I'm mobile right now, pardon the tripcode

I'm mobile right now, pardon the tripcode.

I'm looking to leave this state. It's too expensive and it's going to become a penal colony before 2020. We can't even legally elect anyone who is against the left here. That said i've got to find a new state but I'm not sure where to go. So in addition to plenty of Google searches about different states which ones are the least cucked?
-actual gun rights.
-reasonable cost of living.
-not being destroyed by liberals fleeing and recreating the conditions they are fleeing.
-good schools, not filled with communist.
-friendly population, not full of soulless husk of human bodies.
-preferably has a very active tech field.
-lots of affordable homes for sale.

Austin, TX.

Phoenix AZ

Don't bring your cuck friends with you

I'm on my own, and googling.

Calai native here
Living in Georgia.
>land for $1,200 an acre
>10% of the population has conceal carry permits
>can legally open carry at airports (before security of course)
>concealed campus carry went into effect last week.
>random people wave hello when you drive past them.
>Georgia has tax credits for movie/TV productions (you'll notice the "made in Georgia" logo/message after some shows and cartoons)
>schools suck. Homeschooling is an option, or plan ahead and base home purchase on some of the few decent school districts we have

*Cali native, on mobile.

Stay where you are, there are enough Californians in Arizona already. You all leave under the same pretenses, I'm a gun owning conservative blah blah blah, then you come here and make it like the shithole you're from.

Any southern state. Especially Texas though.

They make other states shithole by voting for the Democratic candidates like they were taught in highschool. (Yes they literally tell you who to vote for in highschool.) And then they push for the same hippy laws that inflate the price of living in their home state. I know what I'm leaving and how not to bring it with me.

Don't go to Austin it's fucking California transplant city


>random people wave hello when you drive past them.
are you sure they're not waving for you to pass them?

Orem / Provo ut

Northern Kentucky is a nice area with good politics, four seasons, low cost of living, and friendly people.

Raleigh, North Carolina
Nashville, Tennessee
Madison, Wisconsin

Don't listen to this dweeb Sup Forums. It's not illegal to vote for a Republican here, he's just false flagging to scare off people from voting Republican.

Fuck off, we're full
Stupid Californians move here every fucking day and they suck at driving

No on Texas. No on Arizona. Georgia looking good so far, not sure because of tornado season cutting close to the region. Preemptive no on Florida.

Due to the laws here only the two candidates that polled the highest can run for office, and because of the big cities the two are always Democrats. In effect a republican can't run for office.

Don't be a cuck. Stick it out and wait for the collapse. Current housing bubble is about to burst so RE will be (relatively) cheap in 2-3 years. And when the SHTF watching all these unarmed free shutters get owned by the Oligarchy's law enforcement will be gold. They're going to eat each other. After that it's the right wing versus the bourgeois. Should be fun. Just keep your weapons clean and unregistered.


Not if you're in a GOP district. Save up and move to a GOP stronghold. The places the niggers and low life Hispanics can't afford to live. And Prop 13 is never getting overturned so you'll have a low tax base for life if you buy post bubble. Once social services break down you'll get to live the zombie apocalypse against a bunch of unarmed liberal free shit army targets. Good times!

Haha fuck you if you think Austin isn't full of hipsters and lefties. Get fucked

Have fun dying in the heat in Phoenix AZ.

This city couldn't exist without water being pumped into the damned desert.

Probably Pittsburgh

Best colleges in America
Best hospitals in the entire world
Technology sector that rivals Beijing
Cheap cost of living

Plus best sports teams on earth

Georgia has hurricanes and niggers.

Arizona has no natural disasters

Just pick anywhere in Kentucky that isn't a trailer park and you'll be fine. Be aware that libs are present in the counties surrounding Louisville and Lexington.

Eastern Washington

Phoenix literally only gets as hot as southern California even at it's hottest. It's those temperatures more often, but it's not exactly hotter and it's actually much better heat. California gets wet humid 110 - Phoenix gets crisp clean dry 110. Feels way better and cooler.

We can't save up you asshat. We are loosing too much to the high taxes as well as food and gas prices. Those are currently higher than our incomes, I'm stuck living with another person to make ends meet and keep a roof over our heads. Difference is they have family they can live with later. I don't.

