Alt lite cucks in new orleans attack league of the south

holy shit what a bunch of fucking FAGGOTS

This guy apparently was screaming at them that he was jewish and had biracial kids and he was mad that they had confederate flags AT A DIXIE RALLY FOR A CONFEDERATE STATUE

Other urls found in this thread:

alt-lite are just antifa in more respectable guise

These faggots got confused and thought it was a trump rally.

>these confederate guys came in with their flags and i dont know theyre just white supremists

Gas the alt lite.

"I'm Jewish"

fake and gay
sage faggot
this is a communist board
nazis go home

End yrself

Nice drop there, Brit Sven.

Doxx doxx doxx what a fag


I've been found out oy


look at those cock holster faggots. they need to be more of a cock holster and stop talking

>biracial son

this faggot needs to get beat up

Faggot got laid out by a good ole boy

apparently he literally said this too

Don't sperg out at jews when they do this. Just humiliate them by being nice and reasonable.

>when r/T_D tries to hang out with actual nationalists

hahaha jesus fucking christ
hes a walking meme

Why do cucks even show up to this? Why aren't they home watching Dinesh Dsouza videos on YouTube and jacking off to Ronald Reagan pictures?

What the fuck are you people talking about?

is this another LARP?

Fucking alt-lite faggots. At least the GRIDs will take care of them.

This is why Antifa is winning. Too much in fighting for fuck sakes


ANTIFA, or even an agency (local po po and whatnot)

See the brand new haircut?

ANTIFA are losing

This is their new tactic

>antifa is winning
how do you even figure that?

Because liberals don't tolerate dissent.

Remember that one guy they THOUGHT was making fun of black lives matter?

alt-right: FBI controlled OP/identity politics peddlers
alt-light: libertarians, classic liberals, civic nationalists

There's athing going on in New Orleans where the local leftist agitators and niggers are getting old Confederate statues taken down, they've already taken one down and some nationalists (not sure of the exact groups but League of the South is the main one) are down there protesting and blocking demolition until a protection of heritage bill that's being passed gets through. Apparently some alt-liters are butthurt that confederate flags are being flown

Tin man got BTFO

You are mistaken. If you go to any anarchist forum or read anything put out by antifa they constantly trash on liberals and talk about how much they hate them. Liberals also hate antifa because they turn their protests violent and get them shut down

Why are there so many leftist shills in this thread?

>gas the alt light
what? I feel like I am in a circlejerk politics thread

Isn't that just some antifafaggot false flagging?

>implying WNism is controlled oppo

It's half of the conversation. The other half is liberal values, which can only be realized in a pro-white society.


He's got a brand new haircut, and spouts being Jewish and with a biracial son

hes jewish

Couldn't be further from the truth my friend.

>Be faggot non southerner
>Go to South
>Get triggered by a piece of cloth

This dude is even worse than alt lite. He's almost shill tier.

He's too retarded to be real.

Exactly, the guy is either a shill or a complete fucking idiot.

yep, listen to (((cernovich))) (((mciness))) and (((milo))) you goys. fascim sucks, better attack the muslims :^), israel is our ally

in one of the stream they said we was telling the confederate guys that hes jewish and he had mixed kids and he just started to fight with them.

>>vid shows the rest

the eternal yankee

>Dude I'm Jewish!!!! OMG now that I told you this you're an anti-semide!

fucking lefties man

I mean, why would a Yankee protest around and for people that are for the Confederate Flag and monuments if those things trigger him?

It's entirely retarded.

Fuck the alright fuck the alt light fuck antifa fuck take em down nola and especially fuck mitch Landrieu. I'm tired of my heritage being used as punching bag by communist/Globalist and as a tool by nationalist that only give a damn forming their own powerful central goverment. I've had a enough of New Orleans and the South being a pawn in thier game. When the western world is engulfed in an inevitable civil war, I'm gonna fight the war on two fronts against both the collectivist factions. Better to lose with principle than win while giving up every thing I believe in. From here on out only thing that matters is me and mine. Sames goes for the "civic nationalist" yall are biggest faggots of them all.

so I should listen to (((spencer&enoch))) instead?

nice try shills, that's not what we use to refer to them around here. lurk more fags

let's not rule out the very real possibility of the later

false flag as fuck

Good, now the conservative movement will be about GOD and CAPITALISM, not national SOCILIASM.


