>voluntarily drops out of gene pool
>"I'm redpilled right?"
Voluntarily drops out of gene pool
Other urls found in this thread:
>refuses to make slaves for kikes or makes them using Biblical or brand new methods made only from males that don't repeat the fall of man method
Hrm. But this is a 1 post by this clammosexual thread for sure
The question is why struggle and try to fix the world, when only far right men care and everyone else is a fking degenerate.
I think MGTOWs really just need to think very thoroughly about any possible candidate. Women can be extremely manipulative, and you need to really get to know them before settling with them.
I find it interesting that Sup Forums specifically keeps noticing this obvious point whereas MGTOWs don't.
Is it correlated with this streak of white ethno-nationalism as well?
What's the underlying thing which makes Sup Forumsacks so insecure and conscious about the propagation of their own genes?
>raises another man's child
>"I'm redpilled right?"
Kikes organise through vaginas now so they hate penises and chop them off. Look at the homo hate threads. Look at the marion macron threads. Look who puts refugees here. This board is nuts sometimes. Absolutely nuts
The fact that everyone but polacks are on the path of self destruction.
And only discipline , honor , tradition can keep straight path towards better future.
Why hasn't this strategy worked in 6,000 years? Why are you adjusting yourself for synagogue of satan ugly lying evil rabbis?
That doesn't really address the underlying issue.
All the rage-threads showing dark-skinned guys with white women - I mean for example, does your average Sup Forumsack stay aware to a certain extent of the fact blue eyes, etc, are recessive genes?
I'm just curious if it's insecurity or if Sup Forums has some sort of foresight - if so - what is it?
Nature is sure to weed out the weak when they refuse to procreate. This is the game we're given, only those who participate will make a difference.
Are you kidding? /pol is now a pro race-mixing board and they worship a kike puppet and they approve of casual sex, but then they turn around and talk about how le red pilled and prude and traditional they are. That's the current trend in western society, to act conservative while still continuing to be a degenerate piece of trash.
You're incoherent.
>wastes half his lifetime raising a retarded fucking creature
>i-i'm redpilled right?
Why do you care so much?
This. If you arent having a minum of 3 white children before you die you need to leave Sup Forums
>ynagogue of satan ugly lying evil rabbis
Satan is a good guy, he has never done anything bad to anyone. He just shitposts a bit.
Otherwise he wants to enlighten you,
>Why hasn't this strategy worked in 6,000 years
It has to be periodically renewed.
Not at all, it is to avoid being trapped in a vicious circle made by feminists and liberals. Better have no child (that will probably fuck niggers since the child will be raised by a single mother) than having one and provide for and never profit from your own life. Get a grip
>"I'm redpilled right?"
Feminism for males. Enjoy justifying your own failures and thinking of it as a 'movement'. You faggots got jewed so bad.
SoTyrone and Laquisha shit out 4 niglets, absorb welfare, raise shitty kids who end up being nothing but criminals, are more successful human beings than say Tesla?
Genes don't play a role here, personal culture an ideology.
If a nigger on average were rich and smart and productive then it would be noticeably easier for ppl to accept mixed relationships.
Instead all you see is "aight aight nigga nigga". so obviously you want to steer in direction of perfection.
Youre a weak bitch who cant piece together simple sentences so you get paid to obfuscate. Very easy posts. You dont like what you see in the mirror. Not my problem
So. Feminism is bad. But dont be chauvanist lest you be a feminist. Sounds like the logic of a circumcised manlet
Anyone can say on the internet about how he wants to fuck a handicaped abo but that does not mean that person would do it IRL.
After you
We need White Sharia, not MGTOW.
Is it degenerate to lick girl's butt holes?
>i know you are but what am I?
No need. Your hero caused all deaths and sins anyways. Through the social domineering woman of late anyways. She was always the fuck up. Your father too. So you keep enabling your shitty non-"religion" of politics
You never go ass-to-mouth!
