Ask me anything. Please be nice and I will answer your questions respectfully.
Muslim immigrant to Italy here
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Is it true that Italy has so few attacks because their government routinely negotiates with terrorists?
fuck mexico
build wall now spic
Why not emigrate to Saudi?
Would you not be happier in a muslim nation? Why have you chosen to infest our great white nations?
Hey, I'm a real muzzy here, I can comfirm shit.
Is it all about the money for you?
Are you staying in Italy, or is it just a stepping stone to get to northern Europe?
IF Islam is so great why are all your nations shitholes?
why don't you do us a favor a die?
..a je shqiptar?
How do you feel about Muhammad being a pedo?
Are you just here to spread the muslim seed? Or do you actually like Europe?
I am an ordinary person my brother. I do not know such things.
I agree. I don't like Mexicans either. Sad that in 100 years the USA will be a Hispanic country.
I don't like Saudis.
By Allah, this is not bait.
Maybe. But Muslim nations are not economically as good. My ideal nation would be socially conservative but economically developed. I can practice social conservatism in Italy, while also having a good job.
its not fair that you a filthy fucking arab nigger gets to go to europe while i who am of italian descent am stuck in this nigger shithole
fuck you piece of shit i hope u get gassed
What's the difference between Arabs and Italians? They look the same to me. Do Italians even notice that you are an immigrant?
why do you hate us?
What kind of work do you do?
Are you there on a working visa/whatever or are you now a citizen?
Aloha snack bar back to your homelands sand nigger
No. But a man has to earn a living.
Staying in Italy for now.
It is the cycle of civilizations. If white people are so great, why were you shit in the year 1000 AD? If Christianity is so great, why were you fucked by Muslims for 600 years?
Not without impregnating 70 young white virgins.
This is completely a meme. The age was exaggerated by later Muslims, and it is in a book 200 years after Muhammad's death. The true age was probably much older.
I respect Europe's culture, but not it's social and cultural degeneracy. I like Europe as it was in the 1930s.
If you're honest do you want a caliphate? Would you love to see the birth of a muslim rule in Europe?
>he will never taste top tier prosciutto
might as well move to Sweeden
What will you do when the current heretical pope is disposed and a new true pope rises and starting a crusade?
I don't care much, it was a common thing in Arabia.
How does it feel about Jesus, praise be upon him, being a complete liberal hippie?
A crow can tell himself from a raven, but all pidgeons look the same to him.
Berbers, who are much closer to Iberia than arabs are very much different, compared to southern europeans. And we are different compared to arabs, Some traits such as the triangular hair line and the striaght nose is absent for example in most arab specimen.
> It really is a shame that the USA is being overrun by swarthy, backwards, inbred foreigners.
> Oh yeah, my idea of a perfect man is still a rapist warlord who never did anything in the world but use fire and sword against those who would not submit. All those facts we have about him raping literal 9 year olds? Exaggerated, bro. She was really 8. ALLAHU AKBAR!
Kek. Your country is being cucked by that Jew hedge fund guy Paul Singer right? I feel sorry for your people. You are squeezed by Jews, but still you will hate Muslims.
I am Afghan. So practically white.
Have got nothing against you, my Polish brother.
Skilled labor. Don't want to be too specific.
Make me nigger.
Would Islam not solve your problem with degeneracy?
Do you not think Europe would be safer without Muslim immigration? Although small in number, it only takes a few lone wolves to kill many and why should we tolerate this? Fuck off
where in Italy?
Either you´ve met the right arabs or the wrong italians.
Why don`t all of you kill themselves and go to get your virgins? It will make you and us all very happy, is a win/win situation.
Yes. But that is not in my personal interests. Should have thought of that before interfering in our countries.
When will Sup Forumstards learn radical Islam is the next step in its evolution?
fuck off and die if real, if you need help ask a american
Define degeneracy? Also, YOU ARE NOT WHITE, stop deceiving yourself.
How does it feel to look exactly like the typical Italian wop?
Go worship your kike on a stick, i'd take a successful warlord who never lost a battle in leadership over a person who did this and that and then got crucified. Enjoy feminism, faggots and especially trannies, my righteous murican friend.
I have seen American soldiers crying in Afghanistan. Your country has been unable to win a war there in 16 years. You are nothing.
Why are muslims so happy to side with multiculturalists and leftists when their moral codes should absolutely repulse you?
> Would Islam not solve your problem with degeneracy?
I'm totally in for destroying leftists/feminists, but your religion teaches to kill or make second class citizen those people who are not willing to change to islam. I'm not religious at all, don't force any religion onto me.
Is it true that a mudslime dick is just as big as a black one? I'm asking for a friend
Oh yes, because it's us normal citizens that decide to invade your shit hole countries?