Yeah, dude some cousin fucker two generations removed from the shtetl is the same as an anglo above the mason-dixon line.

>implying you can't have national classic liberalism


no. jared taylor is the only semi famous person worth following. there are other good commenters that are realistic about the state of things that aren't looking for attention.

you could start by researching Human biodiversity

>nice try shills, that's not what we use to refer to them around here. lurk more fags

Is this the best you've got?

The altlight/right/whatever memers should be treated like any other lefty idiot, they're harmful to the cause of bringing people over to the sensible side. You don't win hearts & minds calling people cucks and shouting pepe over them. I'm tired of this shit happening in every rally or protest, they're always swarming with these streamer dumbasses that can't articulate an argument to save their lives and they just go around pissing people off making conservatives look like fools. Don't go to a political event if you haven't done your homework.

Look how he just lays himself down at the end and poses for a picture. Definitely some kind of psy-op

Look at the based black guy in the back.

>jared taylor is the only semi famous person worth following
probably the best post I've seen in days user.

the only fucking faggots are the racist cucks that still think the south is gonna rise again

stupid austistic cockgoblins....all of them

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks.

Depends. Do you only want to listen to people you deem as 100% perfect? If so you won't be listening to anybody

Yeah, not the dude that shows up to protest for the Confed monuments and gets trigger by a Confed flag, then says he's Jewish and has a biracial son.

Yeah, it's totally the dudes living in the South that want their history to stay.

This. What Conservatism needs is more respectability. We will show those unenlightened to conservative values by being principled. More bowties and morals!

That has been conserving our nations and traditions for the past 70 years.

Jesus Christ, the cringe. What is even going on? Each and everyone in this image looks like he's lost it or is embarassing. What kind of weirdness is this???

Alt Lite cucks.

>alt lighters that can't stop talking about sucking black cock are more about god and capitalism that the traditionalist christian league of the south



>Fucking alt-lite faggots. At least the GRIDs will take care of them.
fake lol


In the south


thanks m8

b-b-b-but muh kekistan?

muh trump?

muh fuck islam?

muh based jews?

muh shadilay?

>larping in the streets

so its obvious these guys are controlled opposition right?


spartan warrior is organic and antiglobalist [antifa]. the guy attacking the southerners could be a shill. spartan warrior wasn't there, he was at berkeley for the big battle.


he's exactly right you cuckold bitch

>What kind of weirdness is this???


Tell me why I should trust a larping stormnigger

what is a civic nation?

I live in New Orleans. Ask me anything?

First fight of he day!

Everyone isn't bought and paid for by the CIA mate, he's probably just a confused low info CivNat who thought it was a free speech Trump rally.

Who was the Alt Right guy on the Mega phone? He was good so i wanna follow him.

really stupid

Need protection during street-fights. Best put on the old lorica segmentata.


No idea. I can tell you that despite the pictures from the protest, there are more people who don't want the statues to come down then those that do. The silent majority. The current democratic mayor is pushing to take down the confederate monuments before the end of his term because he is hoping to run in 2020. Mitch landrieu. He truly is a piece of shit. Hasn't done anything for the city. Crime rates and infrastructure for the city is at it's worst.

New Orleans has a lot of violent crime. The black people who live in this city are absolutely terrible to everyone in this city. Especially to themselves.

Fucking this.

What the fuck is alt-lite?

iron man looks like a cop

>Talk about traitors and how evil they are.
>Wants to keep up statues of traitors.

ShareBlue shill detected

Anyone else disgusted by all of these events and Sup Forums culture manifesting in real life? A bunch of grown men dress up in spartan outfits and get in shouting matches with transgenered idiots for a few hours.

All of the e-celebs come out and film for their own self gain.
It's all so petty and childish. I once enjoyed the whole board culture of the memes and such, but now I'm just disgusted.
If there is a real and genuine alt right that isn't just a bunch of FBI informants like Hal Turner then they need to get their fucking "optics" together because all I see at Pikedale and events like today are a bunch of overweight low iq morons who are just as bad as antifa

They're not traitors to the South you fucking imbecile


Freshly shaven hair, slim and tall.

Probably fishing for violence so they can arrest people that attack him.