I agree, I'm in a fucking bad place, I feel guilty that I'm not fighting the decline my race but believe in tradition so I want to marry first. But feminism and family courts ruined marriage and destroyed trust in marriage, so the only person that wouldn't abandon me is either a catholic (who won't marry me as I am not a catholic) and Non-Brits, but I despise inter-racial breeding. I can only marry a very small minority to begin with, then they have to be compatible and I have to actually like them, leaving me with next to no-one to marry.
>implying voluntary eugenics isn't enlightened
That means with an object of penetration. You think there aren't two sphincters there or that her puss is some hygienic thing? Dont make me laugh
autism on the loose
MGTOW is retarded.
I bought my own house and let the girl Im with live with me for money pr month, like a rent system.
Don't worry man let's just forget about all the losers who are not reproducing and let our based womyn decide who deserves to reproduce.
What could possibly go wrong?
I really like eating ass :(
In a biological perspective, yes they are more successful.
>Is created by God
It's not that you claim Satan is a creator
>He had ONE rule
>you didn't follow it so you flood the earth with your menstruations trying to say God is your evilness and your snake is goodness
This is autism? Look in the fucking mirror
All fiat money is a worthless interest payment. Start looking into the sept 23 threads
I was quoting "Clerks II"
There's your first mistake, I didn't volunteer. I was drafted.
The bottom 60% of men have no choice in the matter.
Woe unto them bearing children when Christ returns. I know it's more edgy and fun to imitate your jewish brethren on this board but im gone and this is all you need to know
The sheer volume and dedication Sup Forums dedicates to race mixing with minority women only tells me that it's a sentiment which is very strong here.
Sept 23 threads?
And they're referring to putting a dick in the ass, then putting it in the mouth.
God Is Evil, he created life that needs to kill other life (inflict pain on other life) just to survive.
That's a fucked up practical joke,god is fucked in the head.
>you need to really get to know them before settling with them.
I can squeeze blood from a stone before this happens. You can marry a woman they years later you find out she was a sex worker that worked for interracial gangbang porno brothel because some reporter showed up wanting to do a documentary about her life as a sex worker. In fact I wouldn't even be surprised if this actually happened already.
Where is the pol dating thread?? Cause I'm annoyed and female.
Yeah. Revelation chapter 12 in the skies basically...
>saves a boatload of money by not letting a dumb cunt spend all your cash on shoes, a new car every year, and whatever other bullshit
>retire early
>hire an Eastern European surrogate to carry two white children for you
>Buy a good house for yourself and the kids
>Spend all your time raising them well, no worry about alimony, child support, divorce fucking up the kids etc
Marriagecucks btfo
Depends on if you have indefinite lifespan or not user.
No, that's what happens once you swallow the blackpill.
>Cause I'm annoyed and female.
Post penis
Im not leaving. I get pissed and make those claims. Then see these old shitty one liners of your guys' and I figure I'll stay. Man. From ground. Receives breath of life. Serpent. Toils in the fields. Sees woman's creation. That she did not come from ground or get that breath but came from Adam. Knows who to corrupt. Goes to her. They know not to lay you. Doesnt go to adam. Goes to woman. She lays serpent. Lays adam. Get banished. How is this evil? How is He imposing anything on you? You told her she wouldnt die. Is Eve alive right now? No. You are a liar. You killed them. Not God
Is the surrogacy an actual thing?
Yep. Ronaldo used two of em. Hagar, too in the Bible. And king david was bisexual :)
influx of plebittors redpill them
Here's the funniest thing about MGTOW... I might even make a thread about it.
Okay, so I'm old... im 39 years old. I still look young though and I'm in decent shape etc...
I was a ladies man back in my day... I literally fucked a different girl every day in my 20s..
But I haven't been getting pussy the past few years.. AND unemployed AND living with my mother lol...
Well, I said "fuck women" and started watching MGTOW videos and reading MGTOW threads on Sup Forums etc...
I liked the concept of it... and I was already living the MGTOW lifestyle because I was getting no pussy anyway... but this made made it easier to accept.
So, I was MGTOW for like three days, but every day I thought like it was a dumb idea because it made no sense to give up on life and not "make white babies" etc...
Well, the funny thing is... after being MGTOW for only three days, I re-evaluated my life.
