Why are white people so violent against blacks Sup Forums?

Why are white people so violent against blacks Sup Forums?

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I too would like to know

Its in France, Native French are praying, and a nigger walks over blaring music or some shit. So a Crusader punches his nigger ass out.

Thats about it, sad for said Crusader, they just lost to a man that will import even more of said nigger.

>posting a bait thread with a webm you have no idea about
>that nigger was blasting loud music and being rude
>implying that isnt enough of a reason
guy shouldnt have punched him out, but if your going to be an edgy faggot and be "muh sky god, why are you worshiping a sky fairy" type asshole then your going to get punched in the face by someone.

stupid niggers

Frenchies having a vigil after terrorist attack, mudslime faggot laughs so angry guy who probably lost a loved one decks him.

French people praying in front of a church that was going to be destroyed.
Nigs comes in blasting music and being disrespectful.

On average niggers are much more violent and everyone knows it

Actual Blacks are more violent towards whites. Blacks are more than 2x more like to kill a white than to be killed by a white(FBI extended Homicide Data table 6, 2013).

OP, because of all their racism against whites.

after decades of racism against whites, as thankyou for helping the blacks,

the actio = reaction principle kicks on.

the pendulum will hit blacks hard methinks.

and i think it's good. they need their bill served.

whites are WAYYYYYYYY to kind of a people.

It isn't enough of a reason. Civilized people don't escalate violence. A true believer in their Faith would have taken the annoyance as a test of will, he proved he's neither religious nor respectable by devolving into physical violence. Maybe it had nothing to do with race, but the white guy definitely wanted to "be tough", not like he was scared for his life or anything. All he had to lose was his shame, which as far as I can tell is the first thing you give up as a religious person. If you want to live your life punching out people that bother you fine, but don't pretend to be on God's side and if I were you I would expect a bullet or some other deadly fast moving object to strike you one of these days.


More black poeple.

More Arab men.

More Mexicans.

More nigger tier Asians.

More communists.

More race mixers.

More rapists.

More thieves.

More murderers.

More terrorists.

More anti-intellectualism.

More foreign religions.

More anti-whites.


The Nigger put a jihadist song (nasheed) with his phone to disturb the prayer.

Based left hander


Only works with sucker punches, blocking your right side is easier in a fight.

>A true believer in their Faith would have taken the annoyance as a test of will

No true Scotsman fallacy

>but don't pretend to be on God's side and if I were you I would expect a bullet or some other deadly fast moving object to strike you one of these days.

Now veiled threats....how much of a nigger are you? Half-nigger or full nigger?

In violent areas, left handed people survive the most.

They're unsure why it is.

Is shaved head a thing in france now?

I could see that if you did things like pickpocket, knife, or jump people the left hand is better because it's less expected. Also I could see that if someone was going to rob you, and they think to restrain your dominant hand, they would be restraining the wrong one.

The first shall be last and the last shall be first, if the violence starts with you it shall also end with you.

This is accurate. Just look at the Africans sway as he walks. He was looking to shit on them.

read the bible you hippie

Holy shit, he clacked his ass.

Kingdom of trash.

See, right now I'm Jesus, telling you to GTFO with your violent shit from religious discussion, my analogies are the pommel, and my references the tongues of the whip as you slither off to another thread. Here's one right across your gnarly backside: "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also." Matthew 5:39
By the way, I've read the old and new testament, the quran, and a few books on Scientology. I'd say you haven't read much, seeing as how you need memes to connect yourself to the text.

Love the way the honey in the blue dress gave zero fucks. Real woman.