Nooo we don't need more cali assholes here

Holy Fuck OP
>I want to move somewhere else, where a commune of people will take care of me, so I can be more socialized, somewhere outside of this hellish state.

I am in California and even I know you are a weak willed piece of shit looking to spread your fucking shameless virus. Stay here so we can keep your ass contained until the days of cleansing.

Fucking Christ, its almost like you're gargling cock as you type this shit.

Fuck off
we're full

madison wi is ok. the libs are not wild savages yet like in chicago and prob mke. the libs are mostly 18-23 year old babies who have had everything given to them. most just need a big hard cock, others death.

only a few commie fags in the town too, they probably are paid to show up

its getting more exp, but other things u would normally need u dont really need der

I don't want a fucking commune. I'm asking for a place that let's one make an effort to feed himself without taxing him into starvation.


If you can't figure out how to live your own life in Cali, with fucking EVERYTHING available to you within Uber distance, what the fuck makes you think you can live out your own life where you need to work for a living?

Face it, slacker, you will just make up more excuses how the man is keeping you down and it's not your fault. Grow a fucking pair and be a man.

Michigan, most segregated state in the union.

Employs the second most engineers in the country, behind California only. And Michigan Deer Hunters are the fourth largest armed force in the world.

I feel bad for Austin and Texas, all the California faggots are ruining those two cities.

Well all the fucking mexicans are ruining california so

I bust my ass for 11 an hour nine hours day in and day out and then play house husband for the flat mate whos stuck with two jobs and isn't sleeping long enough. Your the one who needs to kill themselves you larping faggot. We don't even qualify for the fucking commie assistance programs here.

Georgia on stand by, Michigan being looked at. Wisconsin is a no.

Cry me a fucking river you snowflake. I busted my ass for twenty years in construction before starting my own business. Just because you aren't capable of organizing your shit doesn't make it the boogie man's fault. Your job doesn't cut it? Find another. Mexican took your job? Learn a fucking worthwhile skill. Too much taxes? Try living in your means.

Damn, are you a nigger?

aren't you that same faggot complaining about arizona and wanting to leave it?

Ignore OP, he's a whiny faggot

>20 years in construction
>on Sup Forums
What are you a fucking boomer, fuck off this state is ridiculous, taxes are absurd in this state and by working here and paying them you directly support the biggest ZOG state

i think you should go to ohio. there probably going to get a bust of new jobs soon

Starting your own business? We can't even do that here anymore without a big fucking loan. And good luck ever paying that off.
Not me actually.
Opening new tab.

my apologies then, carry on

rather agree, I live in north GA and the commute to Atlanta is doable at an hour and fifteen minutes or so, and with that much of a commute you can be pretty out in the sticks like i prefer.

cost of living and land is cheaper than all hell as the other fella said, and i do enjoy the folk around here. nice place.

maybe consider northern Alabama as well, in vicinity of Huntsville

I hear Omaha, Nebraska is a good place.

>Starting your own business? We can't even do that here anymore without a big fucking loan. And good luck ever paying that off.
Seriously, between "it's too hard" and "they won't let me" I'm beginning to think you're just a highschooler. Nobody wants a little bitch as their neighbor. When you grow up and learn to take care of yourself then maybe you can figure out how silly you are being now.

The price of starting a business in California is much higher than the rest of the union due to regulations imposed by the state government. This is common fuckin knowledge here that can be confirmed by a quick Google search.


you niggers saying ' fuck off were full' are fucking stupid. There are plenty of conservative right leaning people in CA who hold the same political values as you faggots. Our corrupt government keeps us from having a voice.

Move to the Inland Empire. If you're not a skilled worker or in the least bit an entrepreneur (ie wage slave) LA/OC Metro isn't for you. But you don't necessarily have to leave the state. It's a cyclical we're at a nadir income/COL in my opinion. Leaving the state without skills, which in assuming you don't have by your income, could get you in an even deeper hole.

Austin is literally the most liberal place since california

I gave up my guns 2 years ago and never looked back. Only thing that will get me back to Austin is my visa running out or a job offering 6 figures GBP

I'll consider it.