French art thread

Lets nostalgically remember France as it was, before it disappears forever.

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No more :'(

Goodnight alt right





Looks like the russians are going to want a refund...

*raises paw*
whats this?









>our ancestors built a beautiful, strong civilization
>we wreck it all in less than a century
i didnt want any of this





One of my favourites.

His tree painting skills are amazing










Damn, I'm tearing up.

France was never good.


Dude France is still 90% French/White

At worst it'll become 20% Arab/Nigger 100 years from now. So what? Far from France "disappearing"

Nice inverted pentagram there in your godless french cathedral.


Gentlemen walking


Hitler would have saved them!


Homosexuality has always been the norm in france.

contemporary street art

Wrong. France is already the brownest country is Western Europe.


Every petagrams and pentacles were originally catholic symbols. Ever read Sir Gawain and the Green Giant.

Every symbol was taken by satanist cucks
Like the inverted Cross of Peter
and the symbol of the Trinity, the Triangle

the original video got deleted yesterday/today

what a (((coincidence))) mon ami

probably his blind friend


Before its modern 19th century occult association, Christians used the pentagram as a way to illustrate Christ's 5 wounds


Farewell france. I've always loved your language. And our people look up to you in colonial time.

uggh...where's the culture? where's the diversity? I literally just can't even right now.



Or the symbol of LIGHT?

Satanists: their light is darkness
and their hidden knowledge is foolishness
Otherwise if you exposed it it would come known as FOOLISHNESS

They steal do you not know that Satan can make nothing of himself?

And I thought the people in France smelled bad before!



Such a lovely teee



Still hasn't recovered, lol.