Either way, I don't buy into guilt politics, stay where you fucking belong.
>Not having european pasport because he's a brown nigger
Mostly an acceptance tactic. I will gladly vote conservative if they don't talk against me.
It is a bit like with the Jews. When you are a minority, you want to be liberal. When you are a majority, you want to be conservative.
The Holocaust didn't happen
Why are western conservatives so against islam when they literally have so many things in common with them?
You're the ones pushing muslims away dumbass.
its 2017 you delusional mong. stop with the excuses
Do you believe, based on your own opinions and your interactions with other Muslims, that a lot of what's being seen in Europe now is blowback from Western interference in the Middle East? If so, what can Westerners do to remedy the situation?
Are you at least a white Muslim? (Bosnian, Albanian, Tatar, etc...)
did the holocaust happen?
>by Allah
this is bait
Totti o Immobile?
Yes, absolutely. And the answer is simple: GTFO of Muslim countries.
But the fact is the western (((elite))) will never let that happen. They'd gladly let you ordinary folk die in battles or killed in terrorist attacks, just so they can siphon your tax money and keep you in control.
lend your wife and you'll be fine bru
If you a refuge you are just a fag who fled your country you are scum, if your not go back and help buit it up.
Kebab'd any Spicy Signora? or are you the traditional family values guy?
Lmao, yes the us won even though they poured trillions into that way. Sure, live in your own dreamworld.
Good post, thanks.
Yes he is white
have you ever given oral sex to goat?
Do not ever speak that word again.
Satan is summoned whenever spoken.
If ever there is to be world peace then Islam must die. Completely.
All Muzzies no matter how friendly are evil and must either repent or die,
have you tried the Prosciutto?
Afghan white? No.
Do you want Western nation's to become islamic? Do moderate muslims wish for Western nations to become islamic as well?
I don't really care about degeneracy in the sense that people should be allowed to do what they want. I think muslims should be allowed to live in the West but they should keep their practices at home and not enforce them upon others. Though religious Western traditions should be allowed to practiced openly (ie. Christmas) since it's the "base" religion of the West
For me he is white
and for the people of the new world yes too
>Kebab'd any Spicy Signora? or are you the traditional family values guy?
I have traditional family values but I am as yet unmarried so I have an Italian girlfriend. But when I decide to marry I will choose a good Muslim woman for family life.
I sometimes wonder if this is true. To be honest, I feel sad a nation as great as yours is governed entirely by Jews.
Mhm, maybe getting a job would be a step in the right direction? Maybe some aderol?
baiter del cazzo s
The day of the rope will come for you
no he isn't.
They just kill Muslims down there if they start getting rowdy from what I've heard.
true, they are not white. but tell me, would you not? i know i would :D
Who is gonna kill it, Galen?
Natural selection, in twist of fate is favouring those who are thought to be inferior in appearance.
Women in the west keep spreading their legs for refugee genes.
>Inb4 screencapd his own post
Afghans are Persians. You're telling me Persians aren't white?
It's a solution I support wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, most are so easily propagandized.
Thanks for responding.
It is white.
>Race equals nationality
New world as in mutts? He is not white by definition and certainly not European.
Just because you want something to be real doesn't mean it is.
t. pure southern white
a dying breed, whatever your opinion is bro
Will you please fuck off back to your country of origin? Italy is for pope people, not rug worshippers
OP whats your opinion on the Italian entry to the eurovision next sunday? He's rumored to do very well.
From a purely Muslim perspective, what issues do you feel are most affecting Islam and to what degree do you feel Muslims themselves are responsible for these?
Will you be my friend?
Just because you think that what is real now will be real tomorrow doesn't mean it will be
there's no point in being a muslim in italy
I am going to bater thr next muzzie I see.
Fuck you all I hate you from my bones
don't talk... I was in Barcelona last week and it was pretty much the same experience as any Arab city
Aren't you afraid that as more muslim's come western European nations you will just fuck them up just as badly as the majority muslim nations?
>GTFO of my muslim country
Well You GTFO of Europé, you damn hypocrite.
I hope the mafia finds you and sells you off as a slave.
You know your time is coming. Italy isn't a country you want to be in.
where will be the next happening?
Why is a muslim in Italy?
>It is the cycle of civilizations. If white people are so great, why were you shit in the year 1000 AD? If Christianity is so great, why were you fucked by Muslims for 600 years?
Why are muslims unable to defend islam without saying
>Christianity is bad too!!11!!
are you actually going to attempt to integrate and welcome the local culture into your own or will you be isolationist and drum up extremism?
Sorry, did that rattle you too much? I know it's never good to piss off your kind, please sir, I don't want to be beheaded!
it s a shit song . not OP the larper btw