

They call baby killing women's rights, then use low birth rates as an excuse to import illegals for population replacement.

dilɟ ɥo

We need to kill them.

why don't you post the real one then?


>there are more whites than there were yesterday
Going to need a source on that famm

Kek. More like kikepill.

Could be, hadn't noticed that there's that other guy crouching to the left. Would need the other user to explain what he posted.

>>The refugees will go away once Syria is solved

You're a faggot if you think this is true, and reduces the "truth" you think you speak

>The holocaust happened
Just about no one is saying it didn't, but 6 gorillian, no, that is not true

don't forget the ironpill anons

>>blacks are smarter than whites after all they built the pyramids

To add:

>The CIA are the good guys.
>Bankers aren't corrupt.
>The Federal Reserve does not act in special interests.
>The media is completely independent and anything to suggest otherwise is mere happen stance.
>Democrats really do care about the well-being of black people.
>White people are racists.
>There are 2^469 genders.

What a (((coincidence))) that I've never heard about this before.

3.5 million in camps without the basic necessities, and dodging the Geneva convention.

Then a few hundred thousand given as slaves to France after that.


>>The refugees will go away once syria is solved
once they come in and get benefits they won't wanna leave, plus not all refugees are from syria

>trying this hard

butthurt shill from
disinfo working hard today lads

You mean the bluepill.
Also you're a shill faggot, your memetics game is low energy.

I'm floating towards the bottom right selection.
Nice chart.

Repost it as individual images when you detect one.

The Jewish agenda is just the corporatist agenda. Jews simply happen to be heavily represented among the elite that benefits from the corporatist agenda because of high IQ, nepotism, and immunity from affirmative action.

Zionist lobbying is real, since said Jewish elite have loyalty towards Israel.

I haven't personally examined enough evidence to say whether the holocaust happened or not, and I don't really care. Whether or not it happened, there's no reasons it should influence my opinions on Zionism, or any of my other political views. The right to question the validity of historical accounts is very important, regardless of how sensitive the topic is, but I don't think it should ultimately be of much consequence for anyone.

>>Hitler was the bad guy
>>Jews aren't an evil race who rule the world
agree, the mohamedians are the true enemy
>>No world order
there is, but it's a complex overlay of governments and corporations
>>White race isnt dying out (there are more whites than there were yesterday)
statistics on this?
>>The refugees will go away once syria is solved
brown people will never stop coming over to the white mans land, because he actually takes care of whats his
>>End of the world is no where near soon
probably true, nuclear brinksmanship and detante and all
>>ISIS is bad
>>No lizard people
see degenerate pic related
>>The holocaust happened
>>The CIA are the good guys.
hahahaha, fuck no, fuck government bureaucrats
>>Bankers aren't corrupt.
actually depends, local neighborhood banks? not "corrupt" per se, but that's probably because they lack the capital to play with the "big boys" who are most definitely corrupt
>>The Federal Reserve does not act in special interests.
(((special interests)))
>>The media is completely independent and anything to suggest otherwise is mere happen stance.
>>Democrats really do care about the well-being of black people.
bread and circuses in exchange for votes
>>White people are racists.
this makes my fucking blood boil
>>There are 2^469 genders.

I curated the worlds finest literature and catagorized it according to its relevance to each pill just for you

>see degenerate pic related

Why did you call it the white pill? That's cisnormative racism, you cuck.