The country of Fremasonry voted for a Rothschild banker
Who is this dyke demon
Short haired women are cute, desu
andro qts are the ultimate redpill
we're all in agreement she looks more qt in the second pic right?
I have a weird thing abotu being attracted to buxom, short-haired women.
The short-haired thing might say I'm gay but I can't get it up unless they're pretty stacked too.
The greatest crimes of the SJWs is, without a doubt, turning tomboys into trannies.
Of course. She looks like a potato on the left
>no difference between USA and Canada
plz tat be my ai gf
red hair = red alert. It's a sign she sold her soul to judeobolshevism
no agruments here, I love tomboys
>americans find white trash cute
>Turning mentally ill people
>to another group of mentally ill people
what did Toronto mean by this?
That is feminist, cultural marxist brainwashing in higher education.
Whoooa she got a haircut
really makes me think hmmmmmmm
>The country of Fremasonry
First masonic lodge was created in England
white trash is hicks/hillbillies, not hipsters.
>all diseases are equal!
>the common cold is just as bad as brain cancer!
>tomboy is mental illness
Nothing disgusts me more than long hair, whether it's on a man or woman.
She looks cute with short hair :3
How are tomboys mentally ill?
Tomboys are like traps, but straight. Yes or No?
before Freemasonry there were the french liberals. Only years later they created Freemasonry
In the real world they are lesbians, liberals and anti-white but to the average reddi/pol/ they are nationalists with short hair.
Reminder that even Hitler liked short hair. It's a 100% patrician preference.
She's cute af
hnnnnggg dat pixie cut tho
Ashley pls come back.
This thread confirms.
Tomboys are God-tier.
Not gross lefties like your pic. Only conservative tomboys allowed.
>You realize France has been in the pocket of the Rothschild family for more than 300 years ...
>Rothschilds even gave the jews a ride on their trains to Germany!
yeah her face is cute enough she can pull off any hairdo. there are better examples of liberal hateface.
You sound like a faggot
I don't want HIV, plus her friends is cuter.
>somewhere, in an alternate timeline where Clinton won, Fafu exists.
I'd experience that timeline, just for her.
>The country of Fremasonry
sorry sweetie but your wrong.
>The country of Fremasonry voted for a Rothschild banker
Trump is a Rothschild banker?