I got a job after only one day of trying, started dressing in suits, moved out of my mother's house, and literally get any girl I want... and I only like girls between the ages of 22 to 28 usually.
And I did all of this starting in the middle of February. So it took me no time at all.
So MGTOW is good... because you either stay MGTOW and are happy... or it enables you to re-evaluate your life because it takes a lot of pressure off you. It's like starting fresh.
why do people keep posting these types of threads? they just attack peoples self esteem, convincing virgins not to date. Stop driving a wedge between men and women, that's exactly what (((they))) want you to do
That whole post made no sense. What did he say that made you think he was talking about chauvinism?
The phrase "women's liberation" is a phrase invented only by Jewish intellectualism, and it's content is shaped by the same spirit. The Western woman never needed to be emancipated during the heights of our civilization. She possessed exactly the gifts that nature had given her to manage and preserve our race, exactly as man in his good times never needed to fear that he would be forced out of his role in relation to women. This division and breakdown of traditional roles is perpetuated by the Jew (see involvement in Frankfurt School, Sexual Revolution, Womens suffrage, etc.) as it leads to the very breakdown of the structure that holds society together.
If one says man's world is the state, his work, man's world is his struggle, then one could say that the world of woman is a smaller one. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home.
It is not appropriate when woman forces her way into man's world, instead we perceive it as natural when these two worlds remain separate. What man offers in heroic courage on the battlefield, woman offers in ever patient devotion, suffering, and endurance. Each child that she brings into the world is a battle that she wages for the existence of her people.
The Jewish intellectual attempts to disrupt this natural order and entice women with the opportunity of "equality", meaning an entrance into the world of man. However, a woman is simply not meant for this role, and when women abandon their traditional role, it leads to conflict, it leads to demoralization and divisive movements like MGTOW and feminism, it leads to disintegration of the family unit, and eventually extinction. Sup Forums needs to understand that hating women is not the answer, as many have been corrupted by (((academics))) and (((media))). They just need direction.
You need to be that man and you need that woman in your life in order to continue our race. Do not lose sight of that, do not fall for Jewish divide and conquer tactics.
Okay I'll start. 22/F/German-American only wanting white German heritage (ideally), no Jews. I love eating cheese, wursts, drinking beer and making children. Now you go. Post vag pic pls.
No no no. Kikes bring penis and vagina together. Be contrarian. The 144,000 is such a tiny number because why? Because they ban men who've ever touched a pussy. How many of those do you know in existence who can trace their blood to be of a jewish tribe and be recognised? Not many
Who have I killed?
Why does a child have to pay for the faults of the father?
Where is the justice in that?
Adam should pay for his own sins, why does every one of his children have to bare the punishment?
Your god is a psycho. who says
he won't kill anyone , then next day he wipes out entire cites or even entire civilizations.
You type like a dipshit
>I still look young though and I'm in decent shape
Most of us here are obese nerds with micro penises so reevaluation won't work for us.
Sure it made sense. Everything I say makes grammatical sense with 98-D liars and with difficult concepts. Chauvanism is the word for male "feminism". I am very good at turning shitty traditional right wing lies on their ass. Chauvinism is not a bad word like you are implying and many other have. We own women. They are not allowed to use our new circumcision methods like we do. Nor to speak about the religion. But we turned all that on its ass like everything else. They run shit now and do whatever the fuck it is they want
>"the thing that make whites different from blacks is empathy!"
>breeds, condemning a human soul to be a slave for the rest of his/her life
Only true whites understand that, unless this generation changes the world, there is no reason to make another potential harem member of Ahmed.
Adam did not transgress. He chose to take the sin she already made by laying her. Her gullibility and actions were her sin. Adam never lay the devil. You support him. You are of Cain and of him. Have some personal responsibility. Sins of fathers lines are biblical lines. No places for you from which to quote
That's actually yourself but who's counting, cry baby hypocrite whiner of irrelevancies?
It is just a result of High IQ men having larger sex drive and being more risk averse. Being with women today is a huge risk, you are more likely to lose your wealth investing in a woman than in the stock market. So why not just take the money you would be spending on women on investing in the S&P500.
