TFW you will always be an Amerifat

There is nothing more shameful than being American. Fuck this god damn country and fuck my god damn ancesters for leaving europe for this shithole. I would give anything to live in Europe.

So leave then

so then go hit the gym you fat fuck.

Well then go back to mexico Paco. See if mexico will pay for your welfare and 10 kids.

have fun with that op.

Probably antifag too

so leave and go become a eurocuck or canadian

Mexico? They're pretty fat too. This is probably some jungle nigger or, please forgive my language, a canadian.

I tried. I dated a scottish girl for 1.5 years and unfortunately, it didnt work out. I came so close to moving to the UK

Fuck u, im not mexican. My ancesters have been in the US for over 250 years.

Get the fuck out then

99.6% certified European. Ive had my ancestry tested.

I want to, but i cant. Im stuck here.

If you really would "give anything", then join the military and try and test high on the ASVAB so you can request to be stationed in Europe. Marry a native, then you can stay after you ETS.

He can't he lives in his parents basement

Jews beaners and niggers are the problem. They leave and we get life back on track

You live in America and are fat, lazy and retarded. You're a shame to your ancestors. You never would've survived life in America 250 years ago as well.

Any American like OP should seriously just neck themselves.
Europe doesn't want you either.

Then quit being a crybaby Millennial. Learn a trade, quit Mcdonalds, and move out of your parents basement. Or just cry about your entitlement and be a white trash. Your choice

I'd be really devastated if I were American desu

Jews and niggers yes. Beaners here legally have a right to be here if you are being realistic.
At least in the south-west region being that they predate the current borders.

have fun in euristan hope your butthole recovers quickly from the muslim gang bang

tfw you'll always be American


Gtfo then and see how great it is in another country. We won't miss you.

Then leave you autistic sack of goat shit. We don't want your faggot ass here either.

Then work towards your dreams in leaving.
No one is stopping you.
Go on, get your ass on it.

Being an America isn't that bad. It has flaws but it's pretty cool. Just move to another state or some shit. You can be in poverty and still be fat as shit in America, that's pretty impressive.

Actually, I have a stable job and live by myself in my own apartment. Not a NEET.

Nobody likes your whiny attitude.

Faggot move to Canada, sure our prime minister is a huge cuck but we're doing alright so far

Wanna' trade?

At least you're not French

I am working on it. I've been learning french for a year now. The problem is i dont have a degree or a or job skills that would get someone to sponsor me

then why are you still here? crying for attention? France is now accepting immigrants with citizenship upon entry, go there.

I cant. I have a motherfucking drunk driving conviction. I cant even visit canada as a tourist.

I would gladly trade. I love your country.