We won. Suck it up, buttercups
We won. Suck it up, buttercups
In 100 years, your grandkids will see that you actually lost.
France BTFO!
I actually didn't give a shit, but I'm glad Macron won because I love watching the right wing snowflakes have a meltdown. They are no different than their SJW counterparts.
France shall drown in it's own blood for this.
We'll see who really won in the next couple years.
Cry more, sissy.
what did u win
Post about it on Buzzfeed cuck
>married to the smiling titan
We as in Jews. The FN is a white nationalist party. Le Pen promised to go after kosher meat, as well as kipot. She promised to ban duel citizenship with Israel but not Russia.
You mean like your 15 year old granddaughter will while her muslim husband rapes and beats her. What a future for your grandkids. I'm sure after your grandson is convicted of theft and has his hand chopped off he'll air clap for you, you no dick faggot
They're worse. The majority of antifa will grow out of it and come to realize that none violent resistance is more effective in the long run.
To tell you the truth, I was happy with the result. So France can be used as an example of what can not be done. I do not even give Paris four years to get burned.
Can you show us some videos of week long protests and public meltdowns from le pen supporters, a la Hillary voters?
Yeah, didn't think so.
Do you think molymeme killed himself?
How is that different than what was said of Irish immigrants to America? Putting some limits on immigration makes sense. She proposed racist anti religious freedom laws and scapegoated minorites. She is an extremist in charge of a white nationalist party. Plus her anti EU policies would have caused global market caos and possibly even a depression. Market stability is a good thing.
Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.
Post your faces when you find out, that Macrons Wife is 2 years older then Merkel.
>They thought that of the Irish for no reason
>Islam is actually violent
>kill yourself
t. Irish family
Time will tell. I don't think it's a fair comparison.
When the next truck of peace plows through a crowd of cucks or a nightclub full of faggots gets slaughtered we will be sure to make an example of your liberal agenda.
If you believe any of what you just said, you should kill yourself. You're just too stupid for this world
Actually.the Irish created a yet to be rivaled wave of crime. It's like you don't know immigration history.
Erin go braugh. Fuck that faggot
Did they do honor killings, marry multiple women, rape at unheard of levels and commit terrorist attacks? No. Kill yourself
The rape and killings, yes.
>Italians ran organized crime more than the Irish
>Niggers still bring rampant crime today as well as muslims
>Kill yourself
hillary is still not president.
So what?
Nope, you lost. #macronleaks
Show me evidence of honor killings amd muslim scale rape or fuck off
So you won France.
It's like second place in a butt fucking competition.
Forgot about all the a anarchist terrorism that went along with all the gang killings.
It's really an argument against mass immigration, but you Irish immigrants always try to downplay it now and then you're all "those evil immigrants must be stopped". Really the lesson should be that we have to provide opportunity for the immigrants and spread them out. It should be the world's responsibility to take care of the refugees if we can't solve the issue causing them. People aren't inherently evil based on race or religion. The Irish were Catholics
>Voting in Macroni who has no qualms about letting more Muslims who despise Jews more than some people in the FN ever would
For a people who's only ethnostate is surrounded by enemies on all side you really have a poor perspective on things here.
I used to be as deluded as you. One day, probably by the age of 30, you will look back and cringe.
Really the lesson is your mom should've swallowed you. You're arguing poisoned skittles and potatoes. You are dumb as fuck and and France is screwed
10% approval by December
Hollande 2
Oh, they went beyond Muslim levels of rape. Especially if you count those who sold their pre teen daughters into sexual slavery.
It's actually a good thing.
France is gay as fuck anyway, and despite what you may think, the rest of the world already knows you're a Muslim nation.
The clock is ticking, and when times runs out the rest of the world will look to France for advice on what not to do.
honestly, is there anybody that thinks "new" France will ever resemble the old France?
I'm 36. You're just a bigot with no historical perspective
Completely untrue. You should drink bleach and cleanse yourself
>we won
Are you a representative of the rite globalists and/or Rothschild banking family?
>I'm 36. You're just a bigot with no historical perspective
Then you obviously can't recognize patterns
One day you will look back at this map and realize the exact moment where things went wrong.