You can't argue with that logic.
Timestamp or didn't happen
I meant to say lower sex drive, not larger sex drive
>Women can be extremely manipulative, and you need to really get to know them before settling with them.
Why the fuck settle with them then? pump and dump then move on with them.
I can give you my OKCupid info??
Do you speak French? Because you don't sound like you speak English
Then god is an asshole who has worse morality than his creations.
I dont beat a dog for pooping., because I love the dog
God makes you and your children cursed , because someone somewhere fucked up.
What a twisted fuck,
Heard you the first time. You wanna debate? Stick to your own objections regarding chauvanism or be quiet
>This thread
Well you've already pinpointed your problem...
Stop being obese. Just don't eat sweets.. so that means no candy or chocolate or candy bars. You can still eat chips etc... just don't eat sweets. Get yourself some light dumbells and lift in your room for 15 minutes a day. The ONLY thing you're allowed to drink is water.
As for a micro penis... it will get bigger as you lose fat... and shave your pubic hair. Problem solved.
A picture of literally just your hand and a piece of paper with the date and Sup Forums written on it.
>tfw you dump cute smart girl because she's white and You're not
>tfw your new sexy Latina girlfriend is a disgusting degenerate
Seriously this. Women are depreciating in value every day, since their value is in their looks. Men grow in value. Thanks logic. You are my friend.
Hard to counter that flag, Iceland
True, lowest crime rates, all white
take me pls
But will that make women any better than niggers? I think not.
What did the devil's dick bring you? Are you immortal like he promised you? Fuck no. Farrrr from it! Everybody can be saved but you need to work at it. Why are you obsessing about your own life? Rebelling so hard? In all this time. Everybody who's lived. Has died. If you dont correct your dog he will eat your face let alone shit on the floor. Marriage is a temporary fix for your own corruption that doesn't exist in heaven. And wont exist here in the future
Better than being a wage slave, lose the house, can't see your kids, pay alimony and child support up the whazoo. Then live in a tiny appartment or become a deadbeat dad who can't pay CS and alimony.
Your cousins, sibblings will have kids and they are genetically related to yourself.
>1 post by this id
What the fuck is wrong with you? I dont have opinions on chauvinism, I don't care, people can hate who they want
Interesting, are you post op or pre op?
Get out from my country Pedro.
Capitalism mother fuckers.
There is a reason why alot of rich men are gay, or made their wealth before getting married. That's because a woman will steal your wealth and take you away from your hobbies.
Give me Vinland back and it's a deal
>letting your wife stay home alone all day
She should be taking care of a child or working
Im quite fine with dying, even after hell you finally die.
Rather than serving a murderer and a god that throws curses left right and center on faultless people.
Eternity is scarier than final death.
IF you want to live forever go ahead I prefer finite existence,
Why dont you go ahead and read what you said to me about it from three posts ago. Saying i make no sense. Then my post back to you again. On that same topic. That you then repeated I'm french? This is because you have nothing substantive to say. The fuck do you mean "what am I talking about"? Your tactic of losses and then shifting your goal posts onto my perfect grammar is not my problem nor is it a way to win any debates or arguments. Go away
after my ex broke up with me and i found out she had been talking to another guy for about a month i discovered mgtow and went to an actual "meetup"
no joke, this is what 90% of the guys looked like. Pudgy, un-showered slobs.
Several older and bitterly divorced guys as well but before falling for the mgtow cult it may be better to get in shape and socialize with people.
If you're a normie, do not even entertain the idea of mgtow.
Nobody is saying anything like that. You keep talking of an evil spirit or masculinity keeping you down like hippies and "the man". You say He's evil. Now He's a murderer. But I told you how He's not. And how yours is. Everything you say is a projection away from your precious baphomet. If you think hell is tolerable then jump in phosphorus right now
Empowering women destroys society. People have knows this for thousands of years. Feminism will be the death of the western world. Our culture will be replaced by the only system that works, a highly-conservative patriarchy where women live to raise children