Anyone else learning french now that Macron is president and the borders remain open? I really want a learn-buddy to practice with :-)
Oh, fuck Israel. I have relatives there, but it's a nation run by bigots founded on a false promise of protection. Putting us all in one place won't protect us, and neither will nukes. youtu.be
>We as in Jews.
Circumcised dick or GTFO
You'll still always be less than real men. Winning an election doesn't change who you are.
They were worried a Catholic would come into power and the Pope would have power over the States. An Irish Catholic (JFK) did come into power and the Pope wasn't given any more power. They were wrong.
Islamic terrorism in the West has been proven over and over. It is not a baseless argument to not want Muzzies in Western countries. Also, plenty of Mudslimes protest for Sharia Law. You don't see the Irish protesting for Papal Rule.The two aren't comparable dumbass
I'm American. That wouldn't prove I'm Jewish.
you failed. now you have to fix frances economy that leftys fucked up and he cant. its not possible
this is why you niggers resort to some faggy "its the current year argument". you dont ever think about anything post election. this is why obama is a joke and why hillary didnt win
Ok I get it now. Your a cuck.
Irish terrorism was a thing as well. Then it move back to Ireland and they fought for their homeland by blowing up school children. Irish Republican Army. Much of the funding for which came from the states.
You know nothing
>It is also worth noting that the majority of Irish crimes were for minor offenses. It has been found that the commitment rate for major crimes among the Irish population was half the number of Italians charged with major crimes.
> Actual starving people who faced systemic oppression who would do anything to survive is the equivalent to Shitskin Muslims marrying children for their sick twisted desires
You are so pathetic it's unreal
Exactly! Suck it up buttercup. It's part and parcel of living in modern France after all.
Shart-stained sweatpants or GTFO.
So, no Irish terrorist attacks in America.
Shill BTFO
Globalist bankers won this battle, but they didn't win the war. They're losing. The EU doesn't want to reform or listen to Europeans. Le Pen doubled her amount of supporters since 10 years ago.
Buttercup sucking it up
Has French birth certificate ready just in case
>(((We))) won
Le victoire de Rothschild! Viva la globalization! Bienvenue, Ahmed!
it's their survival strategy
when everythings multicultural they wont stick out
You think him and the globalists give half a fuck about you?
There are no such things as terrorists! In fact France is infinitely safer, 10000% safer in fact now that borders will remain open. Viva la France!
nice shitpost
>Exactly! Suck it up buttercup. It's part and parcel of living in modern France after all.
t. sadiq khan
>Acting like Irish terrorism ever happened in the States
Top Kek
You may have won the election but we all have lost realistically.
But unironically
To be honest, I'm not sure why I even expected anything more from France. You've always aloud other countries to come to your home and destroy everything. This election only strengthens the stereotype of the French being cowards.
>that flag wouldn't work if he stood up
You may have won the election but we all have lost realistically.
The youth voted for Le Pen, they are the future.
All of these misunderstood angels deserve to live in France! Viva la liberté! Viva la Islam!
Laugh it up, I'll be laughing when the truck of peace comes for you
Considering how adherents of Judaism are going down and people who identify as Jewish religiously and culturally are dwindling it doesn't seem to be a very good tactic. Ironically multiculturalism kills that which it embraces.
at least he's not a coal burner
18-25 in US
Wait you're a burger like me, well fuck you burger.
You most likely have a genius IQ, but you probably already knew that.
Before when bad shit happened in France I felt bad for them. Now its time to start laughing at them like Sweden and Germany.
Former Le Pen support here, It's hilarious watching her crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this chick get her hands on the nuclear codes.
Only people living in rural France voted for her. Not "the youth"
So he's into GILFs. I'm not seeing the problem
my one wish is to continue seeing this copy pasta
Actually the number of arrest for violent crimes was staggering, but not as bad as the Italians. Compared to crime rates today it was all staggering. The fact that Italian immigrants raped and murdered at greater rates after the Irish set up the gang patterns doesn't really make it better. Then Jewish immigrants set up their own gangs as well, but they were more murder for hire and drug dealing. They acted as muscle for the Italians. The pattern can all be traced back to the